Now Available: PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ

amackenzie Member, Employee Posts: 269 Solace Employee
edited September 2023 in Connectors & Integrations #1

I am pleased to announce the General Availability (GA) version of the Solace PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ v1.0.0 is now available!

The connector is the 1st of many connectors coming from Solace that leverage a new, common architecture built on various Spring framework technologies.

I introduced this new common architecture in a recent video found here and, as mentioned, this IBM MQ connector is just the 1st of many.

The Solace PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ bridges data between the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker and IBM MQ providing a flexible and efficient way to integrate IBM MQ application data with your Solace-backed, event-driven architecture, and the Event Mesh.

The connector is deployable standalone or in redundancy modes of “active-standby” or “active-active” to allow for high-availability and horizontal scaling of your data movement.

Each connector instance supports up to 10 individual workflows (source-to-target pipeline), minimizing the number of connector instances deployed and managed.

The use of various Spring Framework technologies allows for easy configuration of the connector, advanced logging capabilities, and export of live metrics data to external monitoring solutions.

The MQ connector uses the IBM MQ Classes for JMS to provide the data access to MQ Queue Managers.

Further information can be found in the User Guide (and Container User Guide) linked below.

I also did a short video that introduces the MQ Connector so you can have a look there, as well.

v1.0.0 of the connector can be downloaded from a variety of sources:

We are very excited about these new connectors and welcome community discussions around their use. Feel free to start and contribute to connector threads in this category on our Community site!
