OAuth2 Missing or invalid "expires_in" error with Azure Event Hubs connector
Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to Solace and I've been trying to setup the Azure Event Hubs connector. We are running Standard edition in a docker container. After following the wizard to configure the connector I'm getting an error back for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Authentication; Last Failure Reason: Missing or…
Integration Testing with Solace
All, I have a java based spring cloud stream application that publishes messages to solace topics based on an internal trigger. I am using StreamBridge to publish messages. I want to write integration test cases for it for which I need to bring up a solace server. Any idea on the best ways to do it? Thanks in advance!
webmethods JMS - Solace Integration
This document give basic Integration steps on Integrating webmethods with Solace Event broker for Pub-sub
Integration testing without a broker
Hi, I am using solace java jcsmp and want to do some integration tests across gradle modules. The main issue is that we can't use a solace broker in this particular case, so using a local container with the broker isn't an option. Is there an alternative such as mocking the broker somehow?
PubSub+ connection with NATS
Hello I need to get messages from a NATS (nats.io) plateform and publish them into PubSub+ where all our systems are connected I tried to find on nats.io a connector to PubSub+ (https://nats.io/download/#connectors-and-utilities) with no success. I tried to dig the forum with no success either. Is there already a connector…
Router does not support guaranteed subscriber flows
Hi SolaceDevs, We are facing below error while consuming the messages from the queue. Seems we will need to enable the Guaranteed message on message vpn and client-profile level but how can we enable on PubSub+ Cloud. Thanks, NaGG
Solace integration with Kafka over TCPS failing
I am trying to connect Solace cloud broker with Kafka. I have a topic in Solace cloud. I want to subscribe into the Solace topic through the pub-sub-plus source connector. Here are my Source Connector Configuration: { "name": "solaceSource", "config": { "name":"solaceSource", "kafka.topic":"solace-connector-test",…
Quarkus native and solace client issue
Hello, I'm developing an application with Quarkus and Solace. Quarkus allows you to compile java to a native application. Compilation is fine, but at runtime I have this issue: 2020-11-13 12:49:18,462 ERROR [io.qua.run.Application] (main) Failed to start application (with profile dev): java.io.FileNotFoundException:…
Solace Confirm Delivery pattern is always executes responseReceivedEx() method in every case in Mule
Solace Confirm Delivery pattern is always executing responseReceivedEx() method in every case, i am implementing JCSMPStreamingPublishCorrelatingEventHandler in my custom Connector in Mulesoft. weather the queue name is wrong or correct but it always goes in responseReceivedEx() method? Why?
Pub-Sub+ Standard issues when starting the container
Hi everyone, I wanted to retry to set up a broker today over Oracle Linux and there's a new version of the PubSub+ Standard broker ( As I'm using Solace's GCP Quickstart guide to do my broker instantiations, I use the install script provided. Everything ran smoothly in the past, but not today. :) In this new…
Solace Docker Issue @ Windows Home
Hi, I'm trying to install docker on my Windows 10 Home desktop box, but unable install with following error. Please suggest any workaroud for this issue without upgrading my windows OS :) Thanks in advance! Kuladeep
getting error trying to integrate Solace with Mulesoft using Solace JMS feature.
I have set all the properties required for the integration. But still I am getting below error ** Cannot instantiate class: com.solacesystems.jndi.SolJNDIInitialContextFactory java.lang.RuntimeException: org.mule.runtime.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException: org.mule.runtime.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException: Cannot…
PubSub+ interface for kdb+
Hi everyone, Kx just released Solace PubSub+ API for kdb+. It is a product of close collaboration between Solace and Kx and we are excited to have you try it! Here are just some of the ways PubSub+ can be of use to kdb+ devs: * efficiently distribute and consume data via pub/sub model, * usage of open APIs and protocols to…
Has any body implemented Solace Rest api
I was trying to integrate solace with mule using Solace rest api option. but I am not able to find correct documentation around it. I have already gone through below links https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-rest-messaging/publish-subscribe/ https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-rest-messaging but it didn't…