I am using the following script in a batch file and it is throwing error: PATH NOT FOUND. I have double checked the path of queue and can see it in pubsub+ broker. What am I missing here? ———————————————- @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set BROKER_ADDRESS= set USERNAME=admin set PASSWORD=admin…
SEMPv2 API : parameter in __private_monitor__ not in the public monitor
By checking the Solace console I found that the private_monitor__ contains a (query) parameter which is not present (or documented) in the url. Exemple for queue listing filtered by owner:…
Is that possible to get Broker information into json format with SEMPv1/curl?
Hi all, good morning I'm trying to query such information using the commands below, and I would like to know if I can get the output into json format? curl -u "user:pwd" "https://solace-broker-IP:443/SEMP" -d '<rpc><show><hardware><details></details></hardware></show></rpc>' curl -u "user:pwd"…
How to get a specific message body from a queue using a unique ID
I want to know the best way to get the message Body of a specific message instance in a queue. The method I use is the following: My software is calling the SEMP API to get a list of messages metadata like this: {{solace-admin-url}}/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/my-vpn-name/queues/myqueuename/msgs and the json response looks…
Legacy SEMP api body for config sync command ```assert-master message-vpn default```
Hello , I am looking for Legacy SEMP api for config sync command ```assert-master message-vpn default``` I was trying this as body """<rpc><admin><config-sync><assert-leader><message-vpn><default></default></message-vpn></assert-leader></config-sync></admin></rpc>""" or…
Receiving Queue Alerts in C#
I'm currently running into issues trying to subscribe to alerts from my queue. I currently have my queue set up where I should be getting threshold alerts when I have 2+ msgs in the queue. From https://docs.solace.com/Monitoring/Subscribing-to-MBus-Events.htm and…
How to provision RDP client users using SEMP
So we a process where we use Solace itself to forward messages to a REST endpoint. We have manually created a RDP using UI and configured queue binding, I would like to do it programatically using SEMP or any other method.
How to export queue configuration with SEMP API
I'm building a process to integrate Solace with CI/CD, where we need to export the queues from Dev to UAT as part of the deployment process. Basically developer create the queues in DEV using UI and then its moved to upper envs with automation. I could not find a way to export specific queues configurations using SEMP,…
How to return 'show current-config all' using SEMP API
Trying to construct an API request for the 'show current-config all' CLI command but not sure if this is possible for the SEMP API. Does anyone know if this is possible? Here is what I have tried with python. ``` requestBody = "<rpc><show><current-config><all/></current-config></show></rpc>" requestResponseObject =…
Is there way to bulk delete the queues
I need to delete multiple queue at one go, current SEMP api supports deleting single queue at time. Is there anyway we can delete multiple queues? Current SEMP delete queue api details
Get all messages from a queue
Dear Team, I have a requirement to retrieve all the messages from a queue at a given point of time. I believe On-demand JMS or Consume operations can only read one message per request. Do we have any parameter to configure in JMS or Consume operation in Mulesoft Soalce connector. Can we achieve this via SEMP apis? I would…
Timestamp for oldest message on a queue
Is there some simple way to get the timestamp of the oldest message on given queue with semp? For example is the list of message in getMsgVpnQueueMsgs ordered (see below)? Or can it be? Obivously the broker knows what first first message to be poped on a given queues is.
Introducing the "copy-message" command
Exciting news, Solace developers and administrators! You can now copy messages between queues! PubSub+ Event Broker version 10.0.0 has a new management command, copy-message, that lets a broker administrator copy a message from the replay log to a queue, or from one queue to another (like from a DMQ to a client’s queue).…
Hi, The Semp v2 java client built via swagger code gen doesn't appear to be able to handle a comma separated list of selects and where clauses. Using selects - queueName,msgs.count: ApiClient.buildUrl calls escapeString(value) which causes 'queueName,msgs' not a valid attribute. If i change the change to remove the…
Topic tracing
Hi Team, I have created 2 producer and 4 consumer using DMR and spring cloud. I want to trace my topic in solace portal like if I have produce topic from P1 and its consumed by C1 and C3 then where I can see the topic in Solace portal. I can see the Queue but What I want I want to see like topic consumerd by C1 with Topic…
Delete All the Messages on a Queue Using Legacy SEMP
For deleting all the messages on a queue you can use the following legacy SEMP command: admin message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name> delete-messages queue <queue-name>SEMP Request:<rpc semp-version="soltr/9_6VMR"> <admin> <message-spool> <vpn-name>vpn-name</vpn-name> <delete-messages> <queue-name>queue-name</queue-name>…
Pubsub+ Now Offers Configurable Replay Topics!
Hey Solace operations and developers! PubSub+ is taking the replay log to the next level of flexibility by allowing you to configure exactly which topic is mapped to your replay log. PubSub+ Event Broker 10.0.0 allows you to customize exactly which topics are sent to your replay log. Your broker administrator to configure…
Is there a way to get a Queue Created Date in Solace?
Hello All, I would like to know if there is a way to get the queue created date via SEMP API's or any other means in Solace? Have tried with SEMP Over Message Bus & Monitoring SEMP API but it does not speak about when the queue was created. Thanks Tejas Chowsalkar
House keeping for durable exclusive queues/DTEs having no consumer for a defined time
Hi, We want to implement a housekeeping mechanism for our Solace system so that durable exclusive queues/DTEs having no consumer for a defined time are deleted. We are thinking of the following approach. We implement a poller which looks at all the Queues/DTEs and finds out all the exclusive Queues/DTEs For each of them,…
Library to Unsubscribe Topic from Queue
Hi Community, I am exploring Solace and its Use Cases. Using Solace Java API Library we can create a Queue and subscribe a Topic to the Queue. Using SEMP Java Client Library we can Create and Delete a Queue. Using SEMP REST API we can create and delete Queue , subscribe a Topic to Queue and can also unsubscribe a Topic…
How to get the number of current consumers using SEMP V2
Hi, We're trying to find out how to retrieve the current number of queue consumers (TCP sessions) using the SEMP V2 API. The response of "GET SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}" does not contain this. Thank you :smile:
What s best way from java to delete a single Message in Queue
I use JSCMP queue. browser to loom up message inside a queue. Now i want to delete. some of this msssages and look for best way to do so. Is there a way via JSCMP? via SEMP i found that: https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/swagger-ui/action/index.html#/queue I was surprised a PUT was used for…
cli to legacy semp for session-idle-timeout
Hello Solace-Community, new Solace user here :smile: We are currently developing our own terraform solace provider and are now at a point where we want to be able to configure some broker settings through terraform. For that we are using the semp v2 api whenever possible but have to fall back to the legacy semp from time…
SEMPv2 - Your Solace Broker comes with the OpenAPI docs!
Beyond getting the SEMPv2 OpenAPI specs from our downloads page, did you know the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker allows you to access the openapi spec for the SEMPv2 API directly from it? You can access human readable docs at: * Config API - http://<HOST:PORT>/SEMP/v2/config/help * Action API -…
Delete all subscriptions from a queue in one shot
Hello, Is there anyway to delete all subscriptions in one shot from a queue using Legacy SEMP and SEMP V2? @nram @Aaron Thank you
Special characters (/, *,>,!) in SEMPv2
We have queue subscription topics that contain special characters like (/, asterick, !, >). We to want use SEMP V2 to delete particular subscriptions for a queue. I found the below SEMP v2 call to delete. /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic} But, since my subcriptionTopic…
Api to unsubscribe to a topic and delete the queue
I have a queue and topic created like this. Now I want to unsubscribe to the topic and delete the created queue. Is there any api to do this? curl http://localhost:8080/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/aaron/queues-X POST \- u admin:admin \- H “Content-type-type:application/json” \- d ‘{…
Maximum number of Semp V2 calls at a time?
We have 3000+ queues in a appliance. We would like get all the queues information in JSON. We have a Python application Which makes SEMP V2 GET call to get all these queue information. Is it okay to issue concurrent SEMP v2 GET calls to the appliance ? I believe appliance will process the API call one after the other. We…
How to know total number of Endpoints are present in msgVpn via SEMP V2 ?
Is there any way to query(SEMP V2) to get: 1) Total number(count) of queues in a given msgVpn? 2) Total number of subscriptionTopics in a queue? 3) Total number of TopicEndpoints in a given msgVpn?
How to use where condition in SEMP V2 for subcripticTopics?
http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==SLOG//* --> 400 error -->Cannot query an ancestor http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#SLOG// -->200 but empty response…