Let Solace act like it is Kafka to Kafka Consumers
I would like to connect apache Druid to Solace. However, it seems Druid doesn't support any of the connection types that Solace offers: One of the solutions would be if Solace offered Kafka consumers the possibility to directly connect to Solace, where Solace acts like it is kafka to them. Is this something that's a)…
Upgrade pubsub+ version from to latest version
Hello Team, need help/suggestions to migrate the Pubsub+ version without any downtime and data loss. Currently running pubsub+ with HA on EKS cluster pubsub+ helm chart 2.1.1 I tried upgrading pubsub+ but the readiness check failed and found one discussion regarding that As per the discussion I need to migrate the…
Partitioned Queues are now Generally Available with 10.4.0
Solace Community, I'm proud to announce that Partitioned Queues are now generally available for all in today's release of 10.4.0! Partitioned Queues are included in the PubSub+ broker software at no extra charge and are supported by our most recent releases of Solace JCSMP, JMS, CCSMP, Python, Golang, .NET, and JS APIs as…
Solace PubSub+ broker / Informatica Cloud Integration over AMQP
Hi community members I created this integration to assist one of our customers with their use case to integrate to Informatica cloud to a Solace PubSub+ broker over the protocol AMQP. Overview: The steps are briefly as follows: Setup SDKPerf-jmsamq on your local computer. Setup a cloud Solace PubSub+ broker with a…
How to use Oauth Using Solace PubSub+ Connector in Mulesoft
We have a requirement where we want to use OAuth using Solace PubSub+ connector but I don't see any option to use the same in the connector configuration. Any leads would be appreciated.
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Manual Acknowledgement
The batch mode is working fine as i am able to receive the msgs as batch and publish as batch. Now, i am trying to manually acknowledge the messages. If no exception, update the database with success and then accept the message. Else, update the DB with error and then requeue the message. Function<Message<List<?>>,…
Garanteed Subscriber problem: "Emitter rejects listener for no-name event: undefined"
Hello everybody, I hope I am posting this on the correct Category, correct me otherwise. I am trying to subscribe a Solace Queue in order to get it's messages and redirect them to a specific endpoint which will later process it's information. For that, i've made a NODE JS service which uses the GaranteedSubscriber example.…
Configure timeout for acknowledging message
Hello folks, Our webhooks take more time to send an acknowledged response back to the broker in qos1. Can we increase the timeout limit?
Consume existing Solace Queue using Python
Hi @marc @Tamimi we have existing solace queue with topic subscription enabled. need to listen and print message flowing to that queue. tried below code & got error, please help. persistent_receiver: PersistentMessageReceiver = messaging_service.create_persistent_message_receiver_builder()\…
Failed to consume a message from destination Queue
I am using Spring cloud stream 2021.0.2 to consume messages from queue, when some messages are sent , I can see the message get spooled continously in the queue but It is not coming inside application and processed because of below exception. Please help org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Incorrect type…
Spring cloud Stream Solace Unit Test
Solace Spring Cloud BOM 2.4.0 Solace Spring Cloud Stream Starter 3.4.0 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-stream</artifactId> <type>test-jar</type> <scope>test</scope> <classifier>test-binder</classifier> </dependency> <!--…
Message is not sent to the error queue for retrying
stream: bindings: message-in-0: destination: mysubscriberqueue binder: some-binder group: somegroup consumer: pub-out-0: destination: myerrortopicname binder: some-binder group: somegroup retry-in-0: destination: myerrorqueuename binder: some-binder group: somegroup consumer: concurrency: 1 My usecase is - I have subscibed…
Solace Exporter For Prometheus
Hi Team We are currently implementing Solace exporter for monitoring solace brokers through Prometheus. We got the github repo for exporter, however we are not clear whether its mandatory to install this exporter on the Solace appliance as it might be a security risk as per our infosec team. Can we install exporter on…
Additional Solace PubSub+ logging [solace/solace-pubsub-standard]
Maybe it would be possible to add additional console log when solace event broker is ready for configuring ? For now we're searching for "Primary Virtual Router is now active" on /usr/sw/jail/logs/system.log which is making waiting complicated (executing grep/cat on this file in a loop instead of waiting for console log).
Acknowledge solace Msg in async way
we have a application with 3 dfiifrent profile , feeder ,transformer and consumer. each are running on different pod in cloud, feeder is reading data from solace and putting in temp DB , and then transformer is performing som logic and at last consumer is syncing data to destination ....we want ackonowledgement to solace…
Solace docker pubsub Image for Apple silicon M1 Chip
I was not able to run the solace image on my M1 chip, is there any plan to release solace image for M1 chip. Even my organisation is planning to make use of M1 chip , Apple so they would be testing the solace image. Let me know if there is any plan.
Tuning pre-fetch for load balancing in Python
Hi Team, I have built a system comprised of a number of workers, N, (or application processing engines) fed by a single non exclusive queue. Each job on the queue either takes between 20 second and a minute to complete or under 0.1 seconds (because the job on the queue requires no work). Ideally if there are 3 workers (so…
Difference between 'Actual Maximum' and 'Configured Maximum' stats in Solace Broker
We have a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker where we would like to configure certain limits, such as max-endpoints in a message VPN, max-egress-flows, etc. However, on changing a value (e.g. changing max-endpoints to 4500) using CLI or SEMP, we see the following output: Queues and Topic-Endpoints Maximum Queues and…
i am trying to access my queue but getting error
i am getting this when tying to connect with queue Messaging Service connected? True <bound method Queues.SimpleDurableQueue.get_name of <solace.messaging.resources.queue.Queues.SimpleDurableQueue object at 0x7fc87abe7340>> 2022-12-08 09:41:41,744 [WARNING] solace.messaging.receiver: [_solace_utilities.py:363] Invalid…
Integrate External Schema Registry With Solace
Hello Members Is there a way to integrate external schema registry with solace ? I am already aware that there is a "Event Portal" that we can use but we have an already available schema registry that we want to use.
Extracting message ID on solace pub sub broker in golang API
Hello everyone, currently I am researching Solace GoLang Api and I have few questions. Can you please help me because I cannot find the answer. How can I extract message ID or is there any unique ID that can be extracted from Inbound message and used for distinguishing messaged published to message broker I would also…
How to create multiple spans and identify as 1 trace in jaeger?
Hello all, I'm trying to implement multiple spans and those spans should be identified as 1 trace in jaeger. (As shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uwy26zPc-o&t=1118s at 24:12 timing he shows the same concept.) I'm using java to implement. Can someone provide some ideas, tips and tricks, which could be a…
Connectivity Issue from TIBCO BW
Hi All, Getting below error while connecting from TIBCO BW5.x to Solace, we have increased consumer limit also but no use, could you please help. com.solacesystem.jscmp.JSEMPErrorResponseException: 503 Max Router Publishing Flow Exceeded Thanks
I'm not able to create a subscription topic under '#telemetry-trace' queue. How can I do it?
I'm using open-telemetry framework. I have created a queue named '#telemetry-trace'. Now I'm trying to create a subscription topic for that queue and I'm getting an error 'The #telemetry-trace queue may not be configured' Does anyone know how to solve this error? Thanks in Advance!
Automatically run cli script during/after docker startup
Hello, is there a place or option somewhere that allows us to automatically run CLI scripts right after the startup completed ? The idea comes from PostgreSQL where you can create .sql files and place them in a specific path (here initdb.d) and they will get automatically executed. [...] If you would like to do additional…
Queue not able to send expiry message to DMQ
Hi, I created 2 message queue 1) Main_Queue 2) DEAD_MSG_QUEUE The main queue has been configured 'DEAD_MSG_QUEUE' as DMQ name and 'Respect TTL enabled' with Maximum TTL (sec) as 180 sec. A producer is sending a message with DMQEligible to true and when the trough dashboard i can verify that message properties for…
How to achieve message flow control in the node.js consumer for guaranteed messages?
We have a setup where our Node.js consumer app listens on a queue in a Solace PubSub+ broker. It forwards any messages received to another system in batches. As such, we do not have access to modify the queue configurations on the broker, and only the message consumer and session properties are under our control. Since the…
Solace Go API - Setting custom headers on outbound messages
Hey, I have started, looking into the der Solace Go API 1.1 solace.dev/go/messaging v1.0.1 I started looking into the processing of incoming messages and then pass them on onto a next channel/topic. But as far as I can see in the API, there is no way to set custom properties/headers in an outbound message. The…
Multiple Producer and Consumer
@marc Is that possible to publish from multiple Producer and multiple consumer consumes from a single queue ?
Close connection on openshift every 2sec
My consumer connection to solace is closed after every 2seconds that leads to fail big message more than 5 mb read. Please suggest