Will JCSMPInboundChannelAdapter have configurable shutdownInterruptThresholdInMillis?
Hello, we are experiencing an issue with graceful shutdown of an application. We are using spring cloud "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.1.0" There is no awaiting for the termination and messages finish in the error queue. Is there a better way to gracefully stop and resume? Will configuring…
Intermittent "Assured message delivery is not enabled on this channel" errors
Hi there, We've had this publisher app that sends events to topics other client apps in the firm are subscribed to using queues of their own, for years. Lately, though, we've started to notice these exceptions intermittently that we've encountered previously. The client profile has "Allow Guaranteed message send" enabled…
Can someone please help me to know How to generate the details mentioned below.
IP Address of the Solace messaging appliance in the form: [Protocol:]Host[:Port] (e.g. tcp: ). * Client username and Message-vpn used by the sample application (e.g. browser_nse_dev) * Password for the Client username used by sample application (e.g. browser)
Publish unicode string using solclientjs
Hi Experts, I am trying to publish a non-ascii string to a solace topic using the solclientjs library in nodeJs, and consume the same using the golang solace messaging library, and vice-versa (i.e. golang to nodeJs). Example string: abc-nonascii_ãçï_স I understand I have three options to do this in solclientjs: as…
Solace Spring Cloud Stream Function (Processor pattern) with StreamBridge
Hi, I currently have a usecase wherein I have implemented a Processor pattern using the typical Bean Function<?,?> for my SCS application. I understand that a Processor pattern is a straightforward Input-Output Solace stream. But now I have an additional requirement that, within the processor, an arbitrary event message…
C API error as --'solclient/solClient.h' file not found #include "solclient/solClient.h"
When I am trying to run a file in C, I am getting this error. Can someone please help me with this. I am new to PubSub+. Trying to learn as much as I can.
solace-pubsubplus is not getting installed in python:3.8.0-alpine3.10
Trying to install the solace-pubsubplus==1.6.0 into the python3.8.0-alphine3.10 inside the docker ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement solace-pubsubplus==1.6.0 (from versions: 0.2.0, 0.2.1) ERROR: No matching distribution found for solace-pubsubplus==1.6.0 error building image: error building…
Publish block when over the memory / disk threshold
Hi, we are migrating from rabbit to solace now. There is a feature (https://www.rabbitmq.com/alarms.html) RabbitMQ will block connections that publish messages when over the memory/disk threshold. I see there is a way to set the threshold in solace: https://docs.solace.com/Monitoring/Configuring-System-Event-Thresholds.htm…
com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1]
Hi Team, I'm trying to publish on Solace queue with Client Certificate Authentication using self signed certificate. But getting below error: Remote addr: mr-connection-dcnuo3u5bkz.messaging.solace.cloud Remote port: 55443) - ) com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1] at…
SSL 'SSL-client' cannot read, sslErr = 5 in python client
Not able to connect to the solace broker using the python client library. Below mentioned how i connected: SOLACE_BROKER_PROPERTIES = { "solace.messaging.client.name": "test-client", "solace.messaging.transport.host": "tcps://mr-test.messaging.solace.cloud:55443", "solace.messaging.service.vpn-name": "com-test"),…
Receiving Error Response (503) Max clients exceeded for queue
Definition of exclusive queues: exclusive specifies that only one consumer can receive a message at any one time, while additional consumers may be connected as standby. That is, only one Flow can be active. Only the first consumer to bind can receive messages. If the first consumer disconnects, the second consumer…
SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging is not working in MAC M1
SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging dll is unrecognizable in mac M1 , what can be done ? when arm support will be added to DOTNET dlls......... ? All our development activities are paused in all applications due to it , can we make a quick fix ?
Queue Authorizations
Dear All, When I check the queue authorizations(permissions), it looks like it's based on either you're being an owner or not and there is only one owner if I am mistaken. Is there a way to assign this ownership to multiple users-consumers so that only "these" can do the same activities, instead of only one user.
How to check if field exists or is null in a solace map?
I am using Solace c client api (CCSMP), to subscribe to a Solace topic where messages contain a map. A value for the same key in a map can be a string or null. Is there a way to check if a value for a key is null? If I try to retrieve a value for a key and it's null, Solace API logs "Field Type Null could not be converted…
Broker v10.5 - SparkplugB 3.0 Compliant
I ran the Sparkplug Compliant test against our 10.5 broker and the result is, it is complaint. The 10.5 broker was running as a hyper-v image. I had to make the changes as detailed at in order for the retain test to pass. I had to increase the VM's memory to 8192 MB in order to make the aforementioned MQTT retain changes.…
Database and Network Software Details
Database Software Used by Solace: Someone please provide information on the database software utilized by our Solace messaging system? We are particularly interested in understanding the database technology or software that supports the internal operations of Solace. Network Software Being Used: Also, please share insights…
How to scale services listening to multiple exclusive queues.
I have an application/service which listens to 10 exclusive queues(let's say we have 10 apache camel routes, each route is listening to one queue) where we are receiving the ordered messages in each queue. I want to scale this service upto 10 pods/instances incrementally. But now I want to have only 2 pods, each listening…
Message Signing Questions
Are the message broker able to verify message signing ? For example, Client A signed the message and sent the message to message broker. Then, the message broker check the message and reject the message if the message contain incorrect message signature.
High disk usage
There was no consumer connection to the Queue, resulting in an increase in the current spooled messages. My question is, will the increase in current spooled messages also result in a corresponding increase in disk read usage? Someone please confirm? I have attached a graph for more details.
Connection to SAP S4 HANA Cloud
Hi, Is it possible to connect Solace PubSub+ to SAP S4 HANA cloud.If yes, could anyone help me on how to do that. Regards, Keerthana
Defragmentation Failing: Unmovable Local Transaction
I'm having trouble running defragmentation of a broker's message spool - which is currently at 90% and using up all the disk space. Each time I run defragmentation it completes about 5% until it exits with the same Exit Condition: ``` Last Result: Completed On: Oct 30 2023 07:29:21 UTC Completion %: 5% Exit Condition:…
Is there a difference for Solace CLI Commands in PubSub+ Cloud / Software Event Broker / Appliance
Is there a differences in terms of Solace CLI commands among PubSub+ Cloud / Software Event Broker / Appliance? I cannot find some commands mentioned in the help pages when I connect to CLI in PubSub+ Cloud? Thank you
.NET - Enforcing Queue to Respect Message Priority
Hello everyone, I am trying to implement a simple PoC solution to check whether Solace PubSub+ will be appropriate for my company. All went fine to the moment I wanted to use priority messaging. I would like to 1. create a queue from .NET 2. assign Priority to messages 3. enforce the queue to respect message priority…
Want to make two pods communicate through Solace pubSub.
I have two pods in different namespace in Kubernetes and want each pod talk to other pods through solace, could you please tell me how I implement the same?
Is there any plans to make client-initiated replay available for JMS API?
I am working on my team's application that uses Solace JCSMP api to trigger a replay from a relative date (ie yesterday) on a particular queue before using a JMSListener to listen to that queue. This causes some replay issues (it fails to replay), if someone were to come in and delete/recreate the replay log right before i…
Using solace in EKS cluster
we have upgraded our cluster to EKS and we are not able to up the solace ui on port 1943 , we are using nginx ingress controller, p\s let us know if any changes needs to be done from cluster end or in vluses.yml. If possible p\s share ingress templet with us
TIBCO EMS to Solace Migration
We are working to migrate from Tibco EMS to Solace. Current solutions is using EMS message priority. Does Solace support message priority? Also, does Solace supports all the features that are available in EMS? Any inputs pls. Regards Venkata Madhu
TLS port not working after TLS enabling on a deployed Solace Broker
Hello, I have deployed a Solace Broker software helm chart which I've found on artifact hub -> There I have accessed a "Default values" section where I have downloaded a yaml configuration file in order to adjust it according to my needs. As a default setting we have a disabled TLS property (image below) -> At this point…
How can I replay from a specific message ID?
My main purpose is to be able to replay from a specific message. I want to be able to keep track of which was the last message that was successfully processed, so that I wont have to replay from the start or replay the whole day's worth of message. I think that in order to do this, I would need to be able to find out how…
AMQP Service Port set to 0 after fresh install, but still active
Installing latest solace-standard. Under System > Service netstat -tulpn on the active broker in an HA setup: ipv6 ipv4 When trying to set it to 5671: