How to monitor Solace as an external consumer
Hi, I have inherited an application that consumes messages from an external Solace pub+sub system and fairly new to it. What would be the best way to monitor from a consumer perspective? Having been thinking of the following check the auth check the connection to queue check the queue (is it possible to measure things like…
Random "failed to retrieve" error in streaming scenario
Hello together, I currently working on a lokal setup where solace software acts as the message broker in docker setup. I try to receive events from a existing queue, which is not a problem in general, but in my case I emit them in a flink job (wirtten with pyflink). I receive around 1000-3000 events/sec from this queue. I…
Solace Queue Browser Using Python
Was wondering if anyone has had any luck with building a queue browser using Python & the Solace Python API? I have seen some queue browsing options using SDKPerf & Java (including the Chrome Browser) but I was hoping to do something similar but with Python. It's also worth noting while the Chrome Browser tool is great,…
Message published but cant figure out the error.
Hello I am new to Solace. I want to publish messages to solace. I have messages in JSON format which I convert in bytes and then publish it. At the receiver's end we can see that the messgae is receieved but I get the following error. "Exception is class com.solacesystems.jms.message.SolMessage cannot be cast to class…
Is there a plan for an arm linux python build
I saw that an arm python build Mac was released recently. Are there any plans for an arm build for linux?
PubSub+ Messaging Python API - Deliver-To-One
Hi all, I would need to set in Python API Deliver-To-One property to True. Because multiple subsribers are listening to my requests, I get the same response from every of them. In docs I found that it can be done for JMS https://docs.solace.com/API/Solace-JMS-API/Delivering-Messages-to-single-consumer.htm I would need to…
Round Robin configuration
Hi! I have a question abount using Solace Python SDK to connect to a non-exclusive queue. The Solace PubSub+ is self hosted and there are two consumers connected to a non exclusive type queue. The consumer takes about 5 seconds to send an ack signal to the broker, during that time consumers displays different Delivery…
MessagePublishReceiptListener is not getting the acknowledgement python API
class SolaceMessagePublishReceiptListener(MessagePublishReceiptListener): def __init__(self): self._publish_count = 0 @property def get_publish_count(self): return self._publish_count def on_publish_receipt(self, publish_receipt: 'PublishReceipt'): with lock: self._publish_count += 1 print(f"\tSOLACE -- \n", f"\tMessage:…
python qpid-proton cannot access solace broker after rename Message VPN
Hi everyone, I have some problems with connecting to solace with qpid-proton python. I connected to Solace that isn’t running on my local machine but other server, and I could send the message into the queue with the subscription topic and also receive the message from the queue successfully for a while. All I specified…
PubSub+ Messaging API for Python with Mac M-series Support - Now Available
I am pleased to announce that as of the latest release of our Python API (v. 1.7.0) it now has support for Mac M-series processors so developers can use the API when developing applications on the latest Mac hardware. It can be downloaded through all the regular channels such as: Solace Downloads Page: Solace Products…
solace-pubsubplus is not getting installed in python:3.8.0-alpine3.10
Trying to install the solace-pubsubplus==1.6.0 into the python3.8.0-alphine3.10 inside the docker ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement solace-pubsubplus==1.6.0 (from versions: 0.2.0, 0.2.1) ERROR: No matching distribution found for solace-pubsubplus==1.6.0 error building image: error building…
SSL 'SSL-client' cannot read, sslErr = 5 in python client
Not able to connect to the solace broker using the python client library. Below mentioned how i connected: SOLACE_BROKER_PROPERTIES = { "solace.messaging.client.name": "test-client", "solace.messaging.transport.host": "tcps://mr-test.messaging.solace.cloud:55443", "solace.messaging.service.vpn-name": "com-test"),…
Python connect to Solace PubSub+ OAuth2.0
Here is my code snippet ``` import solace.messaging.messaging_service as service from solace.messaging.publisher.outbound_message import OutboundMessageBuilder from solace.messaging.publisher.persistent_message_publisher import Topic broker_props = {"solace.messaging.transport.host":…
Python users! What are you using the Python API for?
Hey folks! As most of you know by now, we have a Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python and I am curious to know what use-cases you are using it for? How are you using the Python API? Where are you using it at? Happy to start the discussion and community sharing here! 🎉
cache request on python
I use CachedMessageSubscriptionRequest.cached_first to call cache data but I got Fail on_completion CacheRequestOutcomeListenerHandler:CacheRequestOutcome.FAILED, cache_request_id:3 exception:Unable to send cache request. Caller Description: On cache request send. Error Info Sub code: [1]. Error: [Only…
Cache request on python
I found that solace PubSub+ 1.6.0 support cache But I follow this step to do cache request I can not receive the cache message from direct_receiver.receive_async(MessageHandlerExample()) but I can use DirectMessageReceiver.add_subscription to get message(CacheStatus.LIVE). and I also develope C# code it allowed call…
Python Proton AMQPS Transport Error
Good afternoon all, Am having some odd behavior using a varient of Solace demo code for Python/Proton AMQPS connection: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-proton-python/blob/master/src/simple_recv.py Using the methodology shown in this case, but with a pem key/password i can successfully connect to a…
Match (regex) incoming message topic to a list of topics (Python)
Hi, I have a queue which is internally subscribed to various topics. When I read from this queue I can retrieve the original topic. I have a list of actions in my application that run based on whether or not this topic matches that entry: message topic: cars/toyota List of topic actions: cars/bmw > cars/> cars/*/> I think…
python3 using qpid::proton with Solace pubsub+ broker
Hello all, In the european aviation community a well know provider of flight data has change its internal AMQP1.0 broker, switching from Apache ActiveMQ to Solace PubSub+. A set of our application but very few in fact use Python3 and interrogate this AMQP broker.So we have too few experience in this matter. I use to…
How to return 'show current-config all' using SEMP API
Trying to construct an API request for the 'show current-config all' CLI command but not sure if this is possible for the SEMP API. Does anyone know if this is possible? Here is what I have tried with python. ``` requestBody = "<rpc><show><current-config><all/></current-config></show></rpc>" requestResponseObject =…
Python TLS Connection Reset By Peer
I'm a bit at loss here, Solace shows everything is ready to accept TLS connections but it refuses with the following error on the client side: solace.messaging.errors.pubsubplus_client_error.PubSubPlusCoreClientError: {'caller_description': 'do_connect', 'return_code': 'Not ready', 'sub_code':…
Synchronous publish in python ?
Hi all, what is the easiest, most clean code to publish ONE guaranteed message in python and only proceed after the ACK from the broker has arrived ? (I know, that this usage pattern is not performant, if I have many messages to publish. My use is different). Thank you Uli
Consume existing Solace Queue using Python
Hi @marc @Tamimi we have existing solace queue with topic subscription enabled. need to listen and print message flowing to that queue. tried below code & got error, please help. persistent_receiver: PersistentMessageReceiver = messaging_service.create_persistent_message_receiver_builder()\…
Python connect to solace Pubsub+ cloud
I have service created on https://console.solace.cloud/services on GCP platform and I am trying to connect to this service from python 3.7 using solace-pubsubplus pypi package: https://pypi.org/project/solace-pubsubplus/ Here is my code snippet for connecting to the service: _def publish(message): import…
Connecting Solace using Python with TLS
Hi @Tamimi , kindly help with below connection error whether certificates are not loading or need to do changes in code. from solace.messaging.messaging_service import MessagingService, RetryStrategy from solace.messaging.config.transport_security_strategy import TLS from solace.messaging.config.authentication_strategy…
How to Publish messages in JSON Format in PYTHON ?
Hi Myself ranganath working as software engineer in standard chartered bank my requirement is to publish message in JSON Format in python . Kindly assist.
Does Python have this Cache Session??
For C#,I can use SendCacheRequest to get a synchronous cache request. But in Python I can't find any package allow request cache session? can any one help me? Thank you.
Tuning pre-fetch for load balancing in Python
Hi Team, I have built a system comprised of a number of workers, N, (or application processing engines) fed by a single non exclusive queue. Each job on the queue either takes between 20 second and a minute to complete or under 0.1 seconds (because the job on the queue requires no work). Ideally if there are 3 workers (so…
i am trying to access my queue but getting error
i am getting this when tying to connect with queue Messaging Service connected? True <bound method Queues.SimpleDurableQueue.get_name of <solace.messaging.resources.queue.Queues.SimpleDurableQueue object at 0x7fc87abe7340>> 2022-12-08 09:41:41,744 [WARNING] solace.messaging.receiver: [_solace_utilities.py:363] Invalid…
Sending json message using Python to queue using Kerberos authentication.
Does python api supports solace Kerberos authentication?. If so can any one share sample code? If not what are other ways to use Kerberos authentication for sending json message.