Non-Exclusive Queue using AMQP
Hi, can it be possible to create non-exclusive queue using amqp in solace ? I am exploring Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 over AMQP 1.0 I checked solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2/QueueConsumer.java at master · SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms2 (github.com) and it creates an exclusive queue and connects the consumer to the…
Window size(prefetch) control of unacknowledged message in Node.js
The messages in our system need to be processed in sequential (we expect the message to be handled one after another) and we are trying to build a queue consumer with the liberary solclientjs. (https://www.npmjs.com/package/solclientjs) I read some blogs and posts that mentioned two keywords the flow windowSize and…
Where can I find release notes for SolaceSystems.SolClient.Messaging C# lib from onwards?
Sometimes having issues with the client I'm working on being a slow consumer. Using SolaceSystems.SolClient.Messaging and difficult to upgrade due to company policies. I want to know if there's any bug fixed in the client lib after this version regarding slow consumers. I tried looking for them, but I can't find…
Native C# Client for Web Sockets
Hi all! I need to connect via WebSockets to an on-prem Solace Broker from my native app (UWP written in C#). I also need to add I the Connect() HTTP request a specific HTTP Header "Authorization" with a Bearer token that I generate in the app. I cannot see a way to configure the Solace C# SDK to perform such a custom…
1:n behavior using AMQP
Hi, we have multiple instances of application and when we publish a message, all instances should get the message. we can achieve the same using native soalce api using queue and topic. We create multiple queues and subscribe the same topic to each queue. And each instance of the application consumes from the respective…
Channel immediately getting closed after connecting to host
main impl.TcpClientChannel:55 - Client-1: Client channel (smfclient 1) starting KA timer main impl.KeepaliveTimeoutHandler:28 - Created new KA timer handler main impl.TcpChannel:300 - Scheduling KA timer in 3000ms main impl.ChannelOpStrategyClient:381 - ** Got CLIENTCTRL, updating P2PINBOX to…
Durable Queue Inactive Consumer Indication
Hi community, we are exploring the Active/Inactive Consumer Indication feature of solace queue. We have created a durable queue at Solace and connected two consumers with the queue. We have tried with Java and Nodejs. (1) JAVA JCSMP API public void handleEvent(Object source, FlowEventArgs event) { System.out.println("Flow…
Client Ack using Apache Beam
Hi - I am using Apache Beam (2.30) with Solace connector. I receive messages from Solace, process it, save it and then wish to ack to Solace once I am done with processing. I explicitly sets the status of my POJO to true once saved. So for such successfully processed messages, I wish to ack. However, I am facing issues as…
Go API v1.0.0 coming soon 👀
The PubSub+ Messaging API for Go will be GA towards the end of this week! Let us know if you will be using it 🙌 FYI: More details on the early access version is found here https://solace.community/group/4-solace-early-access-golang-api A couple of questions to the community Are you currently using GoLang in your…
What happens to demoted messages in an MNR network?
Multi-Node Routing (MNR) allows multi-broker distributing of direct messages, but what happens when you publish a persistent (guaranteed) message that matches a direct consumer locally or somewhere in the MNR network? The message will be demoted to direct for the local consumers to receive, but a published persistent…
Tip: Git repository search
I am sure, many of you are Git gurus 🙏 Just wanted to share what I found - if you are looking for repositories set to topics with keywords like X, Y and Z, you can simply type topic:X topic: Y topi: Z in the search text (unlike Google's X + Y + Z). For example, if you want to locate a repository of AsynAapi spring cloud…
Non Exclusive Queue Behavior using MQTT
Hi, we have multiple consumers connected to a durable non-exclusive queue and when we send a message to the queue , only one of the consumers gets the message. Can it be possible to achieve the same behavior using MQTT / java-paho-mqtt ?
How can we achieve solace message delivery of at least once with variable number of pods?
We have a kubernetes deployment having 2 pods. We want to send messages to both these pods in 1:n way (each message should be received by both) and each message should be delivered at least once(QoS1). To achieve the same, we have a topic and 4 queues created beforehand. All four queues are subscribed to the topic and…
How to get the number of current consumers of a durable queue ?
Hi, is there any native API (Java, NodeJS, GoLang) by which we can get the number of current consumers of a durable queue ? one way is to use SEMP API ("GET /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/txFlows"). We are looking if there way way to do the similar task using some native API.
OAuth with REST consumer
hi, I am using Solace Event Broker Version9.10.0.21; I am trying to set up Azure function as one on of the consumers but it should use OAuth for authentication. What all setup I should do, please advice as I am new to Solace. Do I have to enable OAuth Provider Authentication at the service level a first step ? Then in the…
[New blog post for developers] An Open Source Approach to Delaying Message Redelivery Attempts
by Thomas Kunnumpurath In this post, I’d like to introduce an open source project I developed to delay redelivery attempts when messages aren’t successfully delivered. I’ll introduce its internal design and then dive into how I took advantage of an interesting Java construct and Java Streams to build out the functionality…
.NET solace API (data network) to get solace timestamp
As title, is there any API for me to get current timestamp from solace ??
How to access the Solace CLI
I am using docker image to run the solace broker. The image is solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest . I would like to access the CLI and for example check the current version or log checking. I followed the steps but it seems that there is not enough access right for me. I would like to ask what is the correct way to…
Developer Certification Challenge #ImSolaceCertified
🚀 We just released a brand new FREE certification for developers: Solace Certified Developer Practitioner (Level 1)! 🎉 To me this felt like a perfect time for a challenge and some giveaways! Complete the steps below to be entered in a live raffle to win! ✅ Here's how you can qualify for the challenge: 1. Take the…
How to use the guranteed publisher
Hi all, I am trying out the guranteed_publisher.py: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/blob/master/patterns/guaranteed_publisher.py There is a callback on_publish_receipt: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/blob/master/patterns/guaranteed_publisher.py#L43 I see that is the…
Event Broker version availabilitry
Hi @marc I have seen the event broker version available in trial version of pub sub+ cloud is whereas the latest one is Can you please suggest why the same is not availbale in trial version. Would like to do some POC on Oauth using SEMP Regards Prosenjit Das
Apache Qpid Messaging C++ rejection
I'm trying to write a small program using the Apache Qpid Messaging C++ library to send AMQP1.0 messages to a Solace broker. When I send a message to the broker, it looks like I'm getting a reject: delivery 0 refused: amqp:not-allowed: SMF AD ack response error I get the same result if I use the examples provided with the…
Solace Python API for request/reply architecture
Does Solace support request/reply architecture? if yes, can i have sample request code (client side) and response code in python (server side code). Here is my scenario and am new to solace world. Right now we are using Tibco messaging queue, we need our process running in tibco to be converted to solace. Our current logic…
Getting ClassCastException when consumer consumes userdefined object from solace.
I have published message to the queue as "MessageContent". When i trying to pull messages from queue getting Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to solace.test.consumer.entity.MessageContent] @Bean public Function<Message, Message> functionUsingTargetDestHeader() { return input -> { String…
How can I use OAuth2 for SEMP api authentication ?
Hi , I am using Solace using Docker. I am able to create a queue locally with basic authentication. However, I would like to use Oauth2. I tried creating the Oauth profile following this documentation - https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/swagger-ui/config/index.html#/ As I understood, to enable…
What is the Context object and how many do I need?
The docs describe a minimum of one context being needed per process. What are the conditions to have more than one?
Non-Durable Queue Lifecycle
Hi Community, I am going through Understanding Solace Endpoints: Durable vs. Non-Durable - Solace and tried to create Queues using Solace Java API (jcsmp). We could see that Non-Durable queue gets deleted if it is disconnected from Client for more than 60 seconds. Can it be possible to increase more than 60 seconds , for…
What problems solace solves when I use an Async API
What problems solace solves when I use an Async API where I clearly define the spec that has the channels , payloads , whats the role of Solace when you use an Async API.
Messages to SOLACE are failing with the error “Too Many Connections For Client-Username”:
We have an integration from SAP PO (Middleware tool from SAP) towards SOLACE. SOLACE is able to accept 30 messages [to the max] from SAP PO at a given point of time. All other messages to SOLACE at that moment are getting errored out. Currently we are having 450+ messages as a backlog due to this issue.
Each time my consumer/subscriber application is redeloyed, the messages are redelivered from the sta
Let us say I have received/ processed 18000 messages over subscriber/ consumer. The subscriber has been redeployed, now I see all the 18000 messages being sent across to the subscriber all over again. Why is this happening? My deployment model is a zero downtime RTF based