We use guaranteed messaging. How to interpret Client Egress Message discard due to Transmit Congestion ? Does these mean 3014 message got discarded ? If yes, Why the message should get discard in guaranteed messaging case ! Ideally it should spooled in Durable Queue. ****************************** Egress Discards…
Can we have application connect to multiple Data Centers to achieve active/active capability
We have a use case where we have 2 data centers with guaranteed messaging , currently we want HA hence both data centers are active all the time, so we have DC1.VPN1 with Q1 that is consumed by Client 1 DC2.VPN2 with Q2 that is consumed by Client 2 The publishing of events happen either in DC1.VPN1 or DC2.VPN2 based on…
Spring Cloud Stream solace error handling
In the codelabs example it suggests we shouldn't use global error handler as suggested by spring because binder will already be handling it. Is there a recommendation how you'd configure error handler channel for an application which uses a system property to determine the destination queue in order for the application to…
Queue and consumer number limit with solace docker image
Hello, We are using solace image tagged (public.int.repositories.cloud.sap/solace/solace-pubsub-standard: in our CI. As it uses more memory ,this instance is shared across all the PRs in CI. We are using the default VPN for connection settings. is there a limit of 1000 queues and 1000 consumers on the open-source…
how to stop message from being sent to next solace topic while going through chain of function?
how to stop message from being sent to next solace topic while going through chain of function? e.g. inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-in-0: input inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-out-0: output here message goes through inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report all of these functions but if i want to terminate and…
How To Create Docker Image For Go Client ?
Hi Team, Tried Creating the Docker image for Go client, but Facing the Below Error seems the Go package has issues, can someone help on this? # solace.dev/go/messaging/internal/impl/constants 53 /go/pkg/mod/solace.dev/go/messaging@v1.0.1/internal/impl/constants/default_properties.go:35:2: undefined:…
JCSMP Blocking Publisher Example: Timeout configurable
Hi Community, I have a question on the JCSMP BlockingSynchronousSendGuaranteed.java sample: What happens, if the broker doesn't respond with either an ACK or a NACK? Is this even possible or under which conditions could that occur? (I read something about disk full could be one potential situation.) Is there a timeout for…
How can i gurantee sequence of events to be consistent.
Lets assume i have 4 events Event A producing message to Queue AQ Event B producing message to Queue BQ Event C producing message to Queue CQ Event D producing message to Queue DQ Lets assume consumer named TestConsumer consumer consumes messages from all 4 queues. I want to make sure when solace emit these events it will…
Can we discard or reject message in solace streaming?
this is our declaration spring: cloud: function: definition: inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report stream: function: bindings: inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-in-0: input inTechVal|inFuncVal|map|persist|report-out-0: output here solace streaming is sending message out to solace as per out mapping e.g. after…
Is it possible to have DMQ configured with a remote Queue using VPN Bridge/DMR
Hi, Is it possible to have a DMQ configured with a Queue that is not in the current VPN but in another remote VPN/Data Center ? This will help in handling cases when a Queue events/messages are not being processed due to inactive client in one VPN/Data center , so it can be sent to a DMQ in a different active VPN/data…
Spring cloud stream solace binder connection
Hi Team, I am trying to connect to solace using spring cloud stream solace binder with all the properties in application.yaml . It keeps giving error for connecting to localhost. Error creating bean with name 'com.solace.spring.cloud.stream.binder.config.SolaceMessageChannelBinderConfiguration': Invocation of init method…
ITransactedSession in .Net
Is there any sample on how ITransactedSession work in .Net with Confirm Delivery (Acknowledged) ? Is CreateFlow require when work on Producer and how its Acknowledgement work within a commit?
What's the best Java based API (JCMSP, JMS or new Java) to achieve blocking publish behaviour?
Hi All, What's the best Java based API (JCMSP, JMS or new Java) to achieve blocking publish behaviour? The application team is using JCSMP currently and having a hard time achieving the behaviour they are looking for, which is: Publish a message Wait for Ack or Nack (and do error handling) Repeat They have strict ordering…
C# .net integration getting error Failed to create session
I follow the instruction in this tutorial: https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-dotnet/publish-subscribe/ Getting error (SOLCLIENT_FAIL - Failed to create session) when create session and connect how to reproduce: * Create Solace Cloud free plan * Pub/Sub using Secured SMF URI with (host, vpn, username, password)…
Error setting up HA Solace event broker
Hi I'm having issues setting up HA group on my local docker installation. I followed the guide: But whenever i run the docker start command the containers get up and running for 30-45 sec. and then shuts down again. I have setup the shared key on all docker create commands. The last lines of logs that is presented is:…
Solace health checks
Hi, I'm currently implementing health checks endpoints for my Asp.Net Core services. Most of them are connected to Solace, so I'd like to have one of the health checks to check if service can be connected to VPN. What would be the best/"cheap" way of doing this? Creating Solace Session each time and trying to connect? My…
🎓 Developer Certification Challenge #ImSolaceCertified [March 2022]
🚀 Solace Academy offers a FREE certification for developers: Solace Certified Developer Practitioner (Level 1) 🎉 As we celebrate the end of Winter and launch into Spring in the northern hemisphere it felt like a perfect time for a challenge and some giveaways! Complete the steps below to be entered in a live giveaway to…
Special characters for topic addresses
Dear Community I just started learning Solace and I'm doing hands-on from the Solace Essentials training course. Although I was instructed to create a topic address like below, <YOUR_NAME>/rideshare/ride/accepted/2.0.5/{location}/json/{customer_id}/{request_id}/{driver} it gives me an error when I try to download a…
Docker container for broker in macbook air M1 is getting existed every time
I have macbook air m1 and I am trying to deploy pubsub+ on docker container but its showing AMD sign with '!' sign and container is immediately existing. can anyone knows how to resolve the issue.
Solace Spring cloud stream, DLQ exception headers
There was exception thrown from the service and the message went to DLQ, when i pulled it from queue and checked there is no way to get why the exception was thrown. Rabbit has the headers like x-exception-stacktrace, x-exception-message where i can get enough details about it, there could be so many message in DLQ so i…
Announcing the prize winners of the Solace Developer Community virtual Easter egg hunt
The first Solace Developer Community virtual Easter egg hunt ended on April 26 with a bang. Over the course of the 15 days, people participated from 11 countries and submitted hundreds of answers on the site. After we graded all the submissions and did the tie-breaking live raffle, here are the winners with the usernames…
Join the First Solace Developer Community Virtual Easter Egg Hunt (April 4-26)
April is for egg hunt! We are glad to announce the launch of the first Solace Developer Community Virtual Easter Egg Hunt. We sincerely invite everyone to take part in this fun event and we are eager to see how many “eggs” you find. When is the event? The event starts on April 4 and ends on April 26. Who can participate?…
What is your favourite SDKPerf Command?!
During one of his office hours, @Aaron and @derrick_solace started talking about SDKPerf and some of the cool ways they use the tool with 😎 Watch it here! What is YOUR favourite SDKPerf tool command? What do you use it for and how do you use it? What's your SDKPerf trikcsssss?! Thanks @rey for asking the question and…
Generate C# code using Async API
Hi, As per my understanding, Async API tools generate the basic skeleton code. Could anyone used Async API to generate code for C#. If it is could you please share me the useful links. With Warm Regards, Sreeram Architect
Disable message redelivery in Solace container
Hello, Some integration tests fail randomly because the message is redelivered multiple times and we couldn't find why. We can see in Solace UI that the queue only received 10 messages but we can see that the message was redelivered 20 times even though we are acknowledging the message in the consumer. Is there a way to…
topic drop messages when full
I am sending messages to a temporary topic from my jms endpoint. Jms provide a timeToLive property that configures how long the message lives on the topic. I was trying to figure out if there is a way to configure on jms to tell the broker to drop messages from the topic if the topic is full and not block it. I dont see…
Using Client Certificate in JMSToolBox
Hi, I have a customer who is trying to use Client Certificate in JMSToolBox. I tried to configure the appropriate properties but the underlying API still tried to use basic authentication to connect to Solace. Could you provide an example? Thanks, David.
Error connecting to a temp jms queue
i am using camel to connecto to my underlying solace broker. All my static queue connections work fine. eg. jms:queue:<queue_Name>?queryParams But when I make a temp queue connection it fails. jms:temp-queue:<queueName> The error is as follows Highlighted Exception Caused by:…
This month’s Community Contributor badge recipients
As you may have noticed that we’ve announced the addition of our new Community Contributor badge and promised to award it to community members each month, I’m glad to announce the recipients for the month of October! * @harry – for writing the blog post “Sending Events in a Distributed Way to PubSub+ with a Spark-Solace…
Gopher in an Event-Driven playground
In this Conf42 Golang 2022 talk, @Tamimi gives a high-level overview of what an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is and its relevance to the real-world use cases. He shows how one can adopt a protocol and language agnostic event-driven architecture using GoLang. Watch the video to understand: Asynchronous Event APIs vs…