IDE/Open source tools to browse Solace queues/topics
Hello - I am new to solace. can you pls suggest the best tool to browse the topics/queues and message content without reading it for debugging purpose? My message payload is simple key/value and nothing fancy. I can write a java client to browse but I am just trying to see if there are any opensource tools available in the…
Is the ! (exception) subscription filter ?
When i look up this documentation nothing is mentioned about excluding specific topics from subscription by using "!": https://docs.solace.com/Basics/Wildcard-Charaters-Topic-Subs.htm (i would have expected a hint that this exists under certain conditions) When i look here it mentions the possibility to exclude a topic by…
Resubmission of Events
I just wanted to understand how others handle the resend requirement with solace. Following Use Cases where you need to resend some events: * Initial Load (multi instance system and new system requires some data) => send all data from object store to new instance (do not impact others) * Resend some events for certain…
Learning Path for "Developer Practitioner" certifications
Role of a "Developer" in building EDA The role of a Developer in modern times goes beyond the piece of code produced and run in a silo. The resulting module could be the crucial cog in the wheel that keeps business running smoothly. On that basis, considerations on aspects beyond the code and choices around design,…
Cant create more than 100 queues. solace docker image.
Cant create more than 100 queues. Cant create more than 100 connection. How can we extend it ?
Clarify Default Values for properties on setters in Solace API Libraries
Solace comes along with many settings and when using libraries the settings an be changed via setters. Let's take an example: DMQEligible In JCSMP: (good as mentioning default) https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/java/index.html on Message Class it states clearly what is the default. "Set the…
How to debug problem with SEMP timing out in container
Hi all, I am experiencing an issue when a docker container comes up, the exposed ports are all available, but the SEMP port times out when it is sent an HTTP patch to http://localhost:<mapped port>/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/default I have confirmed in Wireshark that the connection has been opened at the TCP level and the http…
Solace in Docker boot problems
Hello, I have noticed a week ago that my Solace in Docker does not boot anymore. I suspect the problem is that I am using quite a fresh Linux kernel (5.11.15-zen - Arch Linux default). Here is the boot log: Host Boot ID: 91c90137-fb8e-4af8-bbf4-179fb9048351Starting VMR Docker Container: Tue Apr 20 11:06:02 UTC 2021Setting…
Typescript Types
Hello! I am new to Solace and I was trying to implement Solace with typescript and I ran into a problem with it not having types. Are there any future plans to have types for solace available? And also are there any tips for working with solace in TypeScript?
Utilizing Designer with Pipeline
Good morning Solace world... Am continuing my progress with Solace and going well now up and running. Am onto playing with the Designer and am unable to get a message to port through an app. I have a simple app in which it has: 1 event for the topic testing/newmessage (incoming) 1 event for the topic testing/outmessage…
Consuming from a topic
There seem to be 2 ways of consuming messages from a topic with the JCSMP client: 1. Add a topic subscription directly to your session, then create a message consumer 2. Create a topic & topic endpoint (non-durable in my case), then create a flow receiver to the topic Can anyone explain the difference between the 2…
Solace not running with Docker 4.3
Hello Experts, I updated the Docker to latest version 4.3, and then suddenly solace stops working with "Determining platform type: [ FAIL ]" `08T10:09:49.334+00:00 <local0.warning> c9eb454fa901 appuser[1]: /usr/sw main.cpp:1007 (SOLDAEMON - 0x00000000) main(0)@solacedaemon WARN Child terminated with failure status:…
Good practice to differentiate business messages from technical messages
Hi, If I need to validate data that are sent as payload in messages, I'd probably will use a validation microservice. It could be used as a in a request/response manner or as a filter that forwards messages through it. Anyway, if I get more and more on combinations of validation services and to be validated event types in…
Python and Publishing to Queue using solace's API
Good morning all, Continuing my Solace journey today and after a lot of reading, there is no where that i can find which details how to publish to an actual queue from the python API. I have seen a single example which is using a different SEMP API, but it doesnt make sense to me to utilise two different connection…
Getting solace connectivity issue when configure ssl certificate using URI amqps://localhost:5677?
Getting solace connectivity issue when configure ssl certificate using URI amqps://localhost:5677…
Solace JmsListener Message conversion Exception
The original message is Text Message only, it was working previously recently ran into this issue. org.springframework.jms.listener.adapter.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Listener method could not be invoked with incoming message 2022-01-04T12:16:54.220+05:30 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] [OUT] Endpoint handler details:…
redundancy status is in DOWN state.
Hi All, Good Afternoon, Kindly help to resolve below mentioned error : I can see redundancy status is in DOWN state on both primary and backup server. tried with below command : en --> redundancy-->configure-->no shutdown , still the redundancy status is in DOWN state. and also not able to do release-activity , getting…
Golang API for Solace
Hi Team, I was going through the GIT Link https://github.com/SolaceSamples and I couldn't find the Golang API for connecting to Solace. We have already used Spring boot but now we need to use Golang. Is there any plan to release the API soon? Thanks, Namrata
Is there option to create backup queue
Good afternoon All, In solace can we create backup queue ??? If yes how? Please help me with steps. Requirment is if message is coming on Q1 which is having 1 subscriber to it. There is another Q2 on which same msg should come (backup of Q1) but with zero subscriber. How to do it? Kindly suggest. Thank you in advance!!
How to make discard notifications reliable?
Hi, we have a producer and a consumer which are using direct messaging. The producer starts sending an infinite stream of messages after the consumer subscribes. Can the consumer reliably detect that some messages in the middle of the message stream were discarded? Is it enough to (1) send all messages with the same…
De-Duplicate Messages in JMS - getReplicationGroupMessageId not part of JMS Spec
I can not see how i should access the: getReplicationGroupMessageId https://docs.solace.com/Solace-PubSub-Messaging-APIs/API-Developer-Guide/Detecting-Duplicate-Mess.htm as that field is not part of JMS spec ? So only logical way i can see then to de-dup would be: * Enforce Publisher to send a unique id (e.g. UUID) in…
im using the following broker_props = { "solace.messaging.transport.host": os.environ.get('SOLACE_HOST') or "localhost", "solace.messaging.service.vpn-name": os.environ.get('SOLACE_VPN') or "default", "solace.messaging.authentication.scheme.basic.username": os.environ.get('SOLACE_USERNAME') or "default",…
Hey mates! My casual introduction
Hey all, My name is Pradeep and I am from Mysuru, India. I come from development background and eager to upskill on EDA, hence joining this community to actively engage and hopefully contribute my bit in coming days.
503 max client queue and Topic endpoint exceeded
I have 15 queues each with 10 concurrency. when i start services i get the error max client queue and Topic endpoint exceeded. It's a spring cloud stream application. what could be the possible cause and solution for this problem.
Angular Enthusiasts: Solace Community Github highlight
This week's Solace Community Github highlight is sponsored by the "Solace Message Client for Angular Applications" package! This project is lead by our community member @danielwiehl and includes an angular wrapper around our Solace JavaScript Messaging API, solclient. Navigate to the Github repo and check out the getting…
Sample programs using spring cloud stream
I do limited examples of solace using spring cloud stream. Is there a repository where I can find many examples of solace using spring cloud stream.
What s best way from java to delete a single Message in Queue
I use JSCMP queue. browser to loom up message inside a queue. Now i want to delete. some of this msssages and look for best way to do so. Is there a way via JSCMP? via SEMP i found that: https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/swagger-ui/action/index.html#/queue I was surprised a PUT was used for…
Solace Issue Notification: SOL-61111 CVE-2021-44228 & CVE-2021-45046 Apache Log4j JNDI Vulnerability
Sharing the latest product notification for those that aren't subscribed to the emails. Sorry for the screenshots, I couldn't find an easy way to nicely format the table with so much text quickly in markdown. Solace Reference: SOL-61111 Summary: Solace is aware of the Log4j vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046…
How can we send bulk messages using nodejs?
I am sending around 100 messages with confirmed delivery. But Acknowledgement is delayed because of which I get OperationError: Guaranteed Message Window Closed after sending 50 messages. Is there a way to send more number of messages with guaranteed delivery? Code:…
Jms Message Id - default set unique id e. g. GUID if not set by publisher
I found that by default use of solace no message id is set when using jms client. As that field is best to corelate an error on subscriber with message parked in DMQ or perform de-duplication, i wonder if there is a. config in solacd to auto. fill when publisher does not set the ApplicationMessageId which normally turns…