Python TLS/ClientCertificateAuthentication error
Hi All, I am trying to use Python to connect to solace and failing to connect with “unable to get local issuer certificate” error. I have setup TLS with_certificate_validation and authentication strategy with ClientCertificateAuthentication.of. I have tried various combinations to use with or without TLS, while creating…
"Guaranteed Message Publish Window Size" with (Solace) JMS
Hi there In one of our applications we use the com.solacesystems.sol-jms (version 10.6.4). I want to configure publishing as described in https://solace.com/blog/understanding-guaranteed-message-publish-window-sizes-and-acknowledgement/ I found this:…
[Weekly Quizzicles] When Message Replay is enabled, what can you request?
Client username (sender id?)
Is there a way to get username of a sender of a message? As a consumer I want to know the name used to authenticate (basic or gss auth scheme) sender session. Obviously I dont want sender application to attach this as client can't be trusted so maybe VPN can attach this? I need this ID for further-more granular application…
Using Selectors in Solace PHP SMF
Hello all, is there a way to use Message selectors in the PHP SMF library similar to the other Solace interfaces ( https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/message-selectors/ ) ? If not, do you have any other idea how we can easily receive messages via PHP using message selectors? Thanks a lot and best regards from Mannheim,…
Working Principle For Solace Loopback Bridge
Hi, I have question around Solace loopback Message VPN Bridge which is used for link two Message VPNs on same event broker. Let's say we have Appliance Name “Router_DC_1” and there are 2 VPN i.e. VPN_A & VPN_C, Now both VPN is linked together via bridge (VPN_A_to_VPN_C) on same appliance. There is DR for this setup on…
Gaps and direct vs guaranteed messaging
Assume I disabled reconnect on Solace session - so once the session is down it will stay down. Now I have a publisher which is publishing messages A, B, C (in order and all messages have the same priority). (1) Suppose the publisher is publishing to topic T and uses direct messaging. Can it happen that only messages A and…
Hi, I am encountering an error when trying to establish a connection to the broker. I'm using TLS with certificate in the transport security strategy. Here is my code: transport_security = TLS.create() \ .with_certificate_validation(True, validate_server_name=True, trust_store_file_path=trust_store_path)messaging_service =…
XMLMessageProducer - java.io.NotSerializableException
Hi I am new to Solace. I have been trying to use Solace with Spark cluster with DStream. My sample code for producer looks like this private XMLMessageProducer managerProducer; // In my init method, I am creating the instance of managerProducer like shown below managerProducer = session.getMessageProducer(new…
Basic Configuration Defaults
Hey, What are basic Configuration Defaults required for software event broker?? Read good stuff here, https://docs.solace.com/Solace-SW-Broker-Set-Up/Starting-SW-Brokers-for-the-First-Time/Set-Up-KVM.htm#VMR. Can you brief more on it??
[Weekly Quizzicles] What level of logs are the logs from over-the-message-bus?
Not able to access any of those solace specific headers,
@StreamListener("solace-test") public void onMessage(Message<String> message){ Destination destination = message.getHeaders().get(SolaceHeaders.DESTINATION, Destination.class); System.out.println("DESTINATION :: " + destination.getName()); System.out.println("MESSAGE " + message.getPayload());…
OAuth2 Missing or invalid "expires_in" error with Azure Event Hubs connector
Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to Solace and I've been trying to setup the Azure Event Hubs connector. We are running Standard edition in a docker container. After following the wizard to configure the connector I'm getting an error back for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Authentication; Last Failure Reason: Missing or…
Message Priorities using REST Messaging
Hi all, Is there any way to set the message priority (https://docs.solace.com/PubSub-Basics/Message-Priority.htm) when publishing messages via REST? I have seen a note in the Solace REST documentation that REST does not support JMS message priorities - is this the same concept as the one linked before or are these…
[Weekly Quizzicles] In JCSMP, does message.ackMessage() acknowledge all messages or only one?
[Weekly Quizzicles] When are the messages in a queue moved from the original queue to the DMQ?
Local ( docker to Local solace connection failure.
Kindly help. @marc @JamilAhmed @Neha I am getting the connection failure error when i tried to connect from Local Docker ( simple application Spring cloud - Function Processor) to solace Localhost. I checked the /etc/hosts in my Mac and see that it is correctly mapped for localhost. Please note that before deploying to…
Solace Community Lightning Talk 2.0 is here! 🎉
Back at it again Hey Solace Community! We are back again with round ✌️ of our Solace Community Lightning Talks. Back by popular demand, this time we will be hosting our lightning talks event in August 2021 (stay tuned for more details) and we'll be highlighting members of our community and their cool projects What is it?…
Solace Developer Spotlight: Heiko Henning
Hometown: Thun, Switzerland Years of being a developer: 18 years as a professional developer Primary programming language(s): Java, Typescript How did you start as a developer? I started as a classical web developer and turned more and more to enterprise software. What is your typical day like? As a messaging architect, I…
Getting started with Solace - Developers and Architects
I put this quick start together for a partner training session. Sharing here in case it's of use to anyone looking for a guided hands on pathway to learning about Solace And Event Driven. Developer Pathway 1 – Getting started: get-started-basics 2 – Build A real world application in Spring -…
Queue to Topic Mapping List For Solace VPN
We use Solace queue to topic subscription mapping extensively in our Solace Ecosystem and most of time Application is not aware about underling queue and whenever application face any issue they provide VPN name and topic to administration team to check ! Now from here main pain point begin, because we have multiple…
Secure Connection on LocalHost (C API)
Hi, I am using the solace localhost to connect to my applications. I am able to do a default connection, but the secure connection is giving me an issue. I am running my localhost as: ./farePub tcps://localhost:55443 default admin admin topic ../ssl The error I am getting is: SDK NOTICE Thu Aug 19 18:47:26.741 2021…
Welcome to the Community!
Here are some tips and tricks for using this forum: * Use the reactions. These let you share how you feel about other’s comments. The most liked content shows up on the Best Of page. * Mention others. Put an @ symbol before the username to mention someone. They’ll get notified when you do. * Update your notification…
How does .Net(C#) Consumer obtain MessageID value? Tks.
No "MessageID" properties in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.IMessage. According to the documentation: This field is generated by the Solace platform and cannot be changed by the sending application I can saw messageID on the Solace message management site , messageID value is "18943221297" But I don’t know how to get…
[Weekly Quizzicles] Do Solace topics require to have multiple levels?
DIGITAL TWIN of a SOLACE APPLIANCE, Is it worth attempting?
I came to know about digital twin recently. Will it be wortth to implement the idea on any Solace appliance?
com.solacesystems.jcsmp.ClosedFacilityException: Tried to perform operation on a closed XML message
Hi, Can someone advise on below error ? com.solacesystems.jcsmp.ClosedFacilityException: Tried to perform operation on a closed XML message producer one of the publisher flow in our app sends only few messages in a day. Would keepAlive config solve this problem ? I already have reconnect config in place.
Show your projects
If you have worked on a project or developed an app using PubSub+, it's your show time! You can post a summary, a screenshot, a GitHub link, a short demo video, or whatever you want to show and share with the community. Here are a few projects that some of the community members have worked on: * Leveraging Solace PubSub+…
[Weekly Quizzicles] What is one of the behavioral differences between topic endpoints and queues?
Info log entry pollutinq application logs
I am in the process of evaluating Solace as an alternative to Kafka. Reason for this is that Kafka does not support XA transactions and in some scenarios we lost messages. I installed downloaded and managed to successfully start Solace message broker locally in aa docker container. One of our applications successfully…