[Weekly Quizzicles] An event broker is the only thing you need to implement EDA.
Batch Mode Support on Spring Cloud Stream Solace Binder
We have an use case where in we need the consumer to receive a batch of messages and process them together as a unit and post it to an outbound topic. We want the batch to be acknowledged as a whole once the processing of batch is completed by the consumer. In spring cloud kafka binder we have a "batch-mode" functionality…
Spring cloud stream
Hi Guys Can you please let me know what is causing the issue, Commenting the logs, also what are the dependency required spring boot, spring cloud, gradle to use solace 2 and above version.
[Weekly Quizzicles] What new features does Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python 1.1.0 include?
[Poll] How do you start your day?
Solace Developer Spotlight: Nagaraju Kshathriya (aka NaGG)
Hometown: Chittoor, Awesome place in Andhra Pradesh, India Born and brought up in: Chittoor, India Years of being a developer: 4 Primary programming language(s): Little bit Python but most of the time, I’m into integration platforms and currently exploring MuleSoft as a developer/architect. How did you start as a…
Early Access is Now Available for the New Java API 🎉
Early Access is Now Available for the brand new "PubSub+ Messaging API for Java" 🎉 Solace Community members can find out more about the API in the "Early Access API" category here: https://solace.community/discussion/643/early-access-now-available-for-the-new-java-messaging-api
EDA Myths! What claims have you come across?
Howdy ya'll! EDA is one of the many topics I am passionate about and I am regularly involved with topics and conversations about it in the community. Just like any other domain, there are some claims and myths in EDA that people exchange every now and then. I wanted to start this conversation here to hear from you all:…
Solace spring cloud stream support
Couple of questions i have * Does solace has compress support for producer ? producer: compress: true * Does autoBindError Queue is supported only in consumer or producer ? * if i enable error-channel-enabled: true, is there a way to listen to all the error together in one channel, and i would be able to drop them back to…
Solace message compression
How can i check if the message is compressed?? Q1. if i connect solace session with the compressed port , then all messages send out would be compressed ?? Q2. if i connect solace session with normal port (no compression), can i manually set the compression level in solace session property instead ?? So that all messages…
Getting Connection object when using JMSListener
Hi, Is there any way to get the handle of Connection object when using @jmslistener? @Bean(name = "FeeBillConnectionFactory") public JmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory){ DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory = new…
Meet error javax.naming.NamingException: Username must be specified when consume solace
Hi gurus, My scenario is capture Solace JMS message then deliver to oracle via OGG Application Adapter (jmsvam). throw below error message when start ogg extract process it's stranger what username should be specified? but i already setup java.naming.security.principal does my reference solace jars are correct? May 21,…
JMS Transaction COMMIT error
Hi Team, I have seen this error in logs. Can someone explains me when this error occurs and what happens to messages? javax.jms.JMSException: Error committing - internal error (Operation COMMIT disallowed in state COMMITTING.) Caused by: com.solacesystems.jcsmp.InvalidOperationException: Operation COMMIT disallowed in…
Spring Cloud Stream + Microservice Pub/Sub
Hello, I am creating a microservice through spring cloud stream. My idea is to have a publisher application send messages through a queue to the microservice, which will then process data, and send out the processed data to a consumer application through a queue. I am having an issue with understanding how to configure the…
using google.protobuf.Timestamp in c/c++
Hi, I use time_t for google.protobuf.Timestamp in implementation, but doesn't seem to me that it works out well. eg. i put time t t3 = 1621435475, is Wed May 19 10:44:35 2021, but the solace server return time t as, 140723368189072, is Tue Jan 7 03:57:52 4461316, which is garbage. Do you have any idea why? Thanks.
What are your takeaways from EDA Summit 2021?
Yesterday’s EDA Summit was a great success. I’m sure you enjoyed it as much as I did. My biggest takeaway from it is that EDA is not just a concept anymore. It is a real thing now across almost all the industries. I can see that growing popularity and momentum in Gartner’s Keith Cuttridge’s session about trends in EDA…
Access the Solace Admin from the Virtual Machine Host
Hello dear community, I'm new to solace in general and I would liked to get a support the following case. I have a centos 7 virtual machine running on My Windows Host, Inside the VM, I have Docker installed and a running solace container, The ports are correctly forwarded to the outside of the Docker and to the outside of…
Jms, Spring cloud stream
Can I read the message which was published by solace producer using spring cloud stream, i tried but i am receiving a byte message and getBody of Message interface throws exception. Even i tried separately as well but got java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class com.solacesystems.jms.message.SolBytesMessage does not…
Need to connect to two VPNs using Spring boot solace
We have requirement where we have to manually switch between active and DR vpn. so few questions 1. How to connect to multiple vpns? 2. 2. how to identify the vpn is down ? Thanks
Subscribing to a subset of the fields on a chatty topic
Hello Solace Community, I'm just starting out with Solace and I'm trying to figure out how topics work. Reading documentation I can see how to subscribe to topics and how to use wildcards but I don't see how to subscribe to a subset of a topic. I have a very chatty topic that sends out SDT maps and I'm only interested in a…
Use exclusive queue as distributed lock?
I was wondering if I could use an exclusive queue as a rudimentary distributed "headship" mechanism. If there are multiple queue consumers that create a flow to the queue, my thought is that whoever is the active consumer would considered the head node, and if they shut down then headship would automatically be transferred…
JMSToolBox: Not able to browse through all queues created on VPN
Hi Team, Need your help here. I'm trying to use JMSToolBox to browse and see the content of the messages on solace queues. have completed the setup and able to connect to solace VPN but the JMSToolBox is displaying only 100 queues. there are around 500+ queues created on Solace VPN and I'm not able to browse through all…
Error when setting up Java Code
Hi, When I am setting up the BasicReplier and BasicRequestor code in STS, I am getting below error No "exception of type JCSMPException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable" in design time. Am I missing anything or any jar file? I just coped the BasicReplier and BAsicRequestor code and I cannot…
Spring cloud stream -- jmsTempate
I am trying to read a message using jmsTemplate but not able to cast it, i need to read payload/body and then i have to drop that message using jmsTempate to another queue. class com.solacesystems.jms.message.SolBytesMessage cannot be cast to class javax.jms.Message
Spring cloud stream
In case when we siphon the message from an error queue we dont get from which queue it was thrown like rabbit does it by proving original queue name, also how to get all the headers i am using jmsTemplate or jndiTempated i see property to gather there is not separate method to just get all the headers, also there is method…
MQTT 5.0 Support 🎉
PubSub+ Early Access Broker now supports MQTT v5.0! With this new support, the broker will automatically determine whether the client is speaking MQTT v3.1 or MQTT v5.0. Some of the new features you will be able to have access to with this support is: * Assigned Client ID * Determine content type so that message consumers…
@JmsListener with concurrency
Hello All, I am trying to use Spring API. I am trying to process multiple messages simultaneously and wanted the JMS listener to be running continuously so that I can process further steps while it is awaiting the message. I am getting below error when I add concurrency with JMSListener. 2021-05-21 16:26:57.922 WARN 164…
Queue Subscriber without Latch
Hi, I am trying to have QueueSubscriber without latch but to have QueueSubscriber continously running. Is there any sample code available? I am trying to create a message SubscribeFromQueue. If I have latch inside subscribeFromQueue it works but once control comes back to main method it does not return back. try {…
get only first message
Hi, I want to receive only the first message with property in a Queue. How to get this? Will this utility will help ? ./sdkperf_jms.sh Or any other choice ? Saw this article..Any hint - on how to re-write to receive only first message? https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/topic-to-queue-mapping/ These messages are now on…
How would you explain EDA to your grandma?
The EDA Summit is on today and I just watched the Welcome Keynote. One of the things that I like about it is the question "How would you explain EDA to your grandma?" It's fun to see the experts and guests make their attempts. What would you say to your grandma? I'd like to hear your versions here. :)@rob @manish @Tamimi