Most memorable developer conferences and events
Hi SolaceDevs, I've been thinking about developer-focused events and conferences lately and I'm curious about your experiences. I feel like this past year has been a grab bag of experiences, with organizers pivoting to virtual and trying to figure out the best format. Nonetheless I'm curious to hear about your experience…
Competitive Resource for Solace
Hi Community, We are trying to recommend our customer to use Solace as PubSub+ and messaging service. Currently customer is using different messaging/event service product such as Kafka/Anypoint MQ/Rabbit MQ and Tibco EMS. So my question is: Could you help me to get the competitive resource/PPT/PDF which shows us > How…
How can we receive multiple replies for a single request?
I'm implementing the pubsub+ request-reply pattern where I need to receive multiple records as a reply for a particular request but, I'm receiving just one record as a reply per request after which the session exits. Can someone suggest what can be done for this. Reference - https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/request-reply/
Solace Connect - Favorite Sessions
Hi, This week is Solace Connect, which is our first ever Virtual User Group. Be sure to check it out if you haven't already. Register Here But I want to know about your experience: * What was your favorite session(s)? Why? * Are there any sessions that you would like to see next time? If you haven't registered yet here is…
Solace Developer Spotlight: Manish Yadav
Hometown: Ranchi, Capital city of state Jharkhand in India Born and brought up in: Bihar (a state in India) Years of being a developer: 5 Primary programming language(s): None but basic Core Java. I’m a pure Integration Developer/Architect with a zero-code MuleSoft integration platform. How did you start as a developer? I…
Solace Prometheus Exporter
Hi I want to use solace Prometheus exporter to monitor the performance of my solace software running as a docker container. I installed the git hub library, started the solace-exporter container. When I go to the localhost:9628, and any sub page, I do not have the metrics. All I get is: HELP broker_build_info A metric with…
Slow Subscriber
Hi, I want to identify slow subscriber client in my sandbox environment. This is to mock or test when a client is marked as a slow consumer. Currently our slow subscriber panel in Grafana shows all clients as normal (i.e. 0 = not slow subscriber). Can anyone please suggest how this can be replicated in test environment ?…
How to publish and consume an attachment(.txt) file along with each message in queue?
Is there a way to publish a message and an attachment(.txt) file to a queue? Can this message and the attached file be consumed using java interface?
Welcome all Solace Virtual Connect attendees!
Hey there! We're so glad you came to check out the community while you're taking in all the amazing live and on-demand content from Solace Connect. Come join us in the community! Not sure if you should sign up? Read on and find out what you get when you sign up! Our rapidly growing community is the place for developers to…
Solace Messaging C API and ATM8 message
Is there any available C/C++ library to accommodate ATM8 message format? I need to send my message as binary ATM8.
How to integrate solace and protobuf C libraries together?
Need to serialize message as protobuf and send it thru Solace appliance.
New Solace Certification now available: Solace Certified Event Driven Architecture Practitioner
The Solace Certification program has a new addition! The Solace Certified Event Driven Architecture Practitioner certification is for architects and developers who want to validate their skills on being event-driven. It tests your EDA knowledge and hands-on ability to apply EDA to your applications and infrastructure. Take…
Solace Cache in Pubsub+ Configuration Help
I'd like to set up a last-value cache with our test cluster in PubSub+. There is a 'Caches' page under 'Advanced Messaging', but I've not managed to work out the relationship between distributed caches, cache clusters, cache instances and home cache clusters. Can anyone point me at any documentation that would help me? My…
Is this real error? Capabilities (unbind-ack, bind-response-endpoint-error-id)
Hi all, Recently our solace team in company highlighted that there were many failure notification in splunk, and provide the log like this (I hide some sensitive information like host name and server name ). Do you have any idea if this is a real error? Or it is just a false alarm, since I could not find any error from API…
Giving away clubhouse invitations! 🎧
Hey everyone! I am wondering if anyone has heard about clubhouse, is already on it or waiting to be invited to join? it is a very cool platform bringing together similar minded people to chat and discuss several topics. There are rooms about social activities, finance and most interesting to me are the rooms about tech!…
Unable to authenticate using "KERBEROS AUTHENTICATION SCHEME"
Hi Team, When i am trying to connect to a session using Kerberos Authentication Scheme. It throws Unauthorized Login failure error. can anyone please tell me what must have been missing? Below is the list of Session Properties i am passing to connect to the session. I am using C API. propIndex =0; sessionProps[propIndex++]…
PODCAST: Connecting Everything To The Internet: Our Future With IoT Technology
For those of you that are podcast listeners out there be sure to check out this "Brains Byte Back" episode from March 9th. @Vatsid spoke about smart cars, smart toilets 😂 and the future of IoT! 👉 Listen to it here.
How many number of days a message will be left unconsumed in Solace queue ?
How many number of days a message will be left unconsumed in Solace queue ?
Anyone familiar with Node-RED?
Anyone here a Node-RED expert? Dale Lane in the AsyncAPI community slack is exploring how a Node-RED AsyncAPI plugin could work. He wants to auto-generate nodes for Kafka/MQTT/AMQP, etc from the spec. I think this would be pretty cool and would allow you to design using the Solace Event Portal and then autogenerate…
How to access Solace Cloud statistics and integrate it with monitoring platforms (Datadog)
Hi, I did some research regarding monitoring. Solace offers Insights which is running on Datadog. But it seems it's a closed system. We want to know how we can access Solace Cloud statistics and send them to public cloud monitoring platforms like Datadog. So we can integrate Solace with existing monitoring solutions of…
Event Enabling Salesforce
Hey Solace Community! Curious to know if anyone is using Salesforce with Solace? What is your use-case? Interested to hear how you are using it, ping me and let me know!
How to send application log to a Solace queue
We need to send log file contents on a linux server to a remote queue in Solace. The log files are from a perl application. Is there a standard way to do this for Solace? Or are there any known output plugins for log forwarders like logstash/filebeat/fluentd etc which could send to a Solace queue?
How to prevent queue creating automatically from the programming?
Hello Team, Our Requirement: Solace DEV team will create few queues in the solace portal and they will send the queue list to the application development team to consume messages from available queues. Application DEV team should not create any new queues programmatically/manually from code. They have to only consume…
Spring cloud stream dependency version
Hi, Can some one please let me know the below version is a stable version com.solace.spring.cloud solace-spring-cloud-bom 1.1.1
Queue holds only last message published on the given topic
I have a queue (Q1) and topic T1 assigned to it. I published few messages to that topic and then run queue subscriber. Queue shows only a last message published to the topic. Is it a setup issue?
Data integrity verification
Hi, How does data integrity verification happen in the Solace C API? I could not find anything in the docs for it. Is there any good checksum API that we can try?
SolaceCommunity Github Project Highlight - Prometheus Exporter
Last week we launched our new SolaceCommunity Github organization that will host project showcasing how to integrate Solace API with different tools and technologies. Today we are highlighting one of the projects in that repo: Solace Prometheus Exporter. This is a GoLang based tool that leverages the Solace Element…
Solace Developer Spotlight: Sjaak Overgaauw
Hometown: Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands (40 km from Rotterdam) Years of being a developer: 25 Primary programming language(s): None. We are a low code company. Past: Java Social media presence: LinkedIn and Twitter How did you start as a developer? I started at school in the 80’s. Commodore 64 and 128! 😊 And later on…
What is your GitHub SkyLine!? 🏙
Check out the new Github Skyline feature here https://skyline.github.com/! Depending on your contributions for the year, you can generate your own skyline. Below is my skyline commits for the year 2020 😎 What is yours! Take a screenshot and post it here
Setting Destination and Endpoint types in Boomi Solace Connector
Hi, In my Boomi process - I have Solace queue listener and once data is sent to destination (end system) the end system responses are logged to another response queue in Solace. As the response section is common for another modules as well. I like to set the Destination queue name in Set properties in Boomi and tried to…