Falling with Solace PubSub+ for Docker
Hi, I am trying to setup solace running in a docker container, when I started with the below commands. it is falling to start? Any help would be appreciated, please. sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 --shm-size=2g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace…
Direct vs guaranteed messages
Hi, we are considering options for streaming a sequence of messages from one consumer to another. Our main requirement for this stream is to guarantee that we do NOT LOSE messages in the middle of the stream. Reading through Solace doc's its not really clear enough to me how could we accomplish this with as small…
Combining GoLang, NodeJS and Java JMS clients
Hi, We have Solace Appliances at our shop and for a particular VPN, we have a lot of JMS clients publishing to topics and consuming from persistent queues. Messages are also published with persistence. All topics only have Solace Queues as subscribers in order to secure this persistence and allow for consumer downtime. We…
IoT and Connected Devices projects
What projects are you all doing around IoT and connected devices? Whether its for work or side hobbyist projects I'm curious to know some projects we can share here on this thread! I've been getting more and more interested in cool projects that can be done on a Raspberry Pi using sensors and different triggers. One quick…
High Availability client configuration properties to load balance from the client end
Hi All, I have a question. What are configuration properties are required to achieve High Availablity like load balancing from the client SDK's sides? For examples: .NET ,Node js, Javascript, python, c etc... the configuration, I mean reconnection strategies and auto-switch between servers. can any one describe proper…
Topic which gives whole state followed by updates
Hi, I'm trying to create an app where each client initially gets whole state and then listens to state updates. I would like to use Solace topic to distribute state updates to clients. But I also need to distribute whole state to each client immediately after it subscribes - how is this done in Solace? Is there some proven…
Can Solace over MQTT Protocol, send or receive messages from Queue?
I am integrating Solace with Mulesoft and trying to Communicate with Queue over MQTT Protocol? is it possible to send or receive messages from Queue using MQTT Protocol?
Does Solace supports plain HTTP, over MQTT Protocol?
I want to know Does Solace supports plain HTTP, using MQTT Protocol?
In my application I am creating a solace message "CreateMessage()". After that i am converting message to stream using "SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.SDT.SDTUtils.CreateStream(solaceMessage, 10240)". While writing in stream in a loop I am getting below exception after some iteration in the loop.…
Exponential retry for messages
1) We have a microservice consuming message and post the data to another microservice via http 2) Lets say if either the database or microservice is down, we like to push the message back to the queue (this we can do with JMSListener by throwing the exception). And we like to consume the message with exponential backoff...…
Lightning Talks? You heard it! We want to hear from YOU.
Got a cool EDA or real-time project you've been working on? Want to talk about a cool tech or framework you used in your application that enhanced your development process for your event-driven application? What about Johny-Five for you IoT project or X-State for state management solutions? Cool tips & tricks for using…
How to check the size of a message-queue
Hi, I have a specific requirement. When we start/restart the pub, we need to check the size of the last value queue. It should be zero in the start of the day, and it should be 1 during the day ( at least one message went through). When the LVQ size is zero, we will consider it the start of the day ( no message went…
Sample c example solClient_msg_getCorrelationTag
Hi, Can any one send the sample example for the correct usage of the correlation tag pointer API. solClient_msg_getCorrelationTag
Development Best Practices
What are the best practices in solace development except naming queues/topics? And what are the restrictions, recommendations to be followed? How failover takes place. could you please some information related to this?
Need JavaScript library suggestions!!
Reaching out to the broader community on this one. NEED SOME INSPIRATION! I've written a bunch of demos in JavaScript, using either the Solace JavaScript or the Eclipse Paho MQTT JavaScript libraries, coupled with various (usually) graphics or mapping libraries: * Singapore bus demo, using Google Maps:…
How to identify wich Appliance is active, any SEMP Query avalable ????
Hi All, We have 4 Appliance (Prod and DR), so when I fire SEMP query (it will come blind count and current message in the queue) will get all queue start, And that SEMP query is automated. And last week my Appliance failover from primary to secondary and I didn't get any data from that SEMP query, so is their any SEMP…
Acknowledging messages using Spring JMS
Hello, I would like to manually acknowledge each message I receive from the Solace queue using the JMS protocol. However with the configuration I have below, I am seeing that the messages are actually not being removed even after I explicitly call "message.acknowledge()" on the message. @Bean() public…
Where are persistent messages being stored if the event broker software is down?
I am a test engineer and currently doing some testing on the Solace PubSub+ event broker software to make sure it fits my company's needs. I am trying to prove that persistent (guaranteed) messages are properly working. The scenario I am testing is either the Solace broker software going down or the message VPNs. If the…
Monitoring Queue Depth
I want to set up alert for queue depth using monitoring tool for Solace cloud (Trial Version). I have set queue threshold at 80%. I am able to gather queue stats using SEMP command but not sure how to set the alerts.
Send json object to Solace queue using Python
No formatter is installed for the format not-found
Solace Docker Issue @ Windows Home
Hi, I'm trying to install docker on my Windows 10 Home desktop box, but unable install with following error. Please suggest any workaroud for this issue without upgrading my windows OS :) Thanks in advance! Kuladeep
What's the programming language that you use most?
What's the programming language that you use most? I see a bunch of surveys out there around the "most popular" programming language with drastically differing results depending on the dev audience that was surveyed (which I would expect). This made me curious as to the most popular languages for developer using Solace. I…
Configuring a persistent queue in Enterprise Evaluation GCE image via CLI
I've just installed Enterprise Evaluation so I can test an application that needs to connect to a persistent queue. When I try, it tells me that "Assured message delivery is not available on this channel." Looking at the documentation, it looks like I need to either configure the system to use the internal HD or an…
Solace simple chat application - cannot connect to Pubsub+ cloud
Hi, I learn how to connect simple chat app from this blog https://solace.com/blog/build-chat-app-solace-1/ But I cannot publish message to the pubsub+ cloud platform. Here is the detail error. I used this tools: -Apache maven 3.6.3 -JDK 11.0.7 Thanks Lukman
Where do you get your tech news?
Hi everyone! I'm curious where you all get your "more technical" tech news from beyond just headlines such as product announcements? Do you follow a certain blog or tech news site? do you rely on social media? podcasts? I used to listen to a lot of podcasts but the more technical ones seem to have failed over time and I…
Concurrency property with Solace Spring cloud stream api
I am using solace spring cloud stream apis to consume messages from a queue to a function. I would like to know how can I make it multi threaded using multiple message listeners(consumers) to the same queue so that I can process all the messages quickly. Concurrency property is not working, can you please give an example…
Terminal Environment setup
Hey Solace Dev Community 👋 I'm curious to know what your development environment setup looks like: Are you a Window, Mac or Linux user (or even some random OS user, I don't discriminate)? And on your machines, how do you configure your command line interface terminal for all your CLI magic? Personally I am a HUGE fan of…
copy file from the solace cli
Hi All , I am trying to copy certs file from my windows mechine to certs folder through docker cli. By using copy command is not working. Could you please provide me any answers
Get topic name from the incoming message using solace spring cloud stream library
Following is a sample bean to receive messages from a solace queue. How can I get the topic name through which the message came into my queue? This queue is configured to receive messages from multiple topics and based on the topic of each message I have different message processing logic. I was able to get the topic name…
Sample code to publish a message to a topic using spring cloud stream api
Can someone please provide me a sample yml configuration used to publish a message to a topic using spring cloud stream api?