Moving messages from deadletter queue to main queue in Solace
I am new to Solace and using Boomi to push messages to Solace. I tried JMS Toolbox to view the messages. Do we have any tools or any options to move the messages from the Dead Letter queue to Main queue. I am looking for any of the options available. Can you please guide me in right direction please.
Distributed Tracing / OpenTelemetry: Testing Solace Implementation and trying our own
Hey there, we are trying to implement Distributed Tracing in our Solace Environment. We are struggling to get your implementation (https://solace.community/discussion/1553/distributed-tracing-is-now-generally-available#latest) to run correctly. We have some questions: In your presentation video…
Solace JCSMP Streaming - Code Sample
Hello, From the perspective of using Solace JCSMP with Apache Camel, I m working on a POC to read messages from a Solace Queue in streaming mode, (read 100 messages and Ack). Could you please share with me a sample code, where we use JCSMP API to consume messages in streaming mode? Thank you!
API says it can't send while waiting on DNS
I'm trying to do a pub/sub tutorial, both publishing 1 message and subscribing to the queue. The original JS code as Solace created on Github. I'm trying to Typescript-ify the code and now it says OperationError: Cannot perform operation SEND while in state WaitingForDNS PING resolves the host URL to an IP address, so at…
Solace Topic Destination Header
Hi Team - this is regarding the scenario of publisher using topic string as destination header (using topic hierarchy) and consumer using wild card (> or *) to consume required message. This is in order to facilitate filtering at event broker level. Does the above scenario ensure guarantee message delivery when none of the…
Connection reset by peer using python urllib2.urlopen()
Hi Team, We have a "Connection reset by peer" when using python2 urllib2 to send message to solace. This error is resolved if we restart/retry the job. Any ideas what might be causing this? f = urllib2.urlopen(req , timeout = 7200000, context = ctx) File "../urllib2.py", line 154, in urlopen return opener.open(url, data,…
Failed to retrieve configuration for syslog forwarding.
Hi Community, I am trying to configure a syslog forwarding on a test broker of developer class and not able to retrieve it's configuration. It's showing contact support. I have tried to configure the syslog forwarding using broker cli but looks like in console it's still showing inactive. Kindly suggest solution for it or…
JCSMP Ack mode
Hello. I'm creating a Jcsmp session based on this tutorial: solace-samples-java-jcsmp/QueueConsumer.java at master · SolaceSamples/solace-samples-java-jcsmp · GitHub. even if I'm setting the flow_prop.setAckMode(JCSMPProperties.SUPPORTED_MESSAGE_ACK_CLIENT); and passing the flow_prop to the session as in the tutorial. the…
Are you going to AWS: reInvent 2022
Hi folks, we're going to be at AWS re:Invent and would love to have the opportunity to meet you in person. We're going to be hosting a developer evening and would like to invite you to come along. IF you're not attending but your colleagues are please send them the link to register: https://try.solace.com/top-golf-outing/
Solace Apache Beam connector with SEMP instead of SEMP-over-message-bus
Hi, The solace-apache-beam connector (https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-apache-beam) uses SEMP-over-message-bus to check backlog of queue. Has anyone tried to migrate that to SEMPv1 queries ? Some environments are not happy with SEMP-over-message-bus. Thank you Uli
Connectivity Issue from TIBCO BW
Hi All, Getting below error while connecting from TIBCO BW5.x to Solace, we have increased consumer limit also but no use, could you please help. com.solacesystem.jscmp.JSEMPErrorResponseException: 503 Max Router Publishing Flow Exceeded Thanks
Expected behaviour if unplug the network cable to a consumer
Hi, there are multiple consumers to a non-exclusive queue, if after a message has been delivered to a consumer and before the consumer ACK the message, the network cable of the consumer is unplugged, what is the expected behaviour? Will the message be delivered to other consumer after a certain period of time? And if yes,…
Samples for JCSMP use deprecated classes
I just faced today when looking at JCSMP samples for publishing e.g. to topic that samples here: https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/publish-subscribe/ + https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-java-jcsmp/blob/master/src/main/java/com/solace/samples/jcsmp/features/TopicPublisher.java to not get adapted to a latest…
Distributed Tracing Early Access Now Available to Interested Community Members
Good News! The Solace Distributed Tracing feature for self-managed brokers is now available to interested community members for early access! The new distributed tracing functionality lets you observe events on a step-by-step basis so you can easily troubleshoot delivery and performance problems. Watch this demo video to…
Using JCSMP API with Apache Camel
Hello, I'm working on a POC to use Solace JCSMP with Apache camel. I noticed that there was a community integration project called HybridEdge that is not maintained by Solace. Is there any plan to create a similar project for JCSMP? or to develop an Apache camel JCSMP component similar to the JMS one? Thank you.
Exponential Backoff missing - should be part of solace functionality
I wanted to bring up a topic which i miss in solace and that is called exponential backoff. Exponential Backoff: Is a concept to increase the interval of retries instead of retry permanently. It is important as sometimes a solution could be temp not available or a resource is temp overloaded. So to increase the interval…
Failed to create consumer binding Error
Hi Team, I am using Spring Cloud Stream (spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace.2.0.0-string-serialization and sol-jcsmp.10.13.0) to send and consume messages with Solace VPN. I am able to publish and consume the message, but I get below continuous error in my log file with corresponding increase in the bind count.…
I'm not able to create a subscription topic under '#telemetry-trace' queue. How can I do it?
I'm using open-telemetry framework. I have created a queue named '#telemetry-trace'. Now I'm trying to create a subscription topic for that queue and I'm getting an error 'The #telemetry-trace queue may not be configured' Does anyone know how to solve this error? Thanks in Advance!
Take the October Solace Developer Community Challenge
On October 4, Solace announced the launch of PubSub+ Event Portal 2.0. To celebrate it, we decided to focus our October community challenge exclusively on Event Portal. Take the 3-question challenge and submit your answers by October 31 to win a Solace backpack! Good luck!
How do avoid 403: Replication Is Standby ?
We are using “spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace” to consume the message from queue but receiving the below error frequently. Please refer the below details and help us to avoid the issue. application.yml configuration: binders: <<bindername>>: type: environment: solace: java: clientUsername: <<User Name>> connectRetries:…
Spring cloud stream - concurrency
Hi there I'm trying to configure more than one Consumer Thread for my functional consumer But I saw that when I config concurrency as 5. It will create 5 session connection to the solace server. when config concurrency is 5. It will create 5 session connection to the solace when config concurrency is 10. It will create 10…
How to achieve message flow control in the node.js consumer for guaranteed messages?
We have a setup where our Node.js consumer app listens on a queue in a Solace PubSub+ broker. It forwards any messages received to another system in batches. As such, we do not have access to modify the queue configurations on the broker, and only the message consumer and session properties are under our control. Since the…
JMS destination showing as topic, eventhough the message is consumed from queue
Consuming messages from queue, but while analysing the received message, observed that the JMS destination is showing as the topic name which is subscribed to the queue. Can you explain why the received message's destination is not showing as queue instead the topic.
What’s Next with Ed and Ali – Episode 1
Are you wondering what projects are in development for core and cloud products in Solace? Then watch “What’s Next with Ed and Ali”. In the series , Ed Funnekotter, SVP, Core Product Development, Solace and Ali Pourshahid, SVP, Cloud and Developer Experience, Solace, provide a sneak peek into features before they hit the…
System.ObjectDisposedException: 'Cannot access a disposed object. while using ISession.connect
Hi Team, We are incorporating Solace in our .Net core API and trying to create session object in one cs file and adding it to a property in another cs file where I am using session.Connect(). When we try to connect to session it is showing an exception "that object is disposed". Below is code for your reference.…
Extra bytes in received message
I use a simple JCSMP consumer to consume data from a broker, here is the code: When messages are received, there are always some extra bytes at the beginning of the buffer. for example, when I publish a TextMessage with content "Hello World!" the received data is The first 2 bytes are extra. When I use Postman to post a…
Take the September Solace Developer Community Challenge
Our first Solace Developer Community Challenge was so popular that we decide to have another challenge in September. A winner will be selected based on the number of correct answers and time of submission. Take the 3-question challenge and submit your answers by September 30 and win a Solace backpack! Good luck!
Announcing the winner of the September Solace Developer Community Challenge
The September Solace Developer Community Challenge has ended. I'm glad to announce that based on the number of correct answers and time of submission, participant Emmanuel won the backpack. Congratulations, Emmanuel! I’ll reach out to you to arrange the delivery of the backpack. A big thank you to everyone who…
Getting Caused by: com.solacesystems.jcsmp.InvalidOperationException: Cannot send assured message: A
Is this issue with solace VPN or some properties needs to be set in spring config in application.yaml file?
Do not alter queue settings when using Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+
Typically, queues and other Broker resources are pre-provisioned, and the clients simply bind and use them at run-time. The auto-provisioning feature supported by Solace binder helps the creation of queues at startup - a handy feature! Both message queues and error queues can be provisioned dynamically at the time of…