how to configure to enable MQTT QoS1exchange in Solace
HI Dears, In this document https://docs.solace.com/API/MQTT/Using-MQTT.htm, we can enable QoS1-At least once delivery for MQTT, could you help to provide the details guideline how to configure QoS1 in solace for MQTT client? Thanks Lei
Java RTO Context Handle Busy Spin
Hi, I have allocated core while initializing Context Handle but it doesn't keep the core busy and due to this first message is always has high end to end latency. How can I keep Context Handle on busy spin ? My Java RTO is version 7 and Java 11.
Message Eliding maximum topics
Hi! I would like to understand a bit more on one of the settings Maximum Eliding Topics Per Client Connection. If I set this as 1 and subscribe to a hierarchy of a/b/c/> containing two topics a/b/c/d and a/b/c/e , will both my topics be tracked? Or will solace choose one of the topics randomly? In short, is this property…
Help with setting up appropriate endpoints.
Hi, I have a pretty standard use case, but am struggling to work out a basic architecture, perhaps you can help? We have a producer which would publish prices at random on a topic. We have a number of consumers who all need to consume these prices. When these consumers start up they need to obtain the last published price…
StreamBridge null pointer with Spring 3
I try to get "spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace" version 3.0.0 with spring 3.1.0 running. But every time i use the "StreamBridge" i get this error message: 2023-06-01T14:38:25.602+0200 ERROR Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed:…
How to disable the automatic queue creation with amqp qpid jms client
Hello everyone, I am following the tutorial provided here: GitHub - SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms1: Getting Started tutorials for using Apache Qpid JMS 1.1 over AMQP 1.0 with Solace Message Routers. I want to create a consumer on my queue which receives messages. This does work, however everytime the client…
Rewrite URL Path - RDP Rest Consumer
Is it possible to rewrite the URLs before sending the request to the Rest Consumer using solace RDP? For example: ->
how to add topic subscription to durable topic endpoint in solace via CLI
Hi All, how to add topic subscription to durable topic endpoint in solace via CLI/soladmin/WebGUI Please suggest!!
503: Too Many Connections For Client-Username
Hi All, Getting error as : JNDI lookup failed - 503: Too Many Connections For Client-Username Configured Max Connections Per Username but no luck, please suggest way forward.
Understanding the "connect retries per host" and ""connect retries" properties.
Let's imagine the situation that I have: number of solace hosts: 3 connect retries: 2 connect retries per host: 4 What would be the final number of retries, if it would be 24, like 2 x 4 per host? Or how it would work?
Distributed Tracing: New features on Solace PubSub+ Cloud!
Hey Community! 👋 As you know, we have been releasing regular updates to our new DT feature. We're excited to announce that Distributed Tracing in PubSub+ Cloud can now export traces to PubSub+ Insights and other observability tools using OTLP/gRPC or OTLP/HTTP. This means customers can now export to solutions like…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Sticky Load Balancing Implementation
Can any one please help me with a sample implementation of sticky load balancing with spring cloud stream solace. My use case is account transaction information are posted to a solace topic to 6 different partitions. There will be consumer(s) reading from these partitions. Initially there will be 1 consumer which is hosted…
Spring Cloud Stream Data Type in Function
Function<Message<?>, Message<?>> The function takes the input paylaod as bytes even when datatype is mentioned. The auto conversion from json to pojo is not happening. Any suggestion? For example, Message<ClassName> when i directly use it, i am getting Class class exception ClassName a = message.getPayload(). Works as…
Best Practices for handling message processing failures (Go API)
Hi, just wanted to know what is the best practice for handling failures when processing consumed events from a queue? i.e. Upon consumption of an event from a queue subscribed to multiple topics, I would call an external API to send an email to a person based on the topic. However there is a chance that this API call would…
NoClassDefFoundError - SolJNDIInditialContextFactory - need assistance
Hi TEam, I am java developers, if I am using the sol-jms-10.3.1.jar or sol-jms-10.3.1.jar I am able to connect to the Solace VPN If I tried to use the sol-jms-10.6.2.jar - I am getting the below error : NoClassDefFoundError - cloud not load class com.solacesystems.jndi.SolJNDIInditialContextFactory Am I missing anything…
How to post to Solace VPN - using restAPI
How to post to Solace VPN - using restAPI ? Any documentation or samples on how to send a message to solace vpn using REST API.
Solace Jdk compatible matrix
Hi TEam, I am Java developer, I am looking for Solace Jdk-compatible matrix Which solace client jar is compatible with jdk version Thanks
Can't switch back to primary after server reboot.
We got server reboot and after that redundancy can not switch back to primary server. Somehow backup does not see it as ready . on primary No issues on network level.
Exceeded Spool File Limit - Topic 'my/topic'
2023-03-29 02:44:14,962 [WARNING] solace.messaging.core: [_solace_session.py:942] [[SERVICE: 0x7f78a946fbb0] - [APP ID: app_cfdbe3dc-bd2a-4558-bbe2-3ac086e12db5]] {'caller_description': 'From service event callback', 'return_code': 'Unknown (503)', 'sub_code': 'SOLCLIENT_SUBCODE_DATA_OTHER', 'error_info_sub_code': 28,…
Synchronous publish in python ?
Hi all, what is the easiest, most clean code to publish ONE guaranteed message in python and only proceed after the ACK from the broker has arrived ? (I know, that this usage pattern is not performant, if I have many messages to publish. My use is different). Thank you Uli
any restriction on the number of subscriptions topics per Non-durable Queue level for solace 3530
Hi All, Please confirm if there is any restriction on the number of subscriptions topics per Non-durable Queue level for solace appliance 3530?
PubSub+ Messaging API for C & Go - Support for Apple's M-series Macs - Now Available
Hello everyone, We are excited to announce that the PubSub+ Messaging API for C (also known as CCSMP) and Go now officially support Mac M-series processors! This means that developers can now build applications that take full advantage of the power and efficiency of Apple's latest generation of processors using Solace's…
Connecting Solace using Python with TLS
Hi @Tamimi , kindly help with below connection error whether certificates are not loading or need to do changes in code. from solace.messaging.messaging_service import MessagingService, RetryStrategy from solace.messaging.config.transport_security_strategy import TLS from solace.messaging.config.authentication_strategy…
Spring Cloud Stream Batch Consumer and Batch Producer
Batch mode is true and batch size is 10. Still when we run the application with volumes of data, the batch size grows upto 75. Any suggestions on the below properties? Properties: spring.cloud.stream.bindings.receiveMessage-in-0.consumer.batch-mode=true…
How to use SDKPerf tool for connecting to VPN using certificate authentication
I have created a Message VPN, on which I have enabled certificate authentication. now I want to test the configuration using SDKperf tool, does anyone know how to do that.
What are the steps to enable client certificate authentication via GUI
I am trying to enable to Client certificate authentication via GUI on my VPN but I can't see the steps for GUI mode, they are only provided for command line.
Publish Confirmation when using batch publish of Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+
I was posed with the question of whether it would be possible to get publish confirmation with a Batch Publish operation when using Spring Cloud Stream binder for Solace PubSub+. The answer is Yes! Just that you would have to check on the correlation data in a separate thread. Here is a sample function, the last published…
What is the right way to get the size of a message in solace?
What is the right way to get the size of a message in solace using Java API? I have this handler and want to get the size of msg: public void onData(MapMessage msg) { } I tried this: java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer = msg.getAttachmentByteBuffer(); int size_rem = buffer.remaining(); And also since SDTMap does not seem to be…
What’s Next with Ed and Ali: Episode 3 – All about PubSub+ APIs
In this episode, PubSub+ product team leaders Ed and Ali take a look at latest open API support with demos of using the PubSub+ Event Broker v2 APIs for lifecycle management integration and a great demo using IntelliJ with PubSub+ Event Portal APIs. Wrapping it all up is a discussion of Partitioned Queues, Kafka…
Stateless Microservices: Implementing Delayed Redelivery and Timers - (Node.js / Typescript)
Hi, I am working on a new design for our Solace Consumer/Bridge here at CIBC and I stumbled upon a very interesting article by Steve Buchko that I would like to use to inspire my own design. https://solace.com/blog/stateless-microservices-example-delayed-delivery-queues/ In principle, I would like to implement this Solace…