Solace Queue Browser Using Python
Was wondering if anyone has had any luck with building a queue browser using Python & the Solace Python API? I have seen some queue browsing options using SDKPerf & Java (including the Chrome Browser) but I was hoping to do something similar but with Python. It's also worth noting while the Chrome Browser tool is great,…
Deduplication of events (business events vs granular events)
Hi all, I'm interested in your thoughts on this matter. Our current workaround does not ensure guaranteed delivery, so we risk losing messages. Use Case How can we eliminate duplicate events with Solace from applications that generate lots of granular events? What it solves 1. Reduce unnecessary process executions…
Solace fail-over test - affected consuming of event
Hi, While doing Solace fail-over test, once the test was initiated, the SolaceHealthIndicator Status change in following chronological order : DOWN -> RECONNECTING -> UP We didn't observed and pod restart. However, the consumer was in stale state, where no events were being consumed. Note that the event consumer health was…
Issue with my Solace Community account
Hi, I'm trying to update my email address, but I'm having trouble. I assume the issue is related to a 2nd Azure AD SSO account that already exists. Who should I contact for assistance? Thank you.
sol-jms Upgrade
Hi, We are running, on the broker side: Solace PubSub+ 3560 Version Index SolBase Version ------ -------------------------- 6 solbase_4.2.58.0 On the app side: <java-version>11</java-version> <spring-boot>2.7.18</spring-boot> <sol.jms>10.2.2</sol.jms> <jms.version>1.1</jms.version>…
How to get a message payload using SEMP V2 API (browse queues)
Hi, We want to build a Chrome extension so we can view a message payload from the Solace Cloud queue management page. As a replacement of JMSToolbox. Question: which SEMP V2 API operation can we use to GET a message payload using a message-id as a parameter?
SolaceCommunity Open Source Projects Shout Out
As part of the SolaceCommunity OS github projects, we are proud to see regular contributions from several community members. (pssst check out this SolaceCommunity Github Contribution Guide to learn more about it!) I'd like to do a quick shout out to two projects that has been getting regular updates: Solace Queue Browse…
Message Ordering with Retry and NACK (how does it work)
In this page it states that message ordering is guaranteed when using guaranteed delivery: I understand that it either would work when: Using exclusive queues Using non exclusive but partioned queues It would not work: Push Subscription (RDP) Non Exclusive Queues (without partition) I would like to understand how certain…
Fail to run solace in docker
"runParameters": -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5550:5550 -p 5672:5672 -e username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin -e username_admin_password=admin -e system_scaling_maxconnectioncount=100 --shm-size=1g --entrypoint /usr/sbin/boot.sh I curl following api for health check, and got 503…
Clarification on Partition Queue and how it interacts with the consumer.
I am sending messages from the Publisher to the Partition Queues with the partition key defined . Now i have 2 consumers. Is it possible that Consumer 1 receives messages that has partition key1 and consumer2 receives messages that has partition key 2?
HA Pair Issue: AD-NotReady Local ADB Key Invalid
Seeing an issue with a HA Software Event Broker pair where the standby broker keeps rebooting. Each time it reboots we see the broker go into AD-Standby state which is expected, but then goings to AD-NotReady Event logs is outputting the following message: backup-broker event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message…
Soladmin on MAC m3
Are there any minimum system requirements for SolAdmin, I installed SolAdmin on mac M3. But when I try to open solAdmin, Application is not opening and closing on its own without any error message.
RDP not coming up.
RDP is not coming up, mentioning that host resolution failure error. When checked with network team, they mentioned that it is because solace is not sending SNI header is not present when solace is trying to make a connection. It is working in dev and qa environment. The same configuration has been pushed to production,…
Where do i find all mappings between Solace proprietary fields and standard protocols like JMS,MQTT
Solace has build a solution which supports multiple protocols. To be able to do that a mapping is needed between internal (proprietary) message fields and fields defined as part of the standard related to protocols like MQTT, JMS. JMS: Message (Java(TM) EE 7 Specification APIs) (oracle.com) I search for something like that…
How is the number of connections counted for licences?
Let's say I have: 1 topic "p_topic" 10 consumers queues from "p_topic" (one queue per consumer) "consumer1_queue", "consumer2_queue", etc. 1 common queue (not from "p_topic") "common_queue" The scenario I have is: 10 consumers generally go about their processing by consuming from own individual queues. For example,…
Message published but cant figure out the error.
Hello I am new to Solace. I want to publish messages to solace. I have messages in JSON format which I convert in bytes and then publish it. At the receiver's end we can see that the messgae is receieved but I get the following error. "Exception is class com.solacesystems.jms.message.SolMessage cannot be cast to class…
Getting 401 when running discovery scan using event mgmt. agent installed on docker on Windows10
I am trying to install a docker container with the event management agent on my local Windows desktop (windows 10). This is the credential section of the agent YAML file: authentication: - properties: - value: basicAuthentication name: type protocol: semp credentials: - properties: - name: username value:…
Where can i find Solace Solution Architect frame works for different use cases.
I'm working on a Solace POC for my client and was wondering if there are any platforms or freelancers who could assist me with this. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
JCSMP - List all topic subscriptions for a queue
Hi there, The JCSMPSession has methods to add/remove topic subscriptions to a queue, but none to list the current subscriptions. How do I do this using JCSMP? TIA.
Gitlab: Terraform script timeout
I am running terraform script to create objects in event broker instance. In APPLY stage I just see below messages solacebroker_msg_vpn_queue.test_poc2queue: Still creating... [46m1s elapsed]1692solacebroker_msg_vpn_queue.test_poc1queue: Still creating... [46m1s elapsed]1693solacebroker_msg_vpn_client_profile.test_default:…
Docker Solace logging
when i am trying to bring the container , it fails by throwing "The file: /usr/sw/jail/logs/debug.log is not writable." is there a way i can change the logging directory to ay /opt i beleive if i keep logging_debug_output=none , still debug.log will try to get created but due to permission issue it will not work for me, so…
Solace Terraform Appliance Provider & Modules (Declarative SEMP) now generally available!
This is our 1.0.0 Appliances Declarative SEMP for Terraform Release General Availability release! This, like our Beta, was designed to manage broker services (the message VPN and the configuration contained within it)! More than just a provider, this release also includes modules! Terraform modules encapsulate the…
I am very confused about the status of my HA redundancy group being offline.
Hi All, I have prepared 3 VM on my laptop and installed solace latest through Dokcer. I am trying to refer to this tutorial to configure my HA redundancy group. Configuring High-availability (HA) Redundancy Groups (solace.com) I am very confused about the status of my HA redundancy group being offline. primary…
Solace Beta Opportunity: Solace Terraform Appliance Provider (Declarative SEMP)
Now Available! Solace's Hashicorp Terraform Appliance Provider Public Beta Release 0.9.0 is available from the Terraform Registry! Now is your opportunity to try out the Beta release of the PubSub+ Appliance Provider alone or in combination with the PubSub+ Software Broker Provider for Service Automation! The appliance…
Does solace topic support XA Transaction.
Am successfully tested XA Transaction when sending message to a queue directly. But when publishing msg (with XA transaction only) to a topic which is subscribed a queue, behavior is different. So does solace topic support XA Transaction ? or its there only for queue ( like when sending msg directly to queue)
How to connect 1443 port through sloace broker in try me ?
Hello, I have deployed Solace in AWS with EKS and a Network LB. Now, I want to connect to port 1443 using "Try Me," but it gives me a timeout.
Help Shape the Future of Solace: We Want Your Feedback!
Hello Solace Community! The Solace Developer Advocate team is excited to hear from you! We’re seeking your valuable input on how we can enhance Solace products, improve the user experience, and streamline the developer journey. Your feedback is crucial as it guides us in making meaningful improvements that directly impact…
How to connect XASession of Solace JMS API with Weblogic Database XAConnection?
Hi Team, Am looking for a way to connect solace XASession with database XA connection (my datasource is on weblogic server) so that if the query execution fails, solace transaction should be rollback when db transaction.rollback is called; and same with commit statement. Or vice-versa - if solace transaction is rolled…
Is there a plan for an arm linux python build
I saw that an arm python build Mac was released recently. Are there any plans for an arm build for linux?
☕️ Engage with an Advocate (Chat with us!)
Hi Solace Community 👋🏻, Thanks for participating in our Community Forum. I just wanted to share that we are now introducing a way for you to book a chat with one of our global developer advocates via our Engage with an Advocate program! We'd love to hear about your Solace experience: 🌟 What do you like? 🛠️ Where can we…