I am using the following script in a batch file and it is throwing error: PATH NOT FOUND. I have double checked the path of queue and can see it in pubsub+ broker. What am I missing here? ———————————————- @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set BROKER_ADDRESS= set USERNAME=admin set PASSWORD=admin…
How to implement the Nack for solace message in go language?
As of now I can see for a Persistent receiver there is ack call on specific message but not able to view any specific implementation for Nack in go language. The Nack is required for me to do requeue and discard a solace message. could you please suggest on it or provide me solution for it.
Solace Spring Cloud processor app issues after the upgrade of the Spring libraries
Previously, before the upgrade of Spring libraries we used: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:3.3.5 org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-core:6.3.2 org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-function-context:4.1.3 Now, after the upgrade we use:…
How to prevent endless loop of timeouts when the Solace queue is not available
Our microservices were not able to connect to clients respective Solace queues. Although it seems microservices were able to connect to Solace, the queues themselves were not available, causing a huge volume of time outs. At the moment the configuration has a set number of retries for the connection to Solace, but no…
Are key words "TOPIC" and "QUEUE" case-sensitive in CURL?
Hello Exports, Greetings. Are key words "TOPIC" and "QUEUE" case-sensitive in CURL? Thank you. https://docs.solace.com/API/RESTMessagingPrtl/Solace-REST-Example.htm Felix, BR
How can we integrate with PAM to update the password in Solace RDP
We are looking for the info if Solace is capable of integrating with PAM (Privileged Access Management) to fetch & update the latest password through rest api call in Solace RDP. If so, can you let us know the steps. If not, can you suggest any other alternative ways to integrate with PAM.
Solace shared subscription - Router does not support #share and #noexport subscriptions
Hi everyone Im experimenting with the shared subscriptions feature. However, when I startup my consumer app, I get the following error: ——————————————————————- Warning - SessionImpl: 15:29:47|Failed to Subscribe to topic #noexport/ottawa/weathersensor/yow/temperature ReturnCode is: SOLCLIENT_FAIL|null Unhandled exception.…
New blog post for developers | Connect to PubSub+ Manager Using Ping Identity
My colleague Victor and I have previously blogged about how to use OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate and authorize Solace message format (SMF) clients with PubSub+ Event Broker. In this post I will explain how to use Ping Identity as an identity provider to authenticate and authorize users of PubSub+ Manager…
Messages Transport Retransmitted count is increasing
Currently, we are using Solace PUBSUB+ Software Event brokers of version We observe that messages/events are getting accumulated in the queues even when the JMS consumer/listener is actively bounded. Also, we see that the messages are getting redelivered with increase in the count of Messages Transport…
Read-only User for SEMP API
Is it possible to create a read-only user to access the SEMP API using the Solace Cloud console if my user has the role of account administrator ?
Allowing a publisher to see the last message published while preventing subscription
I'm a bit stuck trying to figure out the best way to combine some features I'd like to provide in our in-house broker abstraction library. I have an IPublication<T> interface, which exposes a "simple" API to consumers, Task PublishAsync(T message, CancellationToken ct)and event Action<T>? MessagePublished. So far so good.…
Looking for a best Practices for Handling Unacknowledged Messages in Solace Consumer Applications
What is the best practice to avoid a situation where the consumer reaches the maximum number of unacknowledged messages, causing Solace to stop sending messages and leaving the client uncertain whether to continue listening or restart the application? Should the consumer application periodically restart the client or…
Implement a custom function that will be triggered when the application connects back to Solace
Hello Community, I am using solace spring stream for our application. We came across an issue where the connection gets broken to Solace. We need to check live site when solace gets connected, only then we start the bindings. Is there a way we could implement a custom function checkLiveSite whenever our application gets…
Solace Spring Cloud processor app issues when upgrading to version 4.2.0 from 3.4.0
Our client is using Solace PubSub+ broker version 9.25 and are not going to move to the version >10.2, therefore we have to get our application working with the version 9.25 of broker. Previously we used Java 8 and Spring Boot 2 and "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:3.4.0". The config for…
Setting up AWS Cognito OAuth for PubSub+
Hello! Has anyone had success setting up AWS Cognito OAuth for PubSub+? I went through How to set up Solace PubSub+ Event Broker with OAuth for MQTT against Keycloak but was unable to translate the instructions to Cognito. Has anyone integrate the two successfully? If so, any pointers or advice on doing so? Thank you!
Issue subscribing to an event broker from solace in SAP CI
Hello Experts, I am trying to subscribe to an event broker created on solace through advanced event mesh adapter in CI. I am getting the below mentioned error on deploying the iFlow. Please assist.
Transaction log in solace, possible?
HI : I understand there are system log or error logs are available in datadog. However, is there any Transaction log available? I just want to see the following historical information for triage, statistic, analystic, future trend and performance. For example : timestamp user/client/consumer connect to solace which topic…
Is OAuth service supported by Advance Event Mesh?
My Scenario is : 3rd Party —> Advance Event Mesh —> S4H Is it possible for a third-party system to authenticate Advance Event Mesh Queue using OAuth credentials? , If Yes - how to create bearer token and pass to AEM ?
what is the URL pattern to send a message to Advance Event Mesh through Rest API ?
Event Mesh URL: POST https://domain/api/v1/queues/myQueue/messages I tried below pattern but did not work. POST https://<your-event-mesh-domain>/api/v1/queues/<queue-name>/messages
Retrieve destination information in JMS Connector
May i know how to retrieve destination information using JMS Connector? Is jms_destination not longer accessible for us to use in transform header expression to put in scst_targetDestination? Scenario : I would like to establish message bridge with my vendor using AMQP protocol. I worried that the messages in the queue…
The limitations in User Authentication within the event broker
The limitations in User Authentication within the event broker, specifically concerning the ability to restrict access to defined users. There is currently no option available to define granular access at the broker level.
Issue with DMR messages being routed from Local to Remote Broker/VPN
Hi All, Just wanted to check if anyone else has experienced a similar issue that we are unable to find the root cause. A client mentioned an issue with some messages being published locally in a VPN which is DMR routing to a remote VPN. The DMR bridges from what we can see are healthy and up, cluster queues are empty. To…
Exception : Closing Producer
Com.solacesystems.jms.solmessageproducer client - cancel called : Exception closing producer. WeWe migrated to sol 10.x version recently started seeing this error frequently in debug mode. What is the possible issue and what are uts repercussions?
503 Spool Over Quota. Queue or Topic endpoint limit exceeded
Hi Community, I have q1 and q2 which subscribed to topic t/test/baris When I publish a message to the topic t/test/baris if q1 quota is exceeded (even if q2 can receive messages in terms of space), the message is rejected by the broker with the below message and none of the queues receive the message as a result. I…
How do I non-destructively view a message payload of the most recent message in a queue?
I've come across this issue a few times recently. The two tools I've tried using are JMSToolbox and SDKPerf. I've found neither really have the documentation or resources to help with this. The problem I'm having is I have large queues and DMQs (some with 2M+ messages) and we are trying to determine the payloads of these…
Creating a bridge between two different pubsub+ instances results in 404.
I have deployed two instances of PubSub+ on separate Kubernetes clusters, both accessible via domain names, and I can successfully log in through the portal. My goal is to connect these instances using a Message VPN bridge. However, when attempting to establish this connection, I encounter a 404 unsuccessful HTTP response.…
Random "failed to retrieve" error in streaming scenario
Hello together, I currently working on a lokal setup where solace software acts as the message broker in docker setup. I try to receive events from a existing queue, which is not a problem in general, but in my case I emit them in a flink job (wirtten with pyflink). I receive around 1000-3000 events/sec from this queue. I…
Exploring Event-Driven Architecture in Everyday Applications
Hey everyone! I have been exploring event-driven architecture (EDA) & its practical applications outside of traditional enterprise use cases. For instance; how might EDA enhance everyday consumer technologies, like smart home devices / personal productivity apps?🤔 I am curious to explore how EDA can make these systems more…
File transfer
Please guide how to transfer a file from source path to destination path in Solace using Java
Issue with Adding "Non-Owner Permission" to Queue Templates
Hi, I love the new feature to set up queue templates. We have defined two at the moment but are stuck with the following issue. We would like to add the property permission, also known as non-owner permission. I have looked up the meta definition of the queue template, and the property is available to use. Still, we get…