Timeout happened when reading response from the router when connecting to Solace
Please find below the error observed, when connecting to Solace PubSub Event broker from Boomi application. Process terminating -- some documents reached an exception which is set to halt all documents: [400] (Client name: GLCHBS-SP221335.eu.novartis.net/3830954/1c5ce0509/Pw3AJ4XZk9 Local port: -1 Remote addr:…
Fail to run solace in docker
"runParameters": -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5550:5550 -p 5672:5672 -e username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin -e username_admin_password=admin -e system_scaling_maxconnectioncount=100 --shm-size=1g --entrypoint /usr/sbin/boot.sh I curl following api for health check, and got 503…
How to create session with Solace Messaging tcp protocol being in orgnization vpn network.
Hi Team, Session creation is failing while being in organization VPN. so tried with proxy settings as well given in but no luck. I tried with multiple debug. string host = $"tcp://mr-connection-l7ua5omxxxx.messaging.solace.cloud:55555%httpc://rb-proxy-de.bosch.com:8080"; string username = "solace-cloud-client"; string…
How to integrate Otel Solace Receiver with LDAP based Solace PubSub Event broker 10.4.121
Currently, we have enabled the Distributed Tracing in DEV environment and its all working fine . The authentication used in DEV is Internal Database. However, the same configuration is not working in QA, as we are using LDAP based authentication in Solace Broker. Below is the error observed in the Otel logs:…
Can I publish the SAP standard and Custom event to Solace
Can I publish the SAP standard and custom events directly to Solace Event Broker without ASPIO or RAP events
Delay Delivery Queue Property with New Java API
Hello, I am creating a Solace consumer using the new Java API with the "create resource" strategy. My application will create a queue if it does not already exist. I would like to add the capability in my code to set delayed delivery, which we are currently configuring through the Solace dashboard/CLI. Is there a way to…
Clarification on Partition Queue and how it interacts with the consumer.
I am sending messages from the Publisher to the Partition Queues with the partition key defined . Now i have 2 consumers. Is it possible that Consumer 1 receives messages that has partition key1 and consumer2 receives messages that has partition key 2?
HA Pair Issue: AD-NotReady Local ADB Key Invalid
Seeing an issue with a HA Software Event Broker pair where the standby broker keeps rebooting. Each time it reboots we see the broker go into AD-Standby state which is expected, but then goings to AD-NotReady Event logs is outputting the following message: backup-broker event: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message…
Soladmin on MAC m3
Are there any minimum system requirements for SolAdmin, I installed SolAdmin on mac M3. But when I try to open solAdmin, Application is not opening and closing on its own without any error message.
RDP not coming up.
RDP is not coming up, mentioning that host resolution failure error. When checked with network team, they mentioned that it is because solace is not sending SNI header is not present when solace is trying to make a connection. It is working in dev and qa environment. The same configuration has been pushed to production,…
New Event Portal Event Access Request/Approval Workflows
Hi all, 📣 We are pleased to announce the new Event Portal Event Access Request/Approval Workflows feature. PubSub+ Event Portal now supports new event data access governance capabilities. This feature set introduces an event data request and approval workflow to streamline the process of granting access to sensitive or…
How Standard 100 Connections Broker can upgrade to 250 Connections Broker?
I am currently using a broker with a 100 connections standard. If I find that this capacity is insufficient in the future, how can I upgrade to a 250 connections broker? What is the process for scaling up from 100 connections to 250 connections, and are there any potential limitations or downtime I should be aware of…
Local SSL handshake failed: Server certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certi
Hi, We were trying to connect bridge from software broker(9.12) to cloud VPN (10.4.1) , but encountered this error "Local SSL handshake failed: Server certificate verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate" Are we missing some configuration?
opentelemetry solace-topic-receiver
Greetings regarding codelabs tutorial "Getting Started with Solace Distributed Tracing and Context Propagation" which works great, is there a version of solace-topic-receiver.jar like the solace-queue-receiver.jar which comes with the codelabs tutorial, if we wanted to trace direct messages where there is no downstream…
Multiple consumer in DotNet not working in parallel despite having non-exclusive queue.
Hi, I am having an issue with Solace Consumer that I have implemented in dotnet. I have 10 consumers (my understanding is each consumer means each separate flow for message). So with this information I created multiple flows assigned them to separate threads/tasks. After Sending a burst of 5000 messages I did not see many…
Where do i find all mappings between Solace proprietary fields and standard protocols like JMS,MQTT
Solace has build a solution which supports multiple protocols. To be able to do that a mapping is needed between internal (proprietary) message fields and fields defined as part of the standard related to protocols like MQTT, JMS. JMS: Message (Java(TM) EE 7 Specification APIs) (oracle.com) I search for something like that…
503 Spool Over Quota. Queue or Topic endpoint limit exceeded
Hi Community, I have q1 and q2 which subscribed to topic t/test/baris When I publish a message to the topic t/test/baris if q1 quota is exceeded (even if q2 can receive messages in terms of space), the message is rejected by the broker with the below message and none of the queues receive the message as a result. I…
Replay Queues
When I login into my cloud account, I do not see an option to enable replay upon selection of VPN. Is there something that needs to be done, I am logging in as the admin
Solace Java apps, shutdown hooks and deadlocks
I build a lot of JCSMP apps, and in my latest project (my PrettyDump console pretty-print message listener), I ran into an issue I thought was pretty interesting and thought I'd share here. It's a terminal app, and I wanted to use a shutdown hook so that it would capture Ctrl+C on the command line to initiate a graceful…
Spring cloud stream solace + Solace distributed tracing
Hello! I have a question/issue I hope I can get some help with! I'm using Spring boot 3, with the Spring cloud stream solace integration. Everything's working fine, but I would like to have distributed tracing across applications and solace. I've got traceability between producer < - > consumer, but no luck with adding…
Understand SAP and Solace event broker connection
I would like to gain a better understanding of the connectivity details between SAP and Solace Event Broker. Specifically, I've observed that in the screenshot provided, the SAP system is connected to the Event Broker service as a producer. Could someone please clarify how this connectivity is established on the SAP side?…
SLB with PubSub+ Event Broker on VMware Tanzu
Is this necessary using load balance when PubSub+ Event Broker on Tanzu? Or when using PubSub+ Event Broker with Tanzu , Is there other way to do load balance? If we deploy PubSub+ Event Broker on Tanzu without load balance will be working ok? Thanks
How to implement a failover mechanism by connecting the Solace HA through a single URL
When we configuring a Solace HA (Software) cluster, Solace clients can usually connect to the primary and backup nodes of Solace HA to achieve automatic switching of primary and backup node failures. But, for Solace clients, configuring and managing two connection addresses can be a bit troublesome. To simplify client…
Mule Solace Connector
How do we define the Number of Consumers if we are subscribing to a partitioned queue using the mulesoft solace connector. Using the JMS connector this option is available but on the mulesoft solace connector this is not available
How is the number of connections counted for partitioned queue?
I am using partitioned queues. Let's say I have: 1 topic "p_topic" 10 consumers queues from "p_topic" (one queue per consumer) "consumer1_partitioned_queue", "consumer2_partitioned_queue", etc. Each queue is partitioned into 4 by a key. The scenario I have is: Mule Consumer1 API, which uses Mule JMS connector with number…
How is the number of connections counted for licences?
Let's say I have: 1 topic "p_topic" 10 consumers queues from "p_topic" (one queue per consumer) "consumer1_queue", "consumer2_queue", etc. 1 common queue (not from "p_topic") "common_queue" The scenario I have is: 10 consumers generally go about their processing by consuming from own individual queues. For example,…
spring cloud stream solace pubsub
To handle publish error, using the @serviceActivator annotation. @ServiceActivator(inputChannel ="topic.errors") After springboot version 3.3.2 upgrade and spring cloud stream version 2023.0.2 upgrade, the publish errors are not handled by the serviceActivator.…
Message published but cant figure out the error.
Hello I am new to Solace. I want to publish messages to solace. I have messages in JSON format which I convert in bytes and then publish it. At the receiver's end we can see that the messgae is receieved but I get the following error. "Exception is class com.solacesystems.jms.message.SolMessage cannot be cast to class…
Message ID shown in UI incremental, Is there a limit on this or it gets refreshed?
Hi fellow Devs. I have distributed messages broker systems like nats and kafka etc. and I am new to Solace and first time getting myself to use UI. I cant help but notice this. I saw this Message ID field is being maintained by either EventBroker or UI. In my recent run I sent 8 messages and read 8 messages would this be…
Camel JMS component
Hi Using JMS camel component, how to make connections using JNDI connectors using certs. I am not finding complete reference of configuration requirements and mvn dependencies to use the JMS component. Complete properties and configuration would be of great help. Thanks Senthil