Distributed Tracing Context Propagation
Hello Solace-Community, I am currently playing around with the distributed tracing and telemetry settings.I tried to create a simple use case with a sender, two static bridged Brokers and a receiver. Both sender and receiver are SDKPerf (sdkperf-jms- All of them are connected to the same opentelemetry collector…
Can OAuth authorization be used while using amqp10 package for amqps protocol to connect solace brok
In my nodejs based application I am trying to connect solace broker using amqps protocol and package I am using is **amqp10 ** however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as 'amqps://:@broker-host:5671?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2'. But this is not working. Any suggestions? Please share if any…
How to slow down consumption rate in my Solace Consumer Application
I have a Spring Boot based Java application which reads messages from a Solace queue(let's say A) using javax.jms. Then my application applies a 10 seconds delay to each messages individually(using DelayedQueue). Once that 10 seconds have been passed, I push the message to another Solace Queue(let's say B). It all works…
Help to get done with online lessons
Took the "Solace Certified Solutions Consultant Path", did everything but for some reasons the system insists that I have not yet completed the "Event Broker Monitoring" (23 our 24 lessons). I had watched the lessons multiple times, on Safari and Chrome. It just does not let me done. I know it is embarrassing (or even…
golang publisher error message
Hi, i have written a golang base message producer using the solace golang API/SDK. I create random messages and can define a level of parallelism and a message length. The program works fine and creates some 1k's of messages per sec for 1k long messages. But after some time it always terminates with…
Static linking (on Mac x64)
Hello, normally I use dynamic linking with solclient library and it works as expected. Out of curiosity I tried static linking. I linked following libsolclient.a, libsolclientssl.a, libcrypto.a, libssl.a and Kerberos framework. When I run my app it fails with EXC_BAD_ACCESS when running solClient_cleanup according to LLDB…
mqtt subscribe disallow does not trigger disconnect
Hello, i defined such a "subscribe acl" . I tested with paho mqtt client and can subscribe also not allowed topic without disconnect. Can anyone say, why i'm not disconnected during subscibe not allowed topic ? (i expect a disconnect, but this does not occur.) ...because if i try publish not allowed topic, there is a…
Docker and Configuration Files (Backup/Restore)
Hi all, Am semi-new to Solace but wanting to ensure it is solid and stable from the start, even during my early testing... Have successfully deployed Solace within AWS using Autoscaling group (1 of 1) to an EC2 behind a load balancer - all pretty standard server items. However i am struggling to find how to either launch…
Security Scan against solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest (2 months ago) shows 6 HIGH prio vulnerab
Hello, Security Scan against solace/solace-pubsub-standard:latest (ec1886a90f54 2 months ago) shows 6 HIGH prio vulnerabilities is there anybody who knows when solace will fix it and also in enterprise versions ? Any hint / script fix this fast from community ? output generated with docker-desktop and extension trivy…
Not able to update JWT using updateProperties()
Hi Solace Community, I am using the Java Api version 1.1 Currently I am experiencing a problem that I am unable to resolve where calling the "updateProperty()" function for the messaging service isn't logging, returning feedback or actually changing the JWT token that I am sending. The JWT I am generating is successfully…
How to check if one of the brokers on both sides is down.
Hi Community, I wanted to check if one of the brokers on both side is down due to HA switch or similar issue. Is there any option available to find out if both sides are down or only one side is down ? I have checked the System logs but I can only see the HA redundancy state changes or VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_DOWN. Kindly let me…
Enable Distributed Tracing
Hello Everyone , I am using Solace Software broker Standard edition . I want to try out the Demo version of the Distributed Tracing . I get the blow error when I run the commands : Solace(configure/message-vpn)# create telemetry-profile test Invalid command input create telemetry-profile test ^ -> unknown…
Integrating Spring Boot with the Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Java
Hi Everybody, Happy new year and hope you have a wonderful 2023 ahead!! We do not yet have a Spring Boot Starter for the Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Java and I've been getting some questions around how to use this API with Spring Boot so I created a new samples repository with code showing how to do so. The…
What's Next with Ed and Ali: Episode 2 - Distributed Tracing, ARM Support, Partitioned Queues
In this episode, PubSub+ product team leaders Ed and Ali take a deep dive into PubSub+ Distributed Tracing, complete with an implementation demo in our cloud service - including the supported OpenTelemetry collector. 0:00 Overview 1:52 Advances in Distributed Tracing 13:34 Distributed Tracing Architecture and Performance…
Can Oauth be used with amqp10 lib?
I am connecting my nodejs based application to solace broker using OAuth & mqtts protocol. I am using solclientjs API and which is working perfect. Now I am trying to connect using amqps protocol in same application and using amqp10 package however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as…
Message Type Text versus Binary
The handling of messages and message type is quite confusing as even most examples of code assume to send messages in binary format. What is solace recommendation for structured text messages ? (like json, xml, csv,...) Here the facts as i understood them: Default is always sending as binary message type Rest Messanging…
Connector for Solace and Redis
We have a requirement for moving messages between Solace and Redis, is there a connector available already?
Solace Metrics Documentation
I look for following information related to monitoring of solace. Following Levels i would expect metrics for: Broker Level Queue Level Client Level RDP 1.) Where can i find documentation of all metrics and a description for the metric ? Something like that: solace-monitoring-extension/metrics.md at master ·…
MQTT Bridge Connector
Hi all, I am thinking to bridge Solace MQTT to external MQTT Broker such as Mosquitto/HiveMQ. How do I go about it? I read about the MQTT Bridge Connector (currently in preview), where can I download to try? https://solace.com/connectors/mqtt-bridge-connector/ Thanks all
Kind of guaranteed messaging with mqtt QoS 0
Hello solace community, i have a mqtt subscriber client that can only work with QoS 0 and non durable queues. Let's say mqtt Client MQ1 subscribes to a/b/c with queue QU1. On the other hand i want to prevent data loss and have the risk that the mqtt client is not online and the non durable queue QU1 is not there. So if the…
Can durable queue be created in producer flow using solclientjs package in nodejs?
Does createDurableQueueDestination() method in solClientFactory creates durable queue if not exist in producer flow? var message = solace.SolclientFactory.createMessage(); message.setDestination(solace.SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination(producer.queueName)); message.setBinaryAttachment(messageText);…
Difference between 'Actual Maximum' and 'Configured Maximum' stats in Solace Broker
We have a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker where we would like to configure certain limits, such as max-endpoints in a message VPN, max-egress-flows, etc. However, on changing a value (e.g. changing max-endpoints to 4500) using CLI or SEMP, we see the following output: Queues and Topic-Endpoints Maximum Queues and…
i am trying to access my queue but getting error
i am getting this when tying to connect with queue Messaging Service connected? True <bound method Queues.SimpleDurableQueue.get_name of <solace.messaging.resources.queue.Queues.SimpleDurableQueue object at 0x7fc87abe7340>> 2022-12-08 09:41:41,744 [WARNING] solace.messaging.receiver: [_solace_utilities.py:363] Invalid…
SDK Notice while trying to connect to a Solace C API session
Hello everyone, After trying to connect to a session using Solace C API, I get the following output: SDK NOTICE Thu Nov 24 08:16:34.688 2022 solClientSmf.c:7215 (7f0ddd9a2700) Read failed from transport 'TCP' of session '(c4,s1)_od_fo_prod' due to 'Peer closed socket, fd 27, cannot read', client name '(ommited)', VPN name…
The 2022 Solace Academy Certification Contest (PRIZES)
Since the creation of our certification program 2 years ago with the Solace Certified Solutions Consultant we've had over 3300 certifications, which is amazing! With less than half of our users being certified it did make us wonder how many users were aware of our certifications and to the benefits of showing the world how…
Distributed Tracing: ACCESS ERROR (amqp:unauthorized-access)
Hi, I'm testing the new dsitributed tracing feature, so I deployed a local stack with Docker: solace/solace-pubsub-standard: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.67.0 jaegertracing/all-in-one I setup the telemetry over the UI and are using the "Try me" to send message, i find them in my Queue and also in the…
Producer error of with golang API on Ubuntu libcrypto.so
Hi, I like to test a a golang based producer and I used the example code from https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-go/blob/main/patterns/hello_world.go I got the credentials generate from solace and also downloaded and referred the truststore pem file. When I start the program on an uptodate Ubuntu server I get…
PubSub+ Support for MAC M-Series Processors Now Generally Available
Previously we announced the availability of an Early Access release of PubSub+ supporting Apple MACs with M-Series processors. Today we are happy to announce that this is now Generally Available in PubSub+ version 10.2.1. Now that this functionality is GA, you can get it in all of the normal locations where you get PubSub+…
Need a Solace example demonstrating how to use OAUTH using C++ Solace API.
I did go through the Solace Doc for C++ API but didn't find any Sample example explaining house to use Solace C++ API to enable OAuth Authentication. Is there any Sample code available? Can anyone please guide.
Change max message size for mqtt queues
Hello community, i am using enterprise 10K broker in the cloud. Is it possible to change the setting for maximum message size of mqtt persistant queues? I want to set this config with an solace admin user and not in the client implementation. I tried it via the solace cli, but it is not allowed to set up the queues:…