Solace PubSub+ Cloud Distributed Tracing is Now Generally Available
Solace is excited to announce the General Availability of Distributed Tracing for PubSub+ Cloud. Event broker service version 10.2.1 brings full support for Distributed Tracing and context propagation to cloud-managed event broker services. Starting immediately, customers may purchase subscriptions to enable Distributed…
Announcing the winners of Solly’s Holiday Cheer
In December, we launched Solly’s Holiday Cheer. Today we are happy to announce the winners of the game: First prize: sebastian tan Second prize: stephentsoi01 Third prize: sasikumarsp Congratulations! We’ll reach out to the winners soon to deliver the prizes. Thank you all who played the game! Hope you had a good time.
Is it possible to clone ACL profile
Hi @marc we have an ACL profile which has access to 145 topics, now a client wants to clone another profile with access to same topics. is it possible to clone ACL profiles or we have to give access manually.
How to retrieve the System logs using cURL command?
Hi Community, Is there any option available to retrieve the System logs using cURL command in the shell script? Kindly let me know if there is any option available. Appreciate your support. Thanks, Rahul.
DeliveryCount error
Hello, I have a .net application which subscribe to a Solace queue and I’m able to get the messages and to acknowledge them. After the acknowledge (with success) I receive an error: C# SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.OperationErrorException: Failed to get Delivery Count at…
I am getting a issue while publishing. error is Invalid port
While Publishing message to topic getting error as Invalid Port Number. SO my question is that its wrong configuration or actually port is closed and need to open port first.
Tuning pre-fetch for load balancing in Python
Hi Team, I have built a system comprised of a number of workers, N, (or application processing engines) fed by a single non exclusive queue. Each job on the queue either takes between 20 second and a minute to complete or under 0.1 seconds (because the job on the queue requires no work). Ideally if there are 3 workers (so…
Is it possible to adjust the transport window size using v1.4 solace-pubsubplus Python client?
https://docs.solace.com/Messaging/Guaranteed-Msg/Configuring-Queues.htm says "Modifying max-delivered-unacked-msgs-per-flow may negatively impact performance if it's set lower than the transport window size used by consuming clients." Is possible to set the transport window size for a subscriber using the latest version…
Azure Data Lake connector
This is about Azure Data Lake connector, do we need to do something special if the Azure data lake is in a private VNet or say its access is not public?
Connecting RabbitMQ to Solace
Does Solace provide some kind of connector to read (subscribe) the (AMQP) messages from a RabbitMQ broker and publish them to Solace broker? (Analogous to Kafka Connect). If I'm publishing the messages to a RabbitMQ and want these messages to be published to Solace from RabbitMQ, is there a solution from Solace or do I…
Interceptors with Solace JMS
I just wanted to highlight a new feature that was added to Solace JMS v10.14.0. The API now allows for "pre-send" and "pre-receive" interceptors (AKA hooks). This allows a developer to implement common logic in one place and add it into the sending/receiving of multiple apps. A common use case for this would be for logging…
How to deploy Event Portal 2.0 queues/topics on solace Event Broker?
I've been using Event Portal 2.0 in PubSub+ cloud and created my resources (application domains, queues, events, etc.) and everything has been smooth. But at the end now that I want to deploy the whole specification on an Event Broker (a Solace Event Broker) I have faced lots of difficulties and now I'm thinking if that is…
JMS Queue Browsing (Received incoming message with no active flow)
I am developing a Spring Boot Application (version 2.7.5). Currently, I'm trying to create a queue broswer using the following code: public int getMessageCount() { return jmsTemplate.browse(fromQueueName, new BrowserCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer doInJms(Session s, QueueBrowser qb) throws JMSException {…
Play Solly’s Holiday Cheer and win great prizes!!!
Want to have some extra fun this holiday season? Then play our Solly's Holiday Cheer game! You may also win great prizes! When: December 6-9 and December 12-15, 2022 Where: https://sollychallenges.solace.events/ How to play: A new gift “unwraps” to reveal a new question every day at 9 AM EDT during the game period except…
Using Spring cloud Stream, message is being sent as an attachment instead of content
hello, i am using org.springframework.cloud.stream.function.StreamBridge to send the message to a solace topic. Using the mime type as "text/plan". The message is being sent to queue. But as an attachment. The content size is zero bytes, but the attachment size is same as the message size I sent. I couldn't find any…
New blog post for developers | Introducing the Solly Superstars Developer Champion Program
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new developer champions program, Solly Superstars (named after our cute corporate mascot, Solly the otter). We’ve had the pleasure of meeting many developers from around the world at events, in person and online, who use our technology. We’re constantly blown away by the way…
golang example to read from queue via solace golang API
Hi, I was able to use the golang solace API to read messages from a topic but I need to read and acknowledge them from a queue. Is this possible? So far I was only able to do this via amqp sdk - I used the azure one. If yes: Can someone share a simple a code example? It should be a non exclusive queue...
With TTL 2 minutes setting exactly how many number of messages got expired for specific VPN
How can we check in solace with TTL 2 minutes setting exactly how many number of messages got expired for specific VPN? please suggest a way to identify? tried checking with command 'show message-spool message-vpn vpn-name stats' when we tried running load with 10k messages observed 'TTL Exceeded' count as zero only.…
Applying ACL profile on Queue Subscription!
Hi There! i have a scenario to apply ACL policy for a JMS Subscriber, i would want them to subscribe only from specific Queue. Is there any possibility of achieving this with PubSub+ Broker? Currently i can see i can give exemptions on Topic in ACL profile but not Queues
Not able to delete durable queue on standalone server
Tried disabling the endpoint and I’ve deleted many queues using sol admin, but on refreshing the screen, it reappears, not sure why it is not deleted. Please suggest! xyz1234# show config-sync Admin Status : Enabled Oper Status : Down (redundancy shutdown/replication shutdown) SSL Enabled : No Authentication Client…
DMQ Eligible Flag set on Publisher (violates pub sub principles)
The principles for pub sub are to decouple publishers and subscribers from each other. That publisher need to set DMQ Eligible to true (default = false) impacting a correct set-up on subscriber to make use of DMQ (Dead Message Queue) is violating this principle. Even worse as subscriber has done everything correct: *…
Errors on Lesson 1 of the Battleship Course
This isn't pubsub+ related, but I'm not sure where to put it. On lesson 1 of the battleship course, it instructs to use node.js for the frontend. I have tried using the solution code, but I get the same error no matter what I do. Not sure how to deal with this? I have tried a fresh install of Node.js, the code etc.
Distributed Tracing Context Propagation
Hello Solace-Community, I am currently playing around with the distributed tracing and telemetry settings.I tried to create a simple use case with a sender, two static bridged Brokers and a receiver. Both sender and receiver are SDKPerf (sdkperf-jms- All of them are connected to the same opentelemetry collector…
Can OAuth authorization be used while using amqp10 package for amqps protocol to connect solace brok
In my nodejs based application I am trying to connect solace broker using amqps protocol and package I am using is **amqp10 ** however I am unable to connect it. As per the doc I am creating the uri as 'amqps://:@broker-host:5671?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2'. But this is not working. Any suggestions? Please share if any…
How to slow down consumption rate in my Solace Consumer Application
I have a Spring Boot based Java application which reads messages from a Solace queue(let's say A) using javax.jms. Then my application applies a 10 seconds delay to each messages individually(using DelayedQueue). Once that 10 seconds have been passed, I push the message to another Solace Queue(let's say B). It all works…
Help to get done with online lessons
Took the "Solace Certified Solutions Consultant Path", did everything but for some reasons the system insists that I have not yet completed the "Event Broker Monitoring" (23 our 24 lessons). I had watched the lessons multiple times, on Safari and Chrome. It just does not let me done. I know it is embarrassing (or even…
golang publisher error message
Hi, i have written a golang base message producer using the solace golang API/SDK. I create random messages and can define a level of parallelism and a message length. The program works fine and creates some 1k's of messages per sec for 1k long messages. But after some time it always terminates with…
Static linking (on Mac x64)
Hello, normally I use dynamic linking with solclient library and it works as expected. Out of curiosity I tried static linking. I linked following libsolclient.a, libsolclientssl.a, libcrypto.a, libssl.a and Kerberos framework. When I run my app it fails with EXC_BAD_ACCESS when running solClient_cleanup according to LLDB…
mqtt subscribe disallow does not trigger disconnect
Hello, i defined such a "subscribe acl" . I tested with paho mqtt client and can subscribe also not allowed topic without disconnect. Can anyone say, why i'm not disconnected during subscibe not allowed topic ? (i expect a disconnect, but this does not occur.) ...because if i try publish not allowed topic, there is a…
Docker and Configuration Files (Backup/Restore)
Hi all, Am semi-new to Solace but wanting to ensure it is solid and stable from the start, even during my early testing... Have successfully deployed Solace within AWS using Autoscaling group (1 of 1) to an EC2 behind a load balancer - all pretty standard server items. However i am struggling to find how to either launch…