Samples for JCSMP use deprecated classes
I just faced today when looking at JCSMP samples for publishing e.g. to topic that samples here: https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/publish-subscribe/ + https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-java-jcsmp/blob/master/src/main/java/com/solace/samples/jcsmp/features/TopicPublisher.java to not get adapted to a latest…
Do you use Postman? Here is how it would fit in your event-driven system
# What is Postman Postman is an API management platform that gives users the ability to build and test APIs. At its core, Postman is a REST API focused platform and is super developer friendly with CRUD operations where you can GET and POST using REST APIs. Postman has the notion of Collections where you can bundle REST…
Distributed Tracing Early Access Now Available to Interested Community Members
Good News! The Solace Distributed Tracing feature for self-managed brokers is now available to interested community members for early access! The new distributed tracing functionality lets you observe events on a step-by-step basis so you can easily troubleshoot delivery and performance problems. Watch this demo video to…
copy-message available in sempv2?
copy-message available in sempv2? And in which version is so.
Beta version of PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ is now available!
Solace has just released a beta version of the new PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ. This connector enables bridging of PubSub+ events with MQ Queue Managers. It supports a 2-way flow of data with PubSub+ -> MQ or MQ -> PubSub+ and you can have up to 10 of these "workflows" in each connector instance. If you need more than 10,…
Solace listener blocks http listener
Hi Team, I'm trying to use solace message receiver is my python project . I'm successfully able to connect with solace queue and receiving messages but once solace service is connected I'm not able to procced with http request on same server . Could you help guide me on this ?
Two or more consumers for different topics
Here in this question, I managed to solve the queue issue: Two or more consumers for different queues Now, the following question remains: In the same application, I need to process non-persistent messages, which are sent to different topics and have different formats: 1) update-certificate; 2) update-credentials; In this…
Event Portal 2.0 Lifecycle Management Features are now Generally Available
Event Portal 2.0 Lifecycle Management Features are now Generally Available The following Event Portal 2.0 features are now GA. Version control and lifecycle states: Create and track every version of each object type through their lifecycle. Available for applications, Event API Products, event APIs, events, schemas, and…
Using JCSMP API with Apache Camel
Hello, I'm working on a POC to use Solace JCSMP with Apache camel. I noticed that there was a community integration project called HybridEdge that is not maintained by Solace. Is there any plan to create a similar project for JCSMP? or to develop an Apache camel JCSMP component similar to the JMS one? Thank you.
New blog post for developers | A Guide to Event-Driven Architecture Pros and Cons
Event-driven architecture is a hot topic amongst enterprise architects and software developers these days. But when it comes to the pros and cons of event-driven architecture, not everyone has made up their mind on what they think. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=47160
Bridge Topic Subscriptions - Remote versus Local
SolAdmin shows both Remote topic and Local topic subscriptions for a configured VPN bridge. I know the remote topic subscriptions is what you apply to the bridge to attract topics over the bridge. What is the local topic subscription for?
How to retain original message properties like topic and sender ID when a message is moved to a DMQ
Hi, We are using Solace properties to dynamically route messages in Boomi on the Boomi listener side. For example sender ID or topic. However, if a message is moved to a DMQ after x retries, these properties are gone. My question is: is it possible to retain these properties? What happens now is that, after we moved the…
Solace PubSub Standard docker image for M1 Mac
Can I please know if you are planning to release ARM docker image for Solace PubSub standard in the near future? New engineers in our team uses M1 Mac but they can’t setup Solace locally in their docker as the current images do not work on M1 Mac and they are blocked at the moment due to this issue. Cheers, Smith
Introducing the "copy-message" command
Exciting news, Solace developers and administrators! You can now copy messages between queues! PubSub+ Event Broker version 10.0.0 has a new management command, copy-message, that lets a broker administrator copy a message from the replay log to a queue, or from one queue to another (like from a DMQ to a client’s queue).…
Exponential Backoff missing - should be part of solace functionality
I wanted to bring up a topic which i miss in solace and that is called exponential backoff. Exponential Backoff: Is a concept to increase the interval of retries instead of retry permanently. It is important as sometimes a solution could be temp not available or a resource is temp overloaded. So to increase the interval…
SolaceCommunity Github Contribution Guide 🎉
📣 We are launching the SolaceCommunity Github organization! This organization offers community supported, authored and maintained open source projects. As our community grows, these projects offer integration with, and ways to use, Solace technologies. What to contribute Contributions to the SolaceCommunity Github…
Failed to create consumer binding Error
Hi Team, I am using Spring Cloud Stream (spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace.2.0.0-string-serialization and sol-jcsmp.10.13.0) to send and consume messages with Solace VPN. I am able to publish and consume the message, but I get below continuous error in my log file with corresponding increase in the bind count.…
Two or more consumers for different queues
In this example, I see only one consumer, in one subscription like here: https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-java-jcsmp/blob/master/src/main/java/com/solace/samples/jcsmp/HelloWorld.java How should I create one consumer/listener for different queues? For instance, one consumer for certificateUpdate and another…
Send does not work, gives WaitingForDNS error yet connect() doesn't fail
I'm not sure whether my earlier post was misplaced, hopefully this is a better place. I'm trying to do a pub/sub tutorial, both publishing 1 message and subscribing to the queue. The original JS code as Solace created on Github. I'm trying to Typescript-ify the code and now it says OperationError: Cannot perform operation…
Monthly Feature Highlight Training | October 2022
For our October monthly feature highlight we've decided to focus specifically on integrating with the Solace Event Portal. Solace Event Portal is a powerful tool that gives the capability to tame chaos and promote governance with your event driven architecture, among many other powerful features. But for organizations that…
Authentication on reconnect?
I'm developing an application with the Java API. The application is a long running server. We are authenticating with username and password, and our passwords are rotated every twelve hours. It's not clear to me if sessions need to be reauthenticated on reconnection. If they do is there a way to update the PASSWORD in a…
New blog post for developers | Monthly Solace Developer Community Highlights | October 2022
A lot of things happened in October. Here are some highlights: Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=47315
I'm not able to create a subscription topic under '#telemetry-trace' queue. How can I do it?
I'm using open-telemetry framework. I have created a queue named '#telemetry-trace'. Now I'm trying to create a subscription topic for that queue and I'm getting an error 'The #telemetry-trace queue may not be configured' Does anyone know how to solve this error? Thanks in Advance!
Take the October Solace Developer Community Challenge
On October 4, Solace announced the launch of PubSub+ Event Portal 2.0. To celebrate it, we decided to focus our October community challenge exclusively on Event Portal. Take the 3-question challenge and submit your answers by October 31 to win a Solace backpack! Good luck!
Client Certificate Authentication Is Shutdown - How to activate?
user@broker-vm:/var/opt/solace/jail/logs$ tail event.log 2022-09-21T09:55:08.842+00:00 <local3.notice> broker-defaultshard-primary-vm event: VPN: VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_REJECTED: vapnonprod_vpn - Message VPN (1) vapnonprod_vpn Bridge edge_defaultshard.to.core_b from VPN vapnonprod_vpn rejected: Service Unavailable…
How do avoid 403: Replication Is Standby ?
We are using “spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace” to consume the message from queue but receiving the below error frequently. Please refer the below details and help us to avoid the issue. application.yml configuration: binders: <<bindername>>: type: environment: solace: java: clientUsername: <<User Name>> connectRetries:…
Return error information after enable TLSv1.2 on .Net Platform:
TLSV1,TLSv1.2 is working, Session connect is ok. But Return error information after enable TLSv1.2: [18:53:51 ERR] Exception thrown Operation Error: ReturnCode = SOLCLIENT_NOT_READY Error Info: (Subcode=CommunicationError, Error string=SSL establishment failed as the client due to 5 (ret -1, 'Peer closed socket') for…
Automatically run cli script during/after docker startup
Hello, is there a place or option somewhere that allows us to automatically run CLI scripts right after the startup completed ? The idea comes from PostgreSQL where you can create .sql files and place them in a specific path (here initdb.d) and they will get automatically executed. [...] If you would like to do additional…
Subscribing with #noexport fails to receive messages
Per the Solace docs, if I prefix my topic with "#noexport," I should be able to subscribe to the topic, but the subscription will not be advertised to adjacent nodes by MNR or DMR. But I'm having trouble getting that to work. In the below example, everything takes places on the same broker. Here is my publisher: 2022-10-20…
Spring cloud stream - concurrency
Hi there I'm trying to configure more than one Consumer Thread for my functional consumer But I saw that when I config concurrency as 5. It will create 5 session connection to the solace server. when config concurrency is 5. It will create 5 session connection to the solace when config concurrency is 10. It will create 10…