New blog post for developers | Monitoring a Plant Using PubSub+, Raspberry Pi and Flutter
Khajan Singh is a middle school student and the youngest in the Solace Scholar program. He enjoys using hardware and data cloud to solve real-life problems. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=48331
sdkperf latency measurement with binary message
Hi, When I use -l along with -pal then my application doesn't receive the input. Command used: ./sdkperf_java.sh -cip=H:P -cp=A -cu=B -mr=1000 -mn=25000 -l -nagle -ptl=my/request/topic -stl=my/response/topic -prs=my/response/topic -pal=mybinary.message Since I wanted to use replyTo I used sdkperf_java as suggested by @marc…
How to connect on-prem non SAP event subscribers to Solace PubSub
We are using Solace PubSub through SAP BTP Platform. We have got success in connecting to event subscriber application(SAAS) on public cloud. We are stuck while connecting to other on premise applications (hosted within company controlled network.) as event subscriber. I would to understand how to connect to event…
JCSMP solace library [ConditionalBoundedMessageQueue:|Queue is suspended]
I have a Java application which would send message out continuously. However, at one occasion, this application cannot send out any message out until i restart it which is some hours later. From the application log, seems "ConditionalBoundedMessageQueue" is suspended, and block the "JCSMPXMLMessageProducer" 's send…
How to set replyTo using sdkPerf
Hi, I am using SDK perf tool to perform the latency test. I have been able to send a binary message but how can I set replyTo topic ? Command used to send binary message: sdkperf_c -cip=server -cp=something -cu=something -ptl=mytopic_to_publish -mr=messagerate -mn=no_of_message -stl=static_response_topic -pal=mybinary.data…
error while creating receiver flow: Max clients exceeded for queue
We are currently building the Solution to integrate with Solace. We are still developing and not using Solace in Prod. Currently only a few developers uses this Solace and we donot have that many Sessions or connections to Solace. According to the Dashboard, it is using only 2 Active connections (But actually we have…
Is there an effective limit on the number of Queues Solace can handle?
What is the maximum number of queues that can be created and active in Solace PubSub+ before performance starts to degrade?
How to Publish messages in JSON Format in PYTHON ?
Hi Myself ranganath working as software engineer in standard chartered bank my requirement is to publish message in JSON Format in python . Kindly assist.
Solace Client metrics to scaling my application
Hello guys, I'm migrating from RabbitMQ to Solace, there's a feature important in my spring boot applications with the rabbitmq client about metrics. We are using the metric `rabbitmq.consumed` to find the rate of consumed messages per second and scaling horizontally after a certain threshold. I'm able to get this metric…
Additional Solace PubSub+ logging [solace/solace-pubsub-standard]
Maybe it would be possible to add additional console log when solace event broker is ready for configuring ? For now we're searching for "Primary Virtual Router is now active" on /usr/sw/jail/logs/system.log which is making waiting complicated (executing grep/cat on this file in a loop instead of waiting for console log).
System scaling using helm chart
Hi. I have configured solace in my dev env(using helm chart) and currently it only allows upto 100 queues/endpoints creation. To scale I tried setting systemScaling values to : But it doesn't seem to be working. I setup solace in my laptop in docker and added these as --env system_scaling_maxconnectioncount=1000 --env…
C API for iOS simulator on m1
Are there any plans to support iOS Simulator on M1 Macs?
Sending and Receiving Messages using TCP using IPC Model with no connection established to Broker.
Hi, Is there any sample C API based example that explains the following: -How to use TCP to do IPC based PEER communications. -The client and server will be on the same host to communicate with one another - I have gone through the documentation of IPC model . In the above scenario, the client and server should talk to one…
Contribute to the community today to earn our 3 new badges
To recognize those who contribute to the community, we have added 3 new badges: Experience Share Who can earn it? Anybody who shares his or her developer experience with the other community members. This can be a tip and trick, a best practice, a project, or a comment about your own experience that helps the poster of a…
Solace Appliance Active-Active with Message persistence
Hi, we are working on a solution with Solace PubSub+ Appliance deployed in 2 Data Centers with Active-Active cluster, cloud Solace Software with Active-Passive across 2 AZs. Enable event-mesh solution with message persistence. My query here is, can message persistence be achieved to store consumed messages for the duration…
New blog post for developers | How EDA Helps Cürex Group Offer “no last look” FX Trading
Leading FX solution provider Cürex has been a valuable Solace customer since 2011, and I’ve had the pleasure of working with them for 3 years. With this blog post I’d like to introduce their use case, architecture, and how they’ve benefited from Solace’s technology and event-driven architecture (EDA) in general. Read More…
Queue binding with Service Unavailable status
I new to Solace and I'm doing some exploration to see how this would fint in my organization. The use case straight forward, post a message from a producer to solace queue and have solace forwarding it to rest consumer. This is bit complex setup with private AWS API GW, but connectivity is there. I'm having a hard time…
StaleSessionException - Tried to call receive on a stopped message consumer
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834), exception_class=com.solacesystems.jcsmp.StaleSessionException, exception_message=Tried to call receive on a stopped message…
Acknowledge solace Msg in async way
we have a application with 3 dfiifrent profile , feeder ,transformer and consumer. each are running on different pod in cloud, feeder is reading data from solace and putting in temp DB , and then transformer is performing som logic and at last consumer is syncing data to destination ....we want ackonowledgement to solace…
Why am I getting responses in some chinese letters from Solace back to Boomi?
Hello, I was trying to build an integration which connects to a solace broker and is subscribing to my integration process. The action I set in Boomi Solace connector is "request". Whenever I try to run the integration, solace can receive the message and as soon as I publish "Hello World" I get the response in some Chinese…
Nice talk on Orchestration and Choreography
Hi folks, I'm sure you've heard about choreography while looking into event-driven architecture. Of few talks I found talking about this, this one is my current favourite: https://youtu.be/zt9DFMkjkEA He talks more about what he thinks is the core difference, the pitfalls, and later the technology. I enjoyed it and learned…
Unable to connect with solace using amqps protocols with OAuth
String solaceHost = "amqps://<host>:<port>?amqp.saslMechanisms=XOAUTH2"; String solaceUsername = Username String solacePassword = access_token Error : Authentication has not completed yet. Please find attached logs
JavaRTO solclientj-native-common runtime dependencies (version 10.2.0)
Hi team, Please can I ask for some guidance with respect to handling runtime dependencies of the solclientj-native-common.jar present in version 10.2.0 of the API in the context of gradle builds - I am fairly new to gradle. For example: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.solacesystems</groupId>…
New blog post for developers | Monthly Solace Developer Community Highlights | February 2023
Below are some of the highlights in the Solace Developer Community in February: Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=48089
Spooled Messages gets deleted after the broker container restarts in kubernetes
Hi, We are deploying the pubsubplus broker in kubernetes cluster with helm chart. We did it using the reference doc - https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart/blob/master/pubsubplus/README.md We did set up volume in aws efs, below is the pv and pvc. And we are providing custom volume mount in…
Getting INVALID_SESSION_OPERATION after some time interval in solclientjs package while publishing
Hi All, We are using solclientjs node package for publishing message in guaranteed queue in standalone broker. PS+ broker and Publisher client is in same Kubernetes cluster. The publihser is publising message in using web protocol on to 1443 port. After some time interval '''publisher.session.send(message);''' method…
Is it possible that publisher get notified when consumer consumes message from queue?
We are looking for scenario where publisher application needs to get notified when the consumer application consumes the message so we can start some process at publisher application. Both consumer and publisher are nodejs application.
How to access SDTMap from InBoundMessage
Hi, I would like to know that how can we get the SDTMap from an InBoundMessage ( with the new Solace API using the DirectMessageReceiver ). Since, the InBoundMessage wraps around the BytesXMLMessage but doesnt expose BytesXMLMessage as such from it. I have a producer that is sending SDTMap with some properties in it and…
503: Too Many Connections For VPN
Hello, that's my first post on this community :) I need your help/support because my client application (Boomi application) that is listening on severals solace queues is receiving this error on some listners when i try to start the application : [com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel$ClientChannelConnect…
Does Python have this Cache Session??
For C#,I can use SendCacheRequest to get a synchronous cache request. But in Python I can't find any package allow request cache session? can any one help me? Thank you.