What happens to replay logs when using Dynamic Message Routing?
If I'm using Dynamic Message Routing/ an event mesh and have many Solace instances connected together, what happens with the replay logs? Does every instance have a complete replay log or is it distributed across all instances? Is there any way to add redundancy to replay logs?…
When I initiate a replay on my queue, why do I only see 1000 messages get replayed?
When you initiate a replay on your queue, you may notice that only 1000 messages get replayed. You know that you have way more than 1000 messages matching your queue subscription that you should see. This is actually expected if you have no clients bound to the queue at the time of the replay. When clients bind, and as…
New blog post for developers | Monthly Solace Developer Community Highlights | May 2023
Below are some of the highlights from the Solace Developer Community in May: Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=50267
Rewrite URL Path - RDP Rest Consumer
Is it possible to rewrite the URLs before sending the request to the Rest Consumer using solace RDP? For example: ->
Is is it possible to consume user-defined headers using Try me in console?
we are using PubSub+ Kafka source connector as a consumer, so is it possible to consumer the user defined header using PubSub+ Kafka source connector?
Can I set the CPU Core for the context thread in JavaRTO API?
Is there the ability to define the core to which a given thread will be pinned to?
New blog post for developers | Integrating MuleSoft with Solace PubSub+ Cloud
Preena Patel is a technical writer at Maropost. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=49880
New blog post for developers | How to Use Pact to Contract Test your Event-Driven System
Donald Le is a quality engineer in software with 9 years of experience. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=49821
how to add topic subscription to durable topic endpoint in solace via CLI
Hi All, how to add topic subscription to durable topic endpoint in solace via CLI/soladmin/WebGUI Please suggest!!
How to empty a queue with 200+ messages?
Hi all, We are using Solace in combination with Boomi. We're looking for a solution to empty a queue quickly. No matter how many messages are in that queue. From the Solace Cloud console, the max is 50 per page. JMS Toolbox is refusing to empty a queue when it contains 200+ messages. How to solve this? Ideally, we would…
503: Too Many Connections For Client-Username
Hi All, Getting error as : JNDI lookup failed - 503: Too Many Connections For Client-Username Configured Max Connections Per Username but no luck, please suggest way forward.
Spring cloud stream Solace binder prevents application from running when Solace is down
Hello everyone, I am currently working on an application that consumes messages from Solace and serves users with HTTP endpoints. However, when Solace is down, the Solace binder prevents the application from running until Solace is reachable again. This behavior is problematic for our business as we want to continue…
Understanding the "connect retries per host" and ""connect retries" properties.
Let's imagine the situation that I have: number of solace hosts: 3 connect retries: 2 connect retries per host: 4 What would be the final number of retries, if it would be 24, like 2 x 4 per host? Or how it would work?
How to get back the message id after publishing a message on solace topic using nodejs
hi Members, i need help to get the message id immediately after publishing a message on topic using nodejs. i can publish a message but not sure how to get the message id back after publishing. i tried to search on the google but no luck. here is the code i am using to publish. code block : const solace =…
Distributed Tracing: New features on Solace PubSub+ Cloud!
Hey Community! 👋 As you know, we have been releasing regular updates to our new DT feature. We're excited to announce that Distributed Tracing in PubSub+ Cloud can now export traces to PubSub+ Insights and other observability tools using OTLP/gRPC or OTLP/HTTP. This means customers can now export to solutions like…
HA redundancy - Monitoring node issue
I followed the steps documented in the HA redundancy section, both the primary and backup nodes are online and I can see the redundancy working. Monitoring node is offline, the show redundancy group on monitoring node shows all nodes as offline. I tried multiple times the behaviour is consistent, not sure what I am…
whether the queue messages objects returned in the SEMP response list follow a specific order
When we call the SEMP API to fetch message information from a queue using the Get API /msageVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/msgs, it returns a list of Queue Message objects. Is there a certain order that these message objects follow in the response list? Also, is it safe to assume that the first message object in the…
Get clarity on retry count (named delivery count) - several questions
Use Case: ========== As consumer in case of retries you naturally want to differ in your logic depending on which retry you are on. As well likely you want to log somewhere which retry you currently processing. Delivery Count: =============…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Sticky Load Balancing Implementation
Can any one please help me with a sample implementation of sticky load balancing with spring cloud stream solace. My use case is account transaction information are posted to a solace topic to 6 different partitions. There will be consumer(s) reading from these partitions. Initially there will be 1 consumer which is hosted…
How Oauth can be used with Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 AMQP
Hi All, I am using Apache Qpid JMS 2.0 to connect standalone PS+ broker on 5671 port. I am able to achieve using username and password however I am not able to authenticate using Oauth. Our other clients written in nodejs are able to authenticate and connect on 5671 with AMQP protocol and Oauth. As per doc I am providing…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Manual Acknowledgement
The batch mode is working fine as i am able to receive the msgs as batch and publish as batch. Now, i am trying to manually acknowledge the messages. If no exception, update the database with success and then accept the message. Else, update the DB with error and then requeue the message. Function<Message<List<?>>,…
Now available: v1.1 of the PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ
Hello all connector enthusiasts! Version 1.1 of the Self-contained Connector: PubSub+ Connector for IBM MQ is now available. This release contains a number of new features and enhancements since the 1.0 release in Dec. 2022. These include: Support for durable topic subscriptions in the JMS/MQ input binding/consumer of a…
Spring Cloud Stream Data Type in Function
Function<Message<?>, Message<?>> The function takes the input paylaod as bytes even when datatype is mentioned. The auto conversion from json to pojo is not happening. Any suggestion? For example, Message<ClassName> when i directly use it, i am getting Class class exception ClassName a = message.getPayload(). Works as…
Garanteed Subscriber problem: "Emitter rejects listener for no-name event: undefined"
Hello everybody, I hope I am posting this on the correct Category, correct me otherwise. I am trying to subscribe a Solace Queue in order to get it's messages and redirect them to a specific endpoint which will later process it's information. For that, i've made a NODE JS service which uses the GaranteedSubscriber example.…
How to avoid duplication of Total delivery unacked messages?
Few messages got stuck in the queue for delivered unacked messages, only if the application restarts the messages are removed from the queue. Will the broker tries to send the stuck messages again and cause a duplication of messages and if yes, how to avoid it when the application restarts or any other possible solution…
Best Practices for handling message processing failures (Go API)
Hi, just wanted to know what is the best practice for handling failures when processing consumed events from a queue? i.e. Upon consumption of an event from a queue subscribed to multiple topics, I would call an external API to send an email to a person based on the topic. However there is a chance that this API call would…
New blog post for developers | Monthly Solace Developer Community Highlights | April 2023
Below are some of the highlights in the Solace Developer Community in April: Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=49106
NoClassDefFoundError - SolJNDIInditialContextFactory - need assistance
Hi TEam, I am java developers, if I am using the sol-jms-10.3.1.jar or sol-jms-10.3.1.jar I am able to connect to the Solace VPN If I tried to use the sol-jms-10.6.2.jar - I am getting the below error : NoClassDefFoundError - cloud not load class com.solacesystems.jndi.SolJNDIInditialContextFactory Am I missing anything…
How to post to Solace VPN - using restAPI
How to post to Solace VPN - using restAPI ? Any documentation or samples on how to send a message to solace vpn using REST API.
How to connect to pre-provisioned queue in solace using spring cloud stream ?
I am using @StreamListner, created input binding of type SubscribableChannel & trying to connect to a pre-provisioned queue and used similar configurations as suggested in previous comment but i am not able to bind consumer with queue . Getting error - "EL1008E: Property or field 'isAnonymous' cannot be found on object of…