Anyone using Quarkus or Micronaut with Solace Event Brokers?
Hey all, I've been getting a few questions lately around using Quarkus or Micronaut with Solace messaging APIs. I'll admit I'm not an expert in either of those, is anyone using them? If so, have you been successful? Any chance you can share a project? @gaetancollaud - I saw you posted a while back about Quarkus, did you…
Send Spans for Distributed Tracing are now available with Broker Release 10.4.1!
Solace Community, Now available: PubSub+ Event Broker release 10.4.1 - Solace's Long Term Support (LTS) release for 2023! One of the big features in this jam-packed release is Distributed Tracing's Send Spans. Send spans, when coupled with receive spans, complete the end-to-end success path use case by enabling the…
Replay messages - Couple of Questions
I was wondering if the messages that go into Replay log, consume any of the quota limits that are present on the VMR / Appliance example: Number of delivered but unacknowledged messages Number of replicated topics Number of topic subscriptions that can be assigned to all queues Maximum number of messages queued for…
Timestamp for oldest message on a queue
Is there some simple way to get the timestamp of the oldest message on given queue with semp? For example is the list of message in getMsgVpnQueueMsgs ordered (see below)? Or can it be? Obivously the broker knows what first first message to be poped on a given queues is.
Max Client Queue and Topic Endpoint Flow
Solace version: hosted on AWS Ec2 instance. Solace default VPN had 100 as the default setting for various connections. We have updated it to 1000 and restarted the appliance. Used cmds below to restart the solace: solacectl cli enable reload Boomi EDi is used to connect to queue as listener. When we got the below…
Solace Jav RTO Max Send Buff and Receive Buff
Hi, I am using Java RTO and I am not really clear with Max Receive Buffer Size and Max Send Buffer Size. Say if my Send Buffer size is 1024 bytes, does it mean Solace API waits and collates messages upto 1024 bytes and sends them together ? Similar question of the reveive Buffer Size.
Questions on sdkperf
I have some questions on the sdkperf latency result. 1) Why 95th, 99th percentile latency is N/A ? 2) How does the bucket size affect the latency measurement? 3) How does sdkperf calculates Minimum and Average Latency for subs? Is the time based on the data packet travel from client to message broker and back?
Solace PubSub+ broker / Informatica Cloud Integration over AMQP
Hi community members I created this integration to assist one of our customers with their use case to integrate to Informatica cloud to a Solace PubSub+ broker over the protocol AMQP. Overview: The steps are briefly as follows: Setup SDKPerf-jmsamq on your local computer. Setup a cloud Solace PubSub+ broker with a…
New blog post for developers | Winning Solace’s First Ever Student Hackathon
By Sean Wray, Thulam Tran, Aleana Wright Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=50590
application going on non responsive mode after Consumers window size 0
application going non responsive mode after Consumers window size 0 under the Queue configuration I am not sure why window size is getting 0 . could you please help anyone , when the window size will be 0 and how to resume application after window size 0 ?
Remote Bridge Limitation
Hi Everyone, Is there any limitation to add the remote bridges to the uni-directional bridges. I can able to add only 4 remote bridges after that getting the error "Quota Exhausted". Thanks in advance !!
how to configure to enable MQTT QoS1exchange in Solace
HI Dears, In this document https://docs.solace.com/API/MQTT/Using-MQTT.htm, we can enable QoS1-At least once delivery for MQTT, could you help to provide the details guideline how to configure QoS1 in solace for MQTT client? Thanks Lei
Azure datalake connector gen2
Hi, I created a Azure datalake gen2 connecter in solace using oauth 2 credentials but it is not wokring. I see that configuration completed successfully and all the assets (connector/RDP , Rest consumer, Queue and queue bindings) were created successfully. When I tried to test it, I did not see any transaction. Can you…
Solace PubSub + Mac M1 based Docker container is not working.
Hi Community, I am trying to run the arm based docker image for PubSub+ event broker and container is getting existed after running the container. FYI - I have executed the docker compose image for - solace-pubsub-standard:100.0arm_proto.0.92 Following is the docker output for container. Access: 2023-06-09…
Java RTO Context Handle Busy Spin
Hi, I have allocated core while initializing Context Handle but it doesn't keep the core busy and due to this first message is always has high end to end latency. How can I keep Context Handle on busy spin ? My Java RTO is version 7 and Java 11.
Message Eliding maximum topics
Hi! I would like to understand a bit more on one of the settings Maximum Eliding Topics Per Client Connection. If I set this as 1 and subscribe to a hierarchy of a/b/c/> containing two topics a/b/c/d and a/b/c/e , will both my topics be tracked? Or will solace choose one of the topics randomly? In short, is this property…
How to use Oauth Using Solace PubSub+ Connector in Mulesoft
We have a requirement where we want to use OAuth using Solace PubSub+ connector but I don't see any option to use the same in the connector configuration. Any leads would be appreciated.
Exporting Metrics to 3rd-party Monitoring Tools in Solace Self-contained Connectors
Hello "Connect Heads" (my chosen name for Solace connector enthusiasts!) I recently did a video, available on Solace.com, that talks about exporting metrics from your Solace self-contained connectors to various 3rd-party monitoring tools using the embedded Micrometer core libraries. The video shows exporting to InfluxDB…
Help with setting up appropriate endpoints.
Hi, I have a pretty standard use case, but am struggling to work out a basic architecture, perhaps you can help? We have a producer which would publish prices at random on a topic. We have a number of consumers who all need to consume these prices. When these consumers start up they need to obtain the last published price…
StreamBridge null pointer with Spring 3
I try to get "spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace" version 3.0.0 with spring 3.1.0 running. But every time i use the "StreamBridge" i get this error message: 2023-06-01T14:38:25.602+0200 ERROR Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed:…
How to disable the automatic queue creation with amqp qpid jms client
Hello everyone, I am following the tutorial provided here: GitHub - SolaceSamples/solace-samples-amqp-qpid-jms1: Getting Started tutorials for using Apache Qpid JMS 1.1 over AMQP 1.0 with Solace Message Routers. I want to create a consumer on my queue which receives messages. This does work, however everytime the client…
What happens to replay logs when using Dynamic Message Routing?
If I'm using Dynamic Message Routing/ an event mesh and have many Solace instances connected together, what happens with the replay logs? Does every instance have a complete replay log or is it distributed across all instances? Is there any way to add redundancy to replay logs?…
When I initiate a replay on my queue, why do I only see 1000 messages get replayed?
When you initiate a replay on your queue, you may notice that only 1000 messages get replayed. You know that you have way more than 1000 messages matching your queue subscription that you should see. This is actually expected if you have no clients bound to the queue at the time of the replay. When clients bind, and as…
New blog post for developers | Monthly Solace Developer Community Highlights | May 2023
Below are some of the highlights from the Solace Developer Community in May: Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=50267
Rewrite URL Path - RDP Rest Consumer
Is it possible to rewrite the URLs before sending the request to the Rest Consumer using solace RDP? For example: ->
Is is it possible to consume user-defined headers using Try me in console?
we are using PubSub+ Kafka source connector as a consumer, so is it possible to consumer the user defined header using PubSub+ Kafka source connector?
Can I set the CPU Core for the context thread in JavaRTO API?
Is there the ability to define the core to which a given thread will be pinned to?
New blog post for developers | Integrating MuleSoft with Solace PubSub+ Cloud
Preena Patel is a technical writer at Maropost. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=49880
New blog post for developers | How to Use Pact to Contract Test your Event-Driven System
Donald Le is a quality engineer in software with 9 years of experience. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=49821
how to add topic subscription to durable topic endpoint in solace via CLI
Hi All, how to add topic subscription to durable topic endpoint in solace via CLI/soladmin/WebGUI Please suggest!!