Using solace in EKS cluster
we have upgraded our cluster to EKS and we are not able to up the solace ui on port 1943 , we are using nginx ingress controller, p\s let us know if any changes needs to be done from cluster end or in vluses.yml. If possible p\s share ingress templet with us
Consumer for a topic mapped to queue, subscribed by multiple topics.
Is it possible to consume msg for a particular topic mapped to queue if there are multiple topics mapped to that queue.
Is there a topic that captures ACL logs or is there a way to forward them to an external system?
I'm working on a logging strategy document, and I'm trying to determine if there's a way to capture ACL logs from a Solace Cloud environment and forward them to an external system. I'm open to using any method REST Delivery Point, syslog forwarding, etc. I'm aware that system, client and vpn logs are sent to a topic #LOG,…
How to export queue configuration with SEMP API
I'm building a process to integrate Solace with CI/CD, where we need to export the queues from Dev to UAT as part of the deployment process. Basically developer create the queues in DEV using UI and then its moved to upper envs with automation. I could not find a way to export specific queues configurations using SEMP,…
Consume from multiple queues in Spring Cloud Stream
Yesterday I got asked by a developer how she could have multiple functions in her Spring Cloud Stream microservice each consume from its' own queue. Luckily the framework makes this relatively simple to accomplish, but the devil is in the details as your configuration must match your code so I figured I'd share the steps…
Reprocessing Messages
I have a scenario similar to the one mentioned in this post How can I get it to work in JCSMP with spring boot?
Help finding reason for Solace Pubsub+ Standard on GCP Kubernetes Autopilot costing so much
Dear all, It's a long shot, but this community has pulled off some amazing solutions, so it's worth a try. We're positioning Solace as part of a business solution for one of our customers. The solution as a whole is deployed in a single GCP Kubernetes autopilot cluster, including the Solace PubSub+ Standard workload. Now,…
Getting a backup file from an event broker
Hi. I'm trying to send a backup file to a new event broker. I have an event broker(solace1) and made a new one(solace2). They are in AWS, using docker. I have ".pem" key files. There are some config points in solace1, so I made a backup file and tried to transfer file to solace2. But it was not successful. These are the…
Do we have any documentation or user manual for Solace PubSub+ Broker manager?
I need the documentation or user manual for Solace PubSub+ Broker Manager for use by our clients.
Is it possible to have a workflow in Solace-IBM MQ connector between a Solace Queue and IBM MQ Queue
Is it possible to have a workflow in Solace-IBM MQ connector between a Solace Queue and IBM MQ Queue. In the user guide for the latest available version, there are two workflows defined 1. Solace Queue to IBM MQ Topic and 2. IBM MQ to Solace Topic. There is nothing given for Solace Queue to IBM MQ Queue. Any pointers,…
what is different between amqp request-reply and rest request-reply?
Just wonder, what are the main differences between rest and amqp request-reply? Is it amqp request-reply consider async ?
Selector on Browser, how to do?
Hi all, I try to filter a specific message of a queue I want to delete (I have the message ID from a call before). How to set the selector? this is my code and I tried a lot of variations on the selector for example mi = '485' mi = 485 JMSMessageID = 485 JMSMessageID = '485' etc. when I browse via the console and select a…
Publish/Consume messages to topic-endpoints using Golang
I am using golang to connect to the solace client. Everything is working fine with queues. I am able to publish or receive messages. But then, when I am trying to connect to topic-endpoint, I can't see it is connecting to the topic-endpoint. I am not getting any proper resource for the same. Kindly help me, how can I…
Hi Team, we have requirement to create bi direction bridge to cater messages from VPN A to VPN B in same DC and across different data center as well. Can some one guide/help with CLI script syntax for same ?
How to enable TLS connection in spring boot?
Hello everyone, I have successfully integrated queue communication in solace with spring boot but I'm facing an issue. I want to make it such that any client without a valid certificate (jks) is not allowed to connect even if the credentials are valid. It seems that the default settings allow anyone with credentials to…
TIBCO EMS to Solace Migration
We are working to migrate from Tibco EMS to Solace. Current solutions is using EMS message priority. Does Solace support message priority? Also, does Solace supports all the features that are available in EMS? Any inputs pls. Regards Venkata Madhu
Parallel Application (2 Hot Hot instance) off Same Queue
A strange request from our users where they want to have multiple instances of the same application; they want another VPN to be spun up for each instance and the same queue/subscription details on those VPN. I have suggested: for the two parallel instance of application (or any number >1) the method to do it is parameter…
Question on MQTT Authentication
Hi, I am trying to connect using MQTT, I have downloaded the Solace MQTT Sample from and am running the TopicPublisher and TopicSubscriber right now. I noticed that it doesnt matter what username and password I put, I am still allowed to connect to the pubsub service. Why is this so??
Now Available: PubSub+ Connector for Tibco EMS v.1.0.0
I am pleased to announce that a brand new Self-contained Connector is available to integrate data between Solace PubSub+ and Tibco Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) . This connector is another in the Self-contained Connector family which are each dedicated to a specific data service, but all share a common architecture…
Acknowledge message using ID
I usually acknowledge messages explicitly using BytesXMLMessage.ackMessage() method. This is pretty convenient, because I don't need to worry about how it is done in the implementation. However, there is one essential problem: I need to have the message object around when I want to call the ackMessage(). In my specific…
New blog post for developers | Querying Solace PubSub+ Cloud Using SQL with Steampipe
In an era dominated by hot new programming languages and frameworks, SQL stands tall as a time-honored and versatile language that has proven its worth across generations. Traditionally known for its prowess in interacting with relational databases, SQL has evolved beyond its original realm and now finds itself at the…
TLS port not working after TLS enabling on a deployed Solace Broker
Hello, I have deployed a Solace Broker software helm chart which I've found on artifact hub -> There I have accessed a "Default values" section where I have downloaded a yaml configuration file in order to adjust it according to my needs. As a default setting we have a disabled TLS property (image below) -> At this point…
How do i enable tls on aws eks?
I have been working on to enable tls. I have tried creating the certificate from awspca.cert-manager.io and updated the changes while installing the helm chart. Like the secret name which has this tls.key and tls.cert Apart from these two changes do i need to do anything else to get tls/ssl at level level 7 not on level 4.…
How can I replay from a specific message ID?
My main purpose is to be able to replay from a specific message. I want to be able to keep track of which was the last message that was successfully processed, so that I wont have to replay from the start or replay the whole day's worth of message. I think that in order to do this, I would need to be able to find out how…
ssue with Solace Messaging Library and "amqps" Host - Error: SOLCLIENT_SUBCODE_UNRESOLVED_HOST
Hello Solace community, I'm currently working on integrating the Solace Messaging library into my project to establish a connection using the AMQP protocol. However, I'm encountering an error and I'm seeking assistance to understand the root cause and potential solutions. Issue:I'm trying to connect to an AMQP host using…
Distributed Tracing is now Generally Available!
I'm thrilled to announce that Distributed Tracing is now generally available for all customers and prospects. The recent release of PubSub+ 10.2.0 included distributed tracing! Thanks to all the customers who tried out our early access release of distributed tracing! Our Early Access release of distributed tracing is now…
OAuth 2.0 authentication for solace.cloud REST endpoints?
Hi, Is it possible to use OAuth 2.0 authentication for solace.cloud REST endpoints (instead of the default basic auth)?
How to return 'show current-config all' using SEMP API
Trying to construct an API request for the 'show current-config all' CLI command but not sure if this is possible for the SEMP API. Does anyone know if this is possible? Here is what I have tried with python. ``` requestBody = "<rpc><show><current-config><all/></current-config></show></rpc>" requestResponseObject =…
Can I make multiple topics in one topic endpoint?
I tried test this (1 endpoint, 2 topic) using 'try me' from two notebooks. But subscirbe to second topic I got ' Consumer could not bind to the topic endpoint: Max clients exceeded for durable topic endpoint' error. I increase 'Maximum Consumer Count' to 10, the result is same. Is it not supported or any other…
If you are familiar with the PubSub+ Event Broker Operator, I have some questions!
Is it possible you use the PubSub+ Event Broker Operator like the PubSub+ platform. As in, can I use the operator to create a cluster/service that I can use to send and receive events? Can I implement something like this article with the operator…