Solace in Angular
I would like to integrate the solace client into our application written in angular. I encounter issue when initialized the SolclientFactoryProperties by calling "new solace.SolclientFactoryProperties()" in angular type script. Please advise it, the error that I encountered is as follow: 1:56:34 PM [vite] Internal server…
GoLang API? Let's Go! 🚀
👀 Whats the news? We've been working on a real treat for our developer community here at Solace over the past couple of months and that is --> drum roll please --> The new Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Go! We will be releasing an early access to members of our community who are interested to use the bling new Go API .…
Publish block when over the memory / disk threshold
Hi, we are migrating from rabbit to solace now. There is a feature (https://www.rabbitmq.com/alarms.html) RabbitMQ will block connections that publish messages when over the memory/disk threshold. I see there is a way to set the threshold in solace: https://docs.solace.com/Monitoring/Configuring-System-Event-Thresholds.htm…
Make original client-ip visible inside Solace when running in Kubernetes
Hello everyone, we are running Solace in a Kubernetes Cluster. We have the issue that all connected clients are only shown with a IP address from the internal K8S Cluster subnet (e.g. Our setup is as follows: We are using Traefik as IngressController Traefiks service is set to be of type LoadBalancer…
com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1]
Hi Team, I'm trying to publish on Solace queue with Client Certificate Authentication using self signed certificate. But getting below error: Remote addr: mr-connection-dcnuo3u5bkz.messaging.solace.cloud Remote port: 55443) - ) com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 401: Certificate Error [Subcode:1] at…
Using selectors in exclusive queue
Hi I'm trying to use exclusive queue with many consumers with different selectors. For some reason after starting application and providing consumers only first one stays active. Used library is JCSMP. var flowProps = new ConsumerFlowProperties(); flowProps.setEndpoint(queue);…
How does the COS setting of Message and the priority of Message work in Direct Message?
HI. All COS and Message Priority are very confusing to me. How does the COS setting of Message and the priority of Message work in Direct Message? For example, if I set the COS of Message high(COS-3, D-3) and the Message Priority low(Message Priority 1 ), how would it work? Is Direct Message not applicable to Message…
SSL 'SSL-client' cannot read, sslErr = 5 in python client
Not able to connect to the solace broker using the python client library. Below mentioned how i connected: SOLACE_BROKER_PROPERTIES = { "solace.messaging.client.name": "test-client", "solace.messaging.transport.host": "tcps://mr-test.messaging.solace.cloud:55443", "solace.messaging.service.vpn-name": "com-test"),…
JMS Sliding Window acknowledgement
Hello, I've been optimizing my JMS consumer configuration by adjusting parameters like ReceiveADWindowSize, ReceiveAdAckThreshold, MaxMessagesPerTask, and the number of concurrent consumers. I've noticed that in the Solace consumer Dashboard page, there are corresponding properties reflecting the values set in the JMS…
Excuting sdkperf in windows
Hello, I'm using sdkperf (sdkperf-jcsmp- on a Windows . However, the following command: sdkperf_java.bat -cip messaging-jms.apps.aro-sndbx.cloud-nuage.com:443 -cu user@vpn -cp pwd is failing, and I'm encountering the error below. I want to highlight that I'm utilizing the tcps protocol for both the host address…
How to stop Default solace queue name getting created
Java 17, Spring boot - 3.0.13 and spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.0.0 Our bindings are like below: #Cloud stream channels configuration spring: cloud: function: routing: enabled routing-expression: headers['type'] definition: routerFunc1;routerFunc2 stream: default-binder: solace-broker bindings: routerFunc1-in-0:…
New blog post for developers | Optimizing the Performance of your Solace PubSub+ Event Broker
Solace brokers feature lots of levers you can pull to fine tune their performance – learn how to dial things in by tweaking your publishing windows, compression, TCP settings and egress queue sizes. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=60895
Is it possible to track messages in each topic and queue level
Hi Team, Can you please help us, is it possible to track messages in each topic and queue level (how many messages consume topic/queue level per day).
Python connect to Solace PubSub+ OAuth2.0
Here is my code snippet ``` import solace.messaging.messaging_service as service from solace.messaging.publisher.outbound_message import OutboundMessageBuilder from solace.messaging.publisher.persistent_message_publisher import Topic broker_props = {"solace.messaging.transport.host":…
Docker will not work
Hello! I've been working with solace for a while now, and i've allways ran it localy on docker. I've switched to linux recently and a stange thing happened. Yesterday I was running solace ok on my machine, with docker, but today, I can not make it work. Nothing major has changed but solace just wont work on docker. This is…
Python users! What are you using the Python API for?
Hey folks! As most of you know by now, we have a Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python and I am curious to know what use-cases you are using it for? How are you using the Python API? Where are you using it at? Happy to start the discussion and community sharing here! 🎉
JNDI CF Connection Parameters - Total Connection Attempts
Hi Team, I'm trying to get my head around the connect/reconnect properties configured inside a JNDI Connection Factory. I found this this article useful: Just expanding on the example in the article, I'm trying to get a figure for the total amount of connection attempts made based of the JNDI CF parameters. Based off that…
NLog reference in Solace.Messaging.Trace.Propagation
Hi, you are referencing directly NLog 5.2.0 in Solace.Messaging.Trace.Propagation .NET package and using its type Logger as a base type for SolLogger. Any chance to remove NLog dependency and use ILogger instead? Problem is that we cant link it because we use different version of NLog and in general it is good practice to…
Solace PubSub+ IBM MQ Connector to send from solace through jms with non jms consumer
Hi, I am using Solace PubSub+ IBM MQ Connector to send from solace through jms with non jms consumer. I encounter a problem where the non-jms consumer doesn't understand MQHRF2 format. Is there a way to configure ibm mq connector to send it as MQSTR so the MQHRF2 header is not included?
Receiving Error Response (503) Max clients exceeded for queue
Definition of exclusive queues: exclusive specifies that only one consumer can receive a message at any one time, while additional consumers may be connected as standby. That is, only one Flow can be active. Only the first consumer to bind can receive messages. If the first consumer disconnects, the second consumer…
Unable to increase the Session Timeout on Consumer end
Hi Solace Team, We have Solace Queue which is published on server, While trying to consume the messages from Queues, the messages are consumed only for few seconds when we deployed to our QA environment Though the session timer is set to 24 hours, what could be the issue here, Is there any way to set the session timer to…
SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging is not working in MAC M1
SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging dll is unrecognizable in mac M1 , what can be done ? when arm support will be added to DOTNET dlls......... ? All our development activities are paused in all applications due to it , can we make a quick fix ?
Now Available: PubSub+ Messaging API for .NET & JavaRTO with Mac M-series Support
I am pleased to announce that as of the latest release of both our .NET (v. 10.23.0) and JavaRTO (v. 10.6.0) APIs, they now support Mac M-series processor so developers can now use these APIs when developing applications on the latest Mac hardware. They can be downloaded through all the regular channels such as: Solace…
Queue Authorizations
Dear All, When I check the queue authorizations(permissions), it looks like it's based on either you're being an owner or not and there is only one owner if I am mistaken. Is there a way to assign this ownership to multiple users-consumers so that only "these" can do the same activities, instead of only one user.
Getting Error Response (503) - Message VPN Unavailable when restarted my application pod.
Am using solace rar adapter with weblogic to connect with solace event broker. So as per my requirement, my application should retry solace connection if it lost connection for any reason. So test the same, have disable/down my message-vpn through pubsub+ even broker console and retstarted my application pod. once my pod…
How to check if field exists or is null in a solace map?
I am using Solace c client api (CCSMP), to subscribe to a Solace topic where messages contain a map. A value for the same key in a map can be a string or null. Is there a way to check if a value for a key is null? If I try to retrieve a value for a key and it's null, Solace API logs "Field Type Null could not be converted…
JavaScript API > Error: Operation is invalid for Message Consumer in disconnected
I am new to the Solace Javascript API and trying to read messages from a queue in the PubSub+ Broker Manager. I kept running into the following error when calling solace.QueueBrowser. Uncaught OperationError: Operation is invalid for Message Consumer in disconnected state The funny thing is, when I run the script for a…
Legacy SEMP api body for config sync command ```assert-master message-vpn default```
Hello , I am looking for Legacy SEMP api for config sync command ```assert-master message-vpn default``` I was trying this as body """<rpc><admin><config-sync><assert-leader><message-vpn><default></default></message-vpn></assert-leader></config-sync></admin></rpc>""" or…
Javascript API > Return a specific range of messages from a queue without consuming them.
I have a use case where I'd like to browse a specific subset of messages from a queue. Example: 100 messages on a queue. We'd like to browse messages 20 to 30 without returning all 100 messages. I don't want to consume these messages so I think a QueueBrowser would suit, however, I can't see support for this in the…
Resetting ContentBuffer to its initial size
Hi all, I have one dev-point regarding ContentBuffer. We try to minimize allocation rate and prefer bigger buffers to avoid their expension in case of bigger messages. It looks like the reset() function does not take into account the initial buffer size and works with the hardcoded value 4096bytes.…