How to see information on each message in a queue
Problem You want to check the messages you are sending for error checking or validation but don’t know how to do that. Prerequisite Download Solace Java or .NET APIs Download SDKPerf Solution You can do that in two ways: * Option 1: Use a queue browser with either the Solace Java or .NET API or SDKPerf * Option 2: Use…
Pods are not running and failing very often
Hello Team, I have deployed the pubsub+ HA using helm chart in the GDCE environment (Google Distributed Cloud Edge) which is GKE cluster. There are 3 nodes, hence 3 pods are suppose to run. but 2 pods are failing very often. and one pod is about to start, but not starting. One of the Pod log says: "ERROR:…
How to send JSON in Javascript
Hello, in the example files for Javscript, perticular the TopicPublisher, there is a line of code that defines a message text. var messageText = 'Sample Message' var message = solace.SolclientFactory.createMessage() message.setDestination(solace.SolclientFactory.createTopicDestination(publisher.topicName))…
Cleanup of Unused Queues
In an use-case like an mqtt client connects with CleanStart: No and Durable: Yes, the queue will be created and msgs are consumed as per the subscriptions. But when we restart the client, with a different session name will lead to creation of new queue. Now, both the old and new queues will have the same subscriptions.…
solace websocket connection interrupted - Messages sometimes doesn´t reach the end client
solace websocket connection interrupted - Messages sometimes doesn´t reach the end client We seeing some issues, that the websocket was not disconnected and died, but that it was the same, with the same solclient id before and after, when it happened. Like there was a hitch just in communication. " with the websocket…
Message Spool Ingress Discard
May i know what is the cause for message spool ingress discards? How to prevent it? How to troubleshoot the issue?
SMF AD ack response error [condition = amqp:resource-limit-exceeded]
I have seen this error in logs. Can someone explains me when this error occurs and how to prevent it in future? I checked the event log of the solace software broker and found out there are warning messages — VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED: test - Message VPN(1) test message spool quota (102400 KB) exceeded, messages…
Parsing characters from Binary data
Hi @marc @Aaron @all I am deserialising some stream of binary data using the payload format as — typedef struct { char messageType; // 'N' or 'G' ('N' – New Normal Order, 'G' – New Spread Order) long timestamp; // Numeric Time in nanoseconds from 01-Jan-1980 00:00:00 double orderID; // Numeric Day Unique Order Reference…
Binary to ASCII
Hi @marc @Aaron How do I convert the data received from queue(lvq) to ASCII or human readable format?
Is that possible to get Broker information into json format with SEMPv1/curl?
Hi all, good morning I'm trying to query such information using the commands below, and I would like to know if I can get the output into json format? curl -u "user:pwd" "https://solace-broker-IP:443/SEMP" -d '<rpc><show><hardware><details></details></hardware></show></rpc>' curl -u "user:pwd"…
Error parsing request header. Our best guess of the apiKey is: -1
I am following the tutorial at www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkQT_B1S1fQ When I fire up the kafka console producer proxy to publish messages, I get the following error on the Kafka Producer Proxy Server: [oracle@oracleeast19cOnOracleLinux7 tmp]$ /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-11.0.21/bin/java -jar…
DeliveryMode setting with Pure Java API
I am creating a rewrite of previously JMS specific spring implementation of an eventing library to pure java. But I could not find where to set DeliveryMode in the message properties, and then found that there pretty much is no place to set that per-message like I used to with JCSMP / JMS. I have to decide when I create…
Unsupported message amqp-value type: map
Does solace message broker support amqp-value type - map ? I using Apache Camel to send message to the broker. However, i faced an exception when sending the following message to Solace message broker. {message=up, uptime=1000.200} Log Message : ```` Caused by: org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.ProviderException: unsupported…
Using Proxy setting to connect to Event Broker
I am using Java Client code to connect to event broker and need to know how to do Proxy setting in the code. Tried below code for HOST but its not recognizing the below fromat and throwing "Too many colons in host" exception tcps:solace.company.com%socks5://User:PassWord@proxy.company.com:13128
Opentelemetry support New Java API
Hi Team, I am building an application with new Java API. And I have a use case to integrate with open telemetry for distributed tracing. I guess 1.4.0 version is not supporting open telemetry. When can we expect the support? or is there any way that we can achieve this ?
CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR : All hosts failed DNS resolution
I am trying to establish connection from my nodejs app(angular) to solace and I am getting CONNECT_FAILED_ERROR : All hosts failed DNS resolution (error subcode 145). I am not sure what I am missing. I am able to connect to solace from my backend service using the same host and port details. From UI its giving me error
Any tricks to speed up Commit() using an ITransactedSession in C#?
This question follows on from this discussion : The objective here is to… publish guaranteed messages, and be certain that the broker receives them in the order in which they were generated so that re-ordering does not have to be done on the subscriber side (for reasons summarised in the linked thread), and Avoid…
Can we have more than one static bridge between two VPNs?
We want this so we can separate the subscriptions in remote VPN queue (can have more queue) for better management and fail-safe
API Release Notes are now in Docs
Hi all, We stopped posting the API release notes here b/c the release notes retrievable via docs now include release history. This makes it more convenient to see the complete history of an API in one place. Choose your API here, scroll to the bottom and get the release notes! Looking for Event Broker or PubSub+ Cloud…
Sequence Convoy Pattern with Solace
Hi Team, In my landscape, 20+ applications are generating events that are consumed by about 50 applications. Each consumer needs to receive all the messages from the 20+ in the same order they are generated per customerID. Meaning, for customer/123 all events from 20+ should be convoyed in sequence for all consumers. Each…
Using an ITransactedSession and handling errors with the .net API
Suppose I am publishing guaranteed messages to a topic. I want to avoid sending duplicate messages. I am also going to send messages in transactional batches to make it easier to guarantee the broker receives the messages in the same order that the publisher creates them, without having to fall back to completely…
JMSToolBox not showing messages greater than 4MB
We use JMSToolBox to browse the messages in Solace Queue since there is no built-in tool. We now faced strange behaviour likely caused by large message sizes. What happened: * We published messages >5 MB to Solace * We could see the messages in Solace Portal(message count increased) * When using JMSToolbox and looking into…
Synchronous call with solace new java api
Hi, currently, I'm using new Java Api so I'm using the below snippet for request-reply. -------- Request --------- RequestReplyMessagePublisher publisher = messagingService .requestReply() .createRequestReplyMessagePublisherBuilder() .build().start(); InboundMessage inboundMessage =…
Queue with random order?
We aim to have a queue without order. The motivation behind this is that younger events update older events, and the updating process is relatively 'expensive'. However, if younger events arrive first, older events are simply discarded. How can we enable this?
Release note / Change Logs for version 10.0.1.XX
May i know where to find changes log for version 10.0.1.XX ? I want to know whether there is any vulnerability patch happen in 10.0.1.XX
Will JCSMPInboundChannelAdapter have configurable shutdownInterruptThresholdInMillis?
Hello, we are experiencing an issue with graceful shutdown of an application. We are using spring cloud "com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:4.1.0" There is no awaiting for the termination and messages finish in the error queue. Is there a better way to gracefully stop and resume? Will configuring…
Filtering messages on a topic by the consumer
I have a topic to which my backend service publishes the messages. I connect to that topic from my UI ( angular application) to consume the messages. I can have multiple browser sessions subscribing to the topic. I want to consume messages from the topic which are relevant to a browser session only
Certificate of Training - how to change the name?
Certificate of Training - how to change the name? I noticed that the value in field This is to certify that contains a spelling mistake. Am I able to correct that as self-service? In field My Profile I fixed the issue. When hitting the Download your Certificate button it is working with the previous spelling.
Connection pool size for outbound messages
What would connection pool mean in solace mean ?Would it mean pooling the session,that is multiple sessions treated as one or something else? And is Connection pool size configurable in solace-cloud?
Intermittent "Assured message delivery is not enabled on this channel" errors
Hi there, We've had this publisher app that sends events to topics other client apps in the firm are subscribed to using queues of their own, for years. Lately, though, we've started to notice these exceptions intermittently that we've encountered previously. The client profile has "Allow Guaranteed message send" enabled…