New blog post for developers | Event-Driven Architecture Content Round-Up for Developers
As 85% of businesses are striving for event-driven architecture, more and more people, especially developers, have become interested in the topic and are looking for related resources and updates. Since so many things are happening in the event-driven architecture sphere, it is not easy to track the updates when one is…
New blog post for developers | Monthly Feature Highlight Training | July 2022
This monthly feature highlight is coming off the heels of the Solace PubSub+ 10.0.1 release, which included a few new features that you don’t need to configure as well as new compatibility and security features for our system logs (syslogs). Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=46568
[Explainer Video] How PubSub+ Enables an Event Mesh
Watch this short explainer video to understand how PubSub+ Platform enables an event mesh where brokers can be deployed on-prem, public clouds, and remote locations. https://solace.com/resources/videos/how-pubsub-enables-an-event-mesh
Outbox Pattern Alternative using PubSub+ Transactions?
I need to sync the publishing of events with MySQL database transaction commits, and was planning on using the Transactional Outbox Pattern for this (https://microservices.io/patterns/data/transactional-outbox.html). However, I was wondering if PubSub+ transactions can be leveraged for this, maybe with two-phased commit?…
Limit Max Connection per Consumer (not client)
Problem: I have a micro services which offers some REST endpoints and as well runs some Solace Event listeners. The problem is now that the service scales up and down based on incoming requests and so as well the listeners are increasing with the scale. Any listener for sure blocks then a connections from solace although…
Looking to get some more clarity on the solace api for Solace PubSub+
Hi Solace community, I am currently looking into Solace PubSub+ tutorial and documentation and I noticed that there was ~4 different java implementations. I was wondering what is the main difference of each implementation is all these different option available for convenience or is there a fundamental difference in what…
I am unable to Publish a message to Solace broker via AMQP in .Net
Hello Team Solace is running in my windows10 docker and i have configured to use 5670 port for AMQP. when i try to connect without user name and password amqp://localhost:5670 it will connect but not able to send the message error i am getting is "Amqp.AmqpException: 'The transport 'TcpTransport' is closed.'". if i connect…
Solace Training and Certification
Hello All, I would like to learn Solace and want to complete certification. It would be really helpful if someone suggest me. 1) what is the Solace Certification path?(like Practitioner, Developer and Architect) 2) which training i need to start first? Thanks in Advance
The New Mesh Management Course at Solace Academy
An event mesh is an extremely powerful part of the Solace ecosystem. It provides seamless event distribution across your entire network of brokers, regardless of location, or infrastructure. It takes the concern of message routing away from applications and allows them to focus on more important things. The Solace PubSub+…
Topic end Point in solace
Hi Team, @marc I gone throught DMR usecase and I have 2 pub application and 4 Sub application , I using spring cloud stream. I have used dynamic routing in smae. My question is when I am publishing the topic I can see the topic at consumer end like which consumer has consumerd the topic but I want to see it at Solace end…
Multiple binder configuration
Hi Team, I am trying to connect to solace using spring cloud stream solace binder with all the properties in application.yaml I have 1 producer on Aws service and another one in azure service in solace and I have a consumer at my local, how I can deifne multiple binder for same confumer in spring Yaml file. Please suggest.
download JMS API on ec2 instance
Hi Team, How to download JMS API on ec2 instance. I have follow https://solace.com/blog/integrating-solace-with-logstash/ example for the same way I tried to download the JMS API. But when I am trying to unzip it getting below message. please suggest. unzip soljsm.zip Archive: soljsm.zip End-of-central-directory signature…
🎉 YOU'RE INVITED: Come to a free virtual live Solace Dev Jam with Aaron! 🙌🏼
MAIN EVENT PAGE: https://solace.community/events/63-youre-invited-come-to-a-free-virtual-live-solace-dev-jam-with-aaron-%F0%9F%8F%BC Check the Events page for the timing! I'm cross-posting. Hi everyone! We're trying something new here. I've been doing workshops with customers and prospects for years, in-person and virtual…
Message Ordering
I have a requirement where Message ordering is the key. When 10 messages are published to solace with order numbers OD1,OD2,OD3…OD10 While consuming if the first message OD1 fails the consumer should be receiving OD1 and then OD2 so on. The consumer should not be receiving OD2 before OD1. This way the order should be…
Configure a non Transacted Router in JMS Tool Box
Hello, I'm trying to get access to a queue through JmsTool Box, but I'm getting the following error : com.solacesystems.jcsmp.InvalidOperationException: Capability Mismatch: Router does not support transacted sessions. Capability Mismatch: Router does not support transacted sessions. The transacted mode is explicitly…
Is there any connector available for Google PubSub ?
I want to consume messages from Google Pubsub topics. I have signed up for the 60-day trial version on cloud. But it shows the connector only for Google Cloud Functions. Is it because of the trial version or there is no connector available for Google PubSub ?
NonDurable TopicEndpoint Creation with Connection Factory for JMS API
Hi All, JMS Connection Factories can be created for each msg-VPN in Solace. This can be used to maintain/configure JMS connection properties administratively instead of API code. JMS applications can listen to Solace topic directly for both guaranteed and for non-guaranteed message delivery. When a JMS connection subscribe…
[Demo] PubSub+ Distributed Tracing
The new distributed tracing functionality will let you observe events on a step-by-step basis so you can easily troubleshoot delivery and performance problems. If you are interested in participating in the early access, let @rtomkins know. Watch the demo
Message type for Object type (JAVA)
Hello, First things first, I'm a complete newb regarding Solace PubSub+. I'm trying to build a library to be used as a dependency that will deal with all the solace communication. In my case, I want the library to be abstract in a way where it does not care about what kind of information it is dealing with. My problem is…
Monthly Feature Highlight Training | June 2022
Continuing from our previous monthly feature highlight, Solace PubSub+ Broker version 10.0.0 brought us many different new and useful features when it comes to message replay. In this training we’ll be learning about the new configurable topic filtering feature as well as the ability to replay messages to a temporary…
Pause & Resume Solace Message consumption from a queue
Hi, we have requirement, when a particular job is running we need to stop listening to a queue to consume new messages after that job is completed we want to start consuming the messages from Queue. Using Solace Spring Cloud Stream how we can pause and resume consuming of messages from a queue. if we have some code snippet…
Solace’s PubSub+ Click-to-Connect Wizard for Google Cloud Run
In case you missed it. In release 10.0.0 we made available a Google Cloud Run Connector Wizard providing an easy way to take advantage of Google serverless computing in your EDA. This is great for those deploying GCP containerized apps for their Solace Event Mesh. Check out the details. -…
[Demo] PubSub+ Event Portal Lifecycle Management
Learn about the lifecycle management features in PubSub+ Event Portal, like finer-grained role-based access controls, object versions, lifecycle stats, and environments. Watch the demo
Subscribe to direct messages with RequestConfirm and correlationKey (.NET)
Hi, I'm using .NET. I would like to subscribe to direct messages. I have set session property SubscribeBlocking to false. I plan to use TaskCompletionSource as correlationKey and complete it when handling SubscriptionOk or SubscriptionError. Unfortunately I can't find suitable overload of ISession.Subscribe. There are 3…
New blog post for developers | Why Pyth Needs an Event Mesh to Enable Market Data for All
Pyth is an innovative market data distribution protocol that aims to decentralize market data distribution and thereby make it accessible to the masses. Read More › Leave your comments below. Source: https://solace.com/?p=46460
JCSMP get numbers of messages in QUEUE
Hi, is it possible to get actual number of messages in a queue with JCSMP API ? I want to monitor that number each 5 sec.
PubSub+ Messaging API for Java releases
The following API has been released and available for download: * PubSub+ Messaging API for Java 1.0.0 Release Summary This is the initial release of the PubSub+ Messaging API for Java. Solace created this API to modernize our JCSMP API. This is a separate standalone API which provides modern interfaces, patterns and…
Respool to queue
I was reading the behavior for Solace redelivery to consumer while assuming I have an exclusive queue with one consumer. First : Can you please let me know if the behavior is correctly understood ? Solace redelivers messages on the transport level. Meaning the messages are redelivered only when a flow or connection is…
How long does temporary queue last after client disconnects?
Hi. I would like to use temporary queues to make a client more robust so even if the client disconnects for a short period of time it won't lose any messages thanks to the queue. It's also desirable that temporary queues are destroyed if the client doesn't reconnect so too old messages don't waste space of the broker.…
How to Purge Queue?
Hi team, I have around 2k messages in queue. is there any way to purge the queue? I do see only delete messages not purge in actions tab. Best, Nagaraju Kshathriya