Using Ansible to Automate the Configuration of Solace PubSub+ Event Broker
Are you responsible for Solace PubSub+ DevOps? Using Ansible modules for PubSub+ may make your life easier … check out this blog post https://solace.com/blog/using-ansible-automate-config-pubsub-plus/
Solace PubSub+ and PHP
Friends, If you are looking to emit/consume Solace PubSub+ events from PHP, please checkout the following links. You will find wrapper/connector ideas, reference implementation and sample Publisher/Subscribe PHP code. * Solace PHP MQTT Samples: This github repo has PHP samples to access Solace with Mosquitto MQTT API using…
Rust + Solace
Rust is an exciting new language created by the Mozilla foundation. I recently wanted to see if I can create a Rust App that publishes/subscribes to Solace. Sure enough Rust has an MQTT plugin (yay for open protocols) and was able to succesfully send/receive messages using Rust. Here are the high-level overview of the…
Pub-Sub+ Standard issues when starting the container
Hi everyone, I wanted to retry to set up a broker today over Oracle Linux and there's a new version of the PubSub+ Standard broker ( As I'm using Solace's GCP Quickstart guide to do my broker instantiations, I use the install script provided. Everything ran smoothly in the past, but not today. :) In this new…
C Api to get the queue size and other details.
There is a new requirement for me to create solace queue monitoring project. Where I need to find the queue details on certain time interval and create a alert system. The requirement is to get the queue size and check with the defined size of the queue, if its close to the defined size create a alert. So I am trying to…
Solace JMS issue
We are facing session issue when publishing first message to topic after re-connect and it works fine from 2nd message onwards. PFB the steps we followed step 1. When application starts, Publish a message to topic , success and received message ID. step 2. Bring down solace server for 5-10 sec step 3. Application…
Generated the client certificate 'Not trusted' error.
I am working on C/C++ application on Linux for use with a Solace messaging appliance. I received the Client Certificate signed by our CA . When I run the secureSession.c example from C CSMP API Documentation I have the following error: “The peer certificate is not trusted, rc='self signed certificate in certificate chain'”…
How to downgrade from a corrupted SolOS upgrading
I was doing a standalone standard Solace appliance SolOS version upgrade from to version, and now my appliance cannot startup. Soladmin cannot communicate with the appliance, "admin" account cannot login. can anyone help to advise how i can bring the appliance back to operation or downgrade to the previous…
Search error in the forum
Seeing error message when searching for some keywords unknown local index 'vf_solace_BPE7O_Group' in search request https://solace.community/search?Search=subscription+lost
TLS certs expired https://sg.solace.com/bus/
When I was checking the "bus" demo in a video I saw this :smile:
How to copy files to/from a Solace broker
This looks like a frequently asked question - so I try to list all options to transfer files to/from a Solace broker. Why do you need to transfer files ? This list are just some of the frequent use cases. * upload certificates (server cert, CA chains) to the broker * Download configuration backup files from the broker *…
Upload Certificate Authority
Hi everyone :) , I've been searching in the documentation and in the community forums for a while but I did not find the answers I need. I would like to enable TLS both on my PubSub+ Cloud service and on my PubSub+ broker running in a Docker container. What I got so far is that I need to upload a server certificate on my…
What's the difference of JCSMPSession.createFlow() and getMessageConsumer()
Both methods are used to receive messages from the VPN what are the differences between them? https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/java/com/solacesystems/jcsmp/JCSMPSession.html
Falling with Solace PubSub+ for Docker
Hi, I am trying to setup solace running in a docker container, when I started with the below commands. it is falling to start? Any help would be appreciated, please. sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 --shm-size=2g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace…
Connector Hub is Live!
Just a heads up that the PubSub+ Connector Hub is live! The Connector Hub is a great resource to figure out how to integrate Solace with other technologies. You can search for the technology you want to integrate with, choose the integration option you're interested in, and see more information about that option such as…
Direct vs guaranteed messages
Hi, we are considering options for streaming a sequence of messages from one consumer to another. Our main requirement for this stream is to guarantee that we do NOT LOSE messages in the middle of the stream. Reading through Solace doc's its not really clear enough to me how could we accomplish this with as small…
Combining GoLang, NodeJS and Java JMS clients
Hi, We have Solace Appliances at our shop and for a particular VPN, we have a lot of JMS clients publishing to topics and consuming from persistent queues. Messages are also published with persistence. All topics only have Solace Queues as subscribers in order to secure this persistence and allow for consumer downtime. We…
IoT and Connected Devices projects
What projects are you all doing around IoT and connected devices? Whether its for work or side hobbyist projects I'm curious to know some projects we can share here on this thread! I've been getting more and more interested in cool projects that can be done on a Raspberry Pi using sensors and different triggers. One quick…
Any way to have broker in docker host networking mode bind to specific IP/interface?
I am trying to deploy brokers in multi-tenancy on docker in host mode and no matter which OS physical interfaces I configure on broker instances they always bind services and managment ports on Any way to influence that or multi-tenancy scenario is cursed to always have bridge networking?
High Availability client configuration properties to load balance from the client end
Hi All, I have a question. What are configuration properties are required to achieve High Availablity like load balancing from the client SDK's sides? For examples: .NET ,Node js, Javascript, python, c etc... the configuration, I mean reconnection strategies and auto-switch between servers. can any one describe proper…
Topic which gives whole state followed by updates
Hi, I'm trying to create an app where each client initially gets whole state and then listens to state updates. I would like to use Solace topic to distribute state updates to clients. But I also need to distribute whole state to each client immediately after it subscribes - how is this done in Solace? Is there some proven…
How to use pre-defined queue name in Solace spring cloud stream
When I add consumer group in configuration, the queue name is always generated with destination name and group name. But our queue name is predefined. We do not need to append the group name. Please provide a way to use specific queue name without any group name. The code for generation of queue name is found below:…
Configuring the server certificate on PubSub Broker- Invalid certificate
Hi everyone, I'm having difficulties in configuring the broker's certificate correctly. I want to enable secure web messaging on a Oracle Linux VM that has a public IP. I installed a fresh Oracel Linux VM, installed Solace and everything is working correctly. As I also have a PubSub+ Cloud account, I tested it by sending…
Can Solace over MQTT Protocol, send or receive messages from Queue?
I am integrating Solace with Mulesoft and trying to Communicate with Queue over MQTT Protocol? is it possible to send or receive messages from Queue using MQTT Protocol?
Does Solace supports plain HTTP, over MQTT Protocol?
I want to know Does Solace supports plain HTTP, using MQTT Protocol?
In my application I am creating a solace message "CreateMessage()". After that i am converting message to stream using "SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.SDT.SDTUtils.CreateStream(solaceMessage, 10240)". While writing in stream in a loop I am getting below exception after some iteration in the loop.…
Clarification on how to correctly handle DownError events to preserve message order
In the documentation I see the following paragraphs: Elsewhere the documentation also indicates that: Prima facie, these directives seem to conflict with each other. What is the intended pattern fort "destroying" a session on receiving a DownError event?
Solace Spring Cloud Stream and autoBindDmq
Hi there We configured our Application like this: cloud: stream: solace: default: prefix: myapp/${application.stage}/analysis/ consumer: prefix: ${spring.cloud.stream.solace.default.prefix} autoBindDmq: true With this configuration a DMQ is created for each queue. So far so good. I would now expect the created DMQ to…
How to forward PubSub+ Event Broker services logs to a Syslog server
You can now forward full PubSub+ Event Broker service log streams to a Syslog server for monitoring and analytics. Here’s how to start using this feature: * Select the service you want to forward logs from in the Messaging Services home screen within the Cloud Console. * From the Service Status screen, use the top…
Custom message identifier - sequenceNumber vs applicationMessageId
Recently I had a requirement to specify a unique identifier for each message that I was publishing to the broker. When inspecting the API reference, I found that there are two fields that can be used for this purpose - the applicationMessageId and the sequenceNumber on the message. Both are similar but have some subtle…