replay of message by clinet using JS web messaging API
I tried repalying the message using the messagereplay.html file. [17:17:56] Starting message replay for queue: TQUEUEREP1 [17:17:56] === Error: the message consumer could not bind to queue "TQUEUEREP1" === Ensure this queue exists on the message router vpn The queue exists on the router, i tried another queue as well, it…
Solace PubSub+ Event Broker Rootless
The Problem: Solace PubSub+ Event Broker software users have wanted to run PubSub+ containers rootless. This how-to aims to evaluate how to accomplish this with PubSub+ v9.4 and Podman from a container namespaces security stand point. What is Podman: Podman is a daemonless container engine. It is a drop-in replacement for…
Configuring a persistent queue in Enterprise Evaluation GCE image via CLI
I've just installed Enterprise Evaluation so I can test an application that needs to connect to a persistent queue. When I try, it tells me that "Assured message delivery is not available on this channel." Looking at the documentation, it looks like I need to either configure the system to use the internal HD or an…
Executing timed publisher retransmission
Hi, During a failover scenario from Primary to Standby (Solace processes are killed using kill -9), below statement is getting logged in Producer logs. Also, Primary's processes are restarted automatically after 20 seconds. Log entry: "Executing timed publisher retransmission." Could someone please help me understand the…
Solace simple chat application - cannot connect to Pubsub+ cloud
Hi, I learn how to connect simple chat app from this blog https://solace.com/blog/build-chat-app-solace-1/ But I cannot publish message to the pubsub+ cloud platform. Here is the detail error. I used this tools: -Apache maven 3.6.3 -JDK 11.0.7 Thanks Lukman
Replay option in cloude pub sub+
Hi, I'm exploring pub sub+ features deployed and provided from solace cloud. Replay option is not configured on cloud. So is this expected error with trail one? observed N/A in message-vpn summary page too. Any future ammend will allow this with trail one :) Error: Replay log is not configured and you do not have…
Programmatically get admin info
Hi - is there a way to programmatically get admin info? And is there a special permissioned rolee you would need for read only access to admin stuff? What I'm particularly interested in is finding out which clients are connected and what subscriptions they have. My Ops team does not let the Dev team have access to the…
Where do you get your tech news?
Hi everyone! I'm curious where you all get your "more technical" tech news from beyond just headlines such as product announcements? Do you follow a certain blog or tech news site? do you rely on social media? podcasts? I used to listen to a lot of podcasts but the more technical ones seem to have failed over time and I…
AMQP endpoint with spring solace starter configuration
Hello, I'm using the starter "com.solace.spring.boot:solace-jms-spring-boot-starter:3.2.1" in my spring managed project. I want to use the protocol amqp over JMS but when I configure the server host to: solace.jms.host: amqps://localhost:5671 (instead of tcp://localhost:55555) This does not works and I got the error:…
Concurrency property with Solace Spring cloud stream api
I am using solace spring cloud stream apis to consume messages from a queue to a function. I would like to know how can I make it multi threaded using multiple message listeners(consumers) to the same queue so that I can process all the messages quickly. Concurrency property is not working, can you please give an example…
Terminal Environment setup
Hey Solace Dev Community 👋 I'm curious to know what your development environment setup looks like: Are you a Window, Mac or Linux user (or even some random OS user, I don't discriminate)? And on your machines, how do you configure your command line interface terminal for all your CLI magic? Personally I am a HUGE fan of…
Replay feature in solace pub sub
I am Explorign the replay fetaure in solace pubsub+. when replay is enabled on a VPN we have two queues created.#REPLAY_LOG_ReplayName and #REPLAY_TOPICS_ReplayName. the messages are spooled to REPLAY_LOG and the when i replay the messages are coming from that log. what is the use of REPLAY_TOPICS? where do we use them? I…
NOt able to see message content on Try-Me on Solace on docker
I have solace running on docker and have used JMS API to send message to a queue (the topic named "dt' is subscribed to queue named "que1'). The event is received through the code as 2020-05-03 20:34:30:300 [Topic dt] Delivery Mode: Persistent Sender Timestamp: 2020-05-03 20:34:12:510 Priority: 4 But the conntent of…
copy file from the solace cli
Hi All , I am trying to copy certs file from my windows mechine to certs folder through docker cli. By using copy command is not working. Could you please provide me any answers
Get topic name from the incoming message using solace spring cloud stream library
Following is a sample bean to receive messages from a solace queue. How can I get the topic name through which the message came into my queue? This queue is configured to receive messages from multiple topics and based on the topic of each message I have different message processing logic. I was able to get the topic name…
Sample code to publish a message to a topic using spring cloud stream api
Can someone please provide me a sample yml configuration used to publish a message to a topic using spring cloud stream api?
RDP is up and running still message is not redirected to the consumer.
followed https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-rest-messaging/publish-subscribe/ though server is up and running rdp is not able to forward message to the consumer(comes in queue) whereas directly posting a message to this nodeJs server is working fine.
[Past Event - Recording Available] Extending Kafka capabilities with Solace PubSub+
Livestream Event: Extending Kafka capabilities with Solace PubSub+ On Thursday July 9 at 10 AM EDT Come join @Aaron and @Heinz for an interactive live coding session where they will demonstrate the capabilities of our Kafka Connectors by bridging dynamic topics and multi-protocol MQTT, REST, WebSocket, and JMS applications…
Spring cloud stream API - connection retry
I have my program running and everything works fine. To test connection retry, I brought down my queue. It did not see any retry from the api, eventually I had to restart my application after bringing the queue up. Is there any specific property which I need to enable to make it reconnect automaticallyin this specific…
Integrating PubSub+ Event Broker: Cloud with Lambda via API Gateway
New blog post alert! In the blog, Himanshu Gupta, a Solutions Architect at Solace, walks you through how to use PubSub+ Event Broker: Cloud, lambda, and API Gateway together. Have you had a project that involved the three before? Share your experience with the Community in the comments below. Serverless architecture is all…
Streaming: tune-in Tuesday for live Office Hours: noon SGT
Ask Aaron, our Developer Advocate, any questions about Solace products and technologies every Tuesday on Twitch for free at https://www.twitch.tv/solacedevs. * noon-1pm SG/HK/Perth * 1pm-2pm Tokyo * 9:30am-10:30am India Yes, you heard right, any questions!
How to build an event-driven Kotlin Android App using MQTT and Solace PubSub+ Event Broker: Cloud
New blog post alert! This week Ghaith Dalla-Ali from our dev team delves into the world of IoT and Kotlin to build an Android App. Have you used Kotlin before? Tell us about it in the comments below. MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe messaging protocol that’s fast becoming the de facto protocol of choice for Internet…
testing the Event Portal REST API
You can easily test the REST API of the Event Portal. Here is some examples I tested. First, follow this section https://docs.solace.com/Solace-Cloud/Event-Portal/Event-Portal-REST-API.htm to get your access token (you'll need it to perform all of these requests). How to retrieve events from an application domain? * First…
FlowHandle.sendSingleAck parameter
In https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/jms/com/solacesystems/jcsmp/impl/flow/FlowHandle.html#sendSingleAck(long, boolean) the method sendSingleAck has second parameter "allowReactorComplete". What is the meaning of it?
Great developer resources from RedMonk
RedMonk analysts are now following Solace. They also have great events and content for developers, such as: * RedMonk SlackChat: 2020 Virtual Events * The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2020 You can find more research papers, videos, podcasts, and data stories from their website. Hope this information…
Topic names in Queues
Publisher publishing to topic, which is mapped to a persistent queue for consumer. e.g publisher1/A/B/C ==> publisher1_queue(topic subscription publisher1/>) Is there a way to identify the topic name (pulisher1/A/B/C) by consumer who is subscribing to publisher1_queue ?
Receiving of messages on single queue with multiple consumers
Hi we have a project which is using solace queue and has 3 consumers after it was deployed. If the messages comes on that queue expected order of receiving is Message1--Q1 Message2--Q2 Message3--Q3 If lets say the Message1 is not acknowleded, how the messages are processed, does the message 2 goes to Q2 or Q1. we observed…
Checking payload with Json schema
Hi ! In the Event Portal I can associate a Json schema for checking the payload of an incoming event. I'm wondering how to do this when using Spring cloud streams messaging with the Solace binder in a Docker environment. Is there an example available ? BR Gerhard
How to capture com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPErrorResponseException: 503
Hello I am using com.solacesystems.jms.SolConnection to create a connection to my cloud example. When I disable the mssage VPN, I get the following error in the wrapper log: TcpClientChannel 09Jun2020 20:43:36 Connection attempt failed to host 'xxxxxxx.messaging.solace.cloud' ReconnectException ((Client name: xxxxxx Local…
How can Message Eliding applied on Market data use case?
we would like to migrate our application to use solace for the market data updates I have read the document and find it very interesting as it provides Message Eliding. Also, it states that it is suitable for streaming market data to clients that do not need every update. let's say we have 10000 stocks need to publish if…