Is there a way to log message payload on Broker logs?
Hi, Is it possible to log message payload in broker logs? Could someone please know how to configure it if it is possible? Thanks, Raghu
Differences between JS and .NET sdk's?
Hello! I am currently using the JS and .NET sdk's to connect to and publish messages to a pub/sub+ instance. Initially, I was using the JS sdk and have had no problems publishing persistent messages to a topic and having a durable queue subscribed to that topic. The messages are getting properly sent and picked up by the…
View or peek messages on a queue - queue browsing
Want to see what's on a queue without consumi.ng the messages? Got a poison message that's killing your app but dont know why? Here's an example of this type of question: https://solace.community/discussion/198/possible-to-export-message-payload-in-queue-level#latest What you need is a queue browser. This reads a message…
NuGet .NET SDK missing 32-bit managed dll?
Hello! I have added SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging to my asp.net web api application via nuget. My app is running on an old version of IIS, which, as far as I can tell, requires apps to be 32-bit, as mine is/are. However, upon examination of the nuget Solace directory that was pulled down, none of the .net dll's appear…
what method should I use to return the contents of a solace.message in human readable string
Hi, I am exploring the node.js SOLACE REST API. I got the pub/sub to work with the sample code to work substituting vpn/url/credentials. The received message, however, has the payload plus a lot of other things and I couldn't isolate the payload by itself. I looked up the API…
Differences in Durable and Non durable subscriptions of a topic endpoint
Hi, I observed a difference in message delivery pattern with the below setup: 1. a topic endpoint (Non-Exclusive) 2. Two Non Durable Subscribers 3. Two Durable Subscribers (note: each subscriber was given a unique name so that there is no connection conflict) When Producer published messages, Two non-durable subscribers…
Solace Process level information and internal architecture
Hi, I would like to understand more about the internal services that ensemble Solace PubSub s/w. I found that below processes are running as child processes of SolaceDaemon process: 1000001 24106 24081 0 Feb29 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.3.1.9/bin/solacedaemon --vmr -z -f…
Serialize Message
Hi, I want to serialize MessageEventArgs.Messsage and store it in flat file, but while serializing i am getting exception that type is non serializable. Any way by which i can serialize "Message" and store in flat file?
.NET API to consume JMS?
I've been tasked with consuming messages from an established JMS. The sample code provided to me uses the Solace libraries. I'm more comfortable with C# than Java, so I'd prefer to use the .NET messaging API, if possible. Can I use the Solace .NET API to subscribe to the JMS queue and consume messages? I downloaded the…
Download Activity Logs and Audit Controls
Using PubSub+ is there a way to download system diagnostics or view router logs? SolAdmin allows this functionality for physical routers, but is there a way to access those logs from the PubSub+ console? If not, what's the best way to access something like this? Additionally, can you export service configurations from…
Role of monitoring node
In a HA group setup, primary is in subnet 1, secondary is in subnet 2, monitoring node is in subnet 3 and clients are in subnet4. At the beginning, Secondary is ACTIVE and all clients connected to it and processing messages. network access is blocked to subnet 2 and subnet 3. In this case clients could not connect to…
Multi node routing with Guaranteed messaging
Hi, Can multi-node routing be setup with Guaranteed messaging? Thanks, Raghu
Error running Solace under Kubernetes on WSL
Hello, I have been struggling to get Solace running under k8s on WSL. I have tried using the Helm templates here: https://github.com/SolaceProducts/pubsubplus-kubernetes-quickstart and using the Docker compose template here: https://github.com/SolaceLabs/solace-single-docker-compose In both cases the container stops with…
Solace Appliance Disk Link Down
Hi we are using solace Appliance 3560 and my application has been rebooted on 18th Feb and then after few seconds/minutes automatically working. Ans also I shared over mail the error log. Can you please updated on this?
Question about Cleaning Up Resources
Hi. I have a question about cleaning up resources. I got a log message when shutting down the Tomcat. org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [ROOT] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.JCSMPXMLMessageProducer$1] (value…
Problem with performance of our solace consumer
We are struggling with the performance of a pub/sub test fixture that publishes to a solace broker at a fixed rate. We expect our consumer to consume the same rate. We were able to publish and subscribe at a rate of 1000 messages per second. However when we tried to publish 2000 three hundred byte XML messages per second…
Fail back to broker configuration for IPC clients
If you need to set up IPC connections, you introduce dependencies in application start-up order and availability: if your IPC listener isn't up when your connection initiator starts, you get a failure. To mitigate this, you might like the option of your IPC connection failing back to a broker connection. This ensures the…
Asynchronously Sending and Receive Messages using the Solace JMS API
The Solace JCSMP library provides a lot of power and configuration to produce and consume messages in many fashions. However, for my testing purposes, I must use the Solace JMS API library and it does not provide the as much functionality and it is to my understanding that the library is not JMS 2.0 compliant but still…
How-to view payloads (Solace-Boomi)
Hi, It appears that you can't do this using the current web-based Solace Cloud interface. So, we're looking for a solution to view the payload of messages. Use case: copy/paste payloads from Solace queues into Boomi processes (manual unit test) to analyze production issues.
Appropriate debug logging switch to enable to log events that keep Message spools in HA in sync
Hi, I am looking for particular DEBUG logging switches that we can use to see the critical events that are exchanged between Primary, Standby and Monitoring node that keep Message Spools in Sync. And, events that detect message spools out of sync. Also, events that are initiated when monitoring node plays a role in leader…
Questions on Config-Sync between mates in HA Group and Replication
Hi, It appears that when config-sync is enabled in a HA-Group and Replication mates, it is provisioning additional MessageVPN and Queues. I have a few questions on the same: * As it is provisioning the additional VPN and queues, does it mean config-sync between mates in a HA-Group and Replication Group is asynchronous? *…
HA Group with multiple standby nodes
Is it possible to have HA group with one primary and multiple standby nodes ? I see documentation shows only 3 node configuration(1 primary, 1 secondary and 1 monitoring node) Thanks, Raghu
MFA for the Solace Cloud Console
Hey all, I was wondering if MFA is enabled on the Solace Cloud Console and I could not locate it. I don't see it as an option. I was wondering what else secures a solace deployment's configuration and management access via the web. Accessing the router from a terminal is secure if configured properly, but the access to the…
unique topic subscription id ?
Is there a unique subscription id generated when we do a subscribe request to a topic (similar to a cache request id) ? Topic solaceTopic = JCSMPFactory.onlyInstance().createTopic("abc/topic"); session.addSubscription(solaceTopic); If I can get or add a unique id for the subscription above which would be part of the…
Wrapper for Solace
Can we read data from files and push it to solace? Basically i want solace to act similar to TCP
partition and offset
is there any spring samples which deal with partition , offset and grouping message concept in solace?
Differences in Delivery Modes RAM, Input Stream, ADB or Disk
Hi, During my tests with the guaranteed messaging, I have observed different "Delivery Mode" values while monitoring queue from CLI such as "RAM", "Input Stream" and "ADB or Disk". Could someone explain the difference between these delivery modes? I am wondering even though it is guaranteed messaging why does it deliver…
How to clear KA timer timeout issue
Hi, we are using solace as JMS channel in the TIBCO BE, when running in the engine in the cache mode , am getting below error as: com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.KeepaliveTimeoutHandler] Sending keepalive message (1/3) 2020 Feb 07 14:23:30:433 GMT +5 roms_inference Debug [Context_3_ReactorThread] -…
concurrent connection
Does anyone have idea about below error while trying to enable concurrent connection ?.. am i doing wrong in format what i put in values. Config:- solace.jms.message.consumer.concurrency.value=1-2 code:- listenerFactory.setConcurrency("${solace.jms.message.consumer.concurrency.value}"); Error:-…
JMSX_GROUP_SEQ exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: JMSXGroupSeq is null
I ran into a issue where a message posted to a solace queue is not written in the logs table in the cache mode in TIBCO BE but in the normal mode am able to see logs. Attached the logs as a file. Please help me to understand the difference of them.