Regarding getting messageID via solClient_msg_getApplicationMessageId
Hi, Is it possible to get the ApplicationMessageId when publishing the message via fun call solClient_msg_getApplicationMessageId? When publishing i'm trying to get messageId just after fn call solclient_msg_alloc() but i get NULL MessageID. Any pointers how to use it? Regards Amol
getting error trying to integrate Solace with Mulesoft using Solace JMS feature.
I have set all the properties required for the integration. But still I am getting below error ** Cannot instantiate class: com.solacesystems.jndi.SolJNDIInitialContextFactory java.lang.RuntimeException: org.mule.runtime.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException: org.mule.runtime.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException: Cannot…
Solace Oauth
We are trying to connect to an Oauth provider to verify tokens sent in by the client. We have changed several parameters and can not get passed this one error. C:\Users\ABC\Desktop\Solace API\solace-samples-mqtt\solace-samples-mqtt\build>staged\bin\topicPublisher tcp://host:port 1ABC_USER01 1ABC_USER01 TopicPublisher…
Regarding setting JMSMessageID with solclient C api
Hi, Is it possible to call / set JMSMessageId with the help of solclient C api? Or can i intgerate JMS api in C code to set JMS realted headers when sending message (via solclient C api)? Need help on this urgently. Regards Amol
Solace + Axway | Part 5 - Transforming to Streaming APIs
The final installation of our Solace and Axway integration series is here! In this episode we take a request/response API and transform it into a realtime streaming API using our AMPLIFY Streams v2 in tech preview. Check out how we take the standard API and enable web hooks into the PubSub+ Event Broker.…
PubSub+ interface for kdb+
Hi everyone, Kx just released Solace PubSub+ API for kdb+. It is a product of close collaboration between Solace and Kx and we are excited to have you try it! Here are just some of the ways PubSub+ can be of use to kdb+ devs: * efficiently distribute and consume data via pub/sub model, * usage of open APIs and protocols to…
Can't Connect with jmstoolbox
I'm trying to connect to a Solace queue with Jmstoolbox. It appears that it requires a mgmt_url, which I don't think I have access to this from the solace queue that has been assigned to me. Is this required in order to be able to connect to a Solace Queue with jmstoolbox?
Clarity needed on some core concepts
Q1) when i publish to a topic created at run time in code (using jms ) where does the message go since topic is part of message payload. The message arrives at NAB (first point of entry) , moves to TRB (topic routing blade), is it stored at some temporary storage to see if there is consumer who matches its destination?What…
JMSToolBox for Solace
Hi, JMSToolBox allows me to delete the message even if I connected as a read-only SEMP user. Has anyone experienced the same? also do we have any options to browse the messages on DTE?
Showing All VPN Services in AMQP In General TBP
Hi All, We are using solace hardware Appliance and we are around 30 + VPNs, when I check all vpn and ports numbers up and running, but in all VPN service is showing in AMQP in general Tap in SolAdmin, my thinking is showing data is wrong? Because we are using Amqp and Soljams but in general Tab showing only all VPN is AMQP…
Error creating connection to Solace server using the solace-samples-jms
Hello, I've been testing the "solace-samples-jms" from github using the "TopicSubscriber.java". I have had no problems on certain computers, but when run from another computer on the network I get errors. I have verified that this is not a firewall issue. I have tried other computers. The only thing I noticed is that the…
SSL certificate
How many certificates are required for solace ssl certificate authentication for both Cloud and On_premise setup? Please share the steps.
Solace and Axway iPaaS - Integration Series Part 4
Hey Solace community - I am back with part 4 of my blog series. In it, I explore using the Axway iPaaS, which we call Integration Builder, and the Service Now REST APIs to build a real time stream of new Incidents into the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions!…
Solace Failover
I am using solace topic to send my message and session property in host has multiple comma separated ips (ip1:port1,ip2:port2).So in case of failover how do I know which IP I have connected to,i.e. which IP my message is sent to ?
Is timeout possible for subscriber to exclusive queue?
I'm looking for a way to timeout a stuck or stopped, not terminated subscriber to an exclusive queue on a VMR. What I've set on the session so far seems like not be sufficient: JCSMPProperties.MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ON_REACTOR, true MESSAGE_ACK_MODE, JCSMPProperties.SUPPORTED_MESSAGE_ACK_CLIENT…
Event-Driven Prata Place Design with Solace Event Portal
Just for fun while waiting for break fasting yesterday after buying some Maggie goreng and Mutton biryani from my favourite shop. I call this one Edi Pratt, for Event-Driven Prata Place ;) I tried to think about how the shop works in event-driven architecture with help of the free Solace EventPortal ;) Didn't really get…
Event Portal REST API
The Event Portal REST API has an OpenAPI specification http://openapi.solace.cloud You can now import all your event definitions to Solace Event Portal and use it as a central way of managing all your Entreprise events!
connect solace to kafka (not confluent)
Hi, I got solace pub/sub running locally. I can publish to a queue under a topic and consume from it via a subscription. I also have kafka/zookeeper running under WSL. I am trying to connect solace to standalone kafka by following Heinz Schaffner's video:…
Hi Everyone If I want to send messages to a queue directly what should be my URL ?
Noticeable negative impact from creating Message-VPNs
Hi All, I am trying to understand if creating VPNs have negative impact on the Solace infrastructure. What should I be worried in a Shared Solace environment w.r.t VPN's
AMQP Usage
If I want to set application property while sending data to solace using AMQP what would be the syntax ? This is for REST : Solace-User-Property- what would be the equivalent for AMQP ?
Solace and Axway AMPLIFY API Management (APIM) via JMS - Part 3
Hey Solace users! Today we explore integration via the JMS Client in part three of our blog. Come check it out, and join us on our journey. https://devblog.axway.com/apis/axway-apim-solace-mq/
Taking advantage of LDAP auth to serve 1000+ unique customers with individual resource limits.
The problem: Company customer base is above 1000 client username limit of Standard edition broker. There is also a need to limit the number of connections/resources per unique customer. The solution to username limit: By setting up LDAP authorization, the broker will match directory entry with the client entered username.…
How to create Secure connection using SolClient with WSS portocol
Hi Team, I am using SolClient API for a web application and using solace web transport to connect appliances. Secure connection needs to be created to avoid the risk of sharing the password in network so, I want to use WSS to create secure connection with username and password. Getting an error as…
Solace and Axway AMPLIFY API Management (APIM) and Application Integration - Part 2
In part 2 of my blog series I explore integrating the Solace PubSub+ platform REST Client with our API Gateway. The policy we create can grab any context (message content, headers, IPs, cert attributes, etc.) and either directly use or map them to a topic to integrate with the Solace Event Broker. This could then be used…
Solace and Axway AMPLIFY API Management (APIM) and Application Integration - Part 1
Solace and Axway are working together to bring solutions to our customers around the globe. Evolving to an Event Driven architecture can have great benefits to your enterprise, but modernizing your enterprise architecture to embrace this disruptive transformation can be tough. Working together, Axway can enable this…
Configuring DMR using SEMPv2
In this dev.to blog I describe how to set up or join DMR clusters and establish links between brokers using the PubSub+ broker's REST based SEMPv2 API. Two postman collections illustrate how to create and tear down a DMR connection.
Queue depth and consumer monitoring
1.To identify the queue which is having current queue depth greater than (specific threshold e.g 1000) 2.To identify the queue which is having current queue depth greater than (specific threshold e.g 1000) and also consumer is not connected. Which will be the effective way to monitor from support perspective. 1) to write a…
How to setup public ssh keys on Solace container?
Hello! I am trying to setup ssl on my Solace Pub/Sub+ instance on aws. The instructions say you need to use sftp or scp to transfer the certificate(s) from another machine. The only way I seem to be able to authenticate with external machines for sftp/scp is via public ssh key - but, the only ways to get a public key into…
A course for you: Introduction to Solace PubSub+ Cloud 101 Training
This instructor-led, three-day-long private on-site training course is designed for developers and engineering staff responsible for developing applications that leverage Solace messaging as well as administrators responsible for configuring and managing application-level features. It introduces Solace products and how you…