Topic Endpoint Replay
Can some one provide me java sample to Replay Topic Endpoint ?
javax.naming.NamingException: JNDI lookup failed. Timeout happened when reading response from the r
Hi, We are using a Solace Client and able to connect to Solace JMS Queue and we started seeing the following Error all of a sudden. We didn't have this Issue for the past few months. This is happening when we try to create jmsConnection at private void init() throws JMSException, NamingException { jndiContext = new…
Default Admin account login for PubSub+ AWS AMI
Just curious, what is the admin password for a new AMI deployed on AWS's EC2 instance? I'm trying to login as an admin user via the web server hosted on the AMI as outlined here: https://docs.solace.com/Solace-PubSub-Manager/PubSub-Manager-Overview.htm I cannot login as admin without a password. Is there a default I can…
PubSub+ is on start.spring.io
I wanted to share some exciting news - Solace PubSub+ is now an option on the Spring Initializr hosted at https://start.spring.io/! Spring Initializr allows developers to generate Spring Boot projects pre-populated with the dependencies they need to get started quickly. Projects can be generated directly on the site, and…
Transacted sessions and order of messages
Hi all, I have a question. Suppose following publishing scenarios. All sessions are transacted, created from one particular connection, all steps are executed sequentially from one thread. Scenario 1: Session1.transaction1 --> 1,2 Session1.commit Session2.transaction2 --> 3,4 Session2.commit Session1.transaction3 --> 5,6…
Kafka Solace Sink Connector - Received record that had no data....discarded
Hello, I'm configuring a Solace Sink connector for Kafka with the following properties - "connector.class": "com.solace.sink.connector.SolaceSinkConnector","tasks.max": "2","topics": "nt_pop_fxrt_002_001","sol.host": "xx.xx.xxx.xxx","sol.username": "syskaf","sol.password": "","sol.vpn_name": "sysvpn16","sol.queue":…
Hello, does anyone knows how to use XMLMessageProducer with JCSMPStreamingPublishEventHandler? I tested sample code according to example on this page: https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/java/com/solacesystems/jcsmp/XMLMessageProducer.html. Event responseReceived is returning message id different…
Provision your VPN with Infrastructure as Code manner
Hi Guys, I've built a tool for myself to easily backup and provision the VPN. The basic idea is to recursively GET all config from a VPN and write it down into a single JSON file, and you can do it reversely to provision the VPN (event after you modified the JSON file). Please access https://github.com/flyisland/sempv2 to…
Spring Cloud Stream Binder and Kerberos
I am looking to utilize the Spring Cloud Stream Binder for Solace PubSub and looking for examples of how to enable kerberos for the Solace binder connections. The examples all use username + password combinations. Any samples on how to initialize using kerberos configs?
Doing request/reply over Solace websockets using a custom replyTo Destination
If you have a requirement to using a custom replyTo destination for your request using the Solace Websockets API - follow along this tutorial - https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-javascript/request-reply/ and make the following enhancements: Add the following function to the BasicRequestor.js - requestor.subscribe =…
Exclusive vs non-exclusive queus for FT and load balancing
I am trying to access this article but it keeps asking me to logon ... https://sftp.solace.com/Portal_Docs/#page/Solace_Messaging_Platform_Feature_Guide/09__Guaranteed_Messaging.html Is this information not freely available some where ? Otherwise how do I get credentials to login please? Thanks, Ali
Architecting multi queue / multi topic subscriber component
All, Need your input around what solace team advises in terms of best practices. Our Architecture: We have a java app/service that runs independently. It subscribes to multiple topics(both solcache and normal solace topics) and multiple queues. The multiple topics and queues are the messages published by other…
Boomi with Solace
I have a Boomi listener process which is listening to a solace queue. When ever the local atom is offline the listener is stopped. When the atom is online the listener is not running automatically.. Manually we have to deploy the listener only then the listener is connecting to solace.
Solace on Kubernetes
I'm using the following link to setup solace pubsub on k8s. https://github.com/SolaceProducts/solace-kubernetes-quickstart I'm trying to figure out the best way to setup persistent storage that can be used by the solace instance. Looking at the documentation I see that gke and aws are supported, however we are not using a…
Steps to Configure Delayed Message Consumption
Dear All, We want to introduce delay for the Messages, so we are using TTL value and Respect TTL property of a Queue, but unable to publish message using TIBCOBW Palettes since we are getting the below error. Problem is how to connect to the queue with Respect TTL parameter using TIBCO BW JMS Palette ? Thanks, Surya |
Does Solace cloud free trial version support SSL authentication?
Does Solace cloud free trial version support SSL authentication. If yes how to configure the same in both client side and on solace .?
Scripts to create/delete destinations/bridges , VPN etc.. via Jenkins pipeline
Dear All, Please help to provide some sample scripts to create/delete destinations/bridges , VPN... via jenkins pipeline. Thanks, Surya |
Solace VMR memory size
We have solace software standard version installed on our VMWare. I would like to know the memory size of my solace instance
Unable to Map Topic to Queue using C# Client API
I need to dynamically map Topic to queue through C# client API. I have followed every step that is written in https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-dotnet/topic-to-queue-mapping/ and Github sample https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-dotnet/blob/master/src/TopicToQueueMapping/TopicToQueueMapping.cs. However…
solcache jms
Is solcache compatible with jms ? Thanks,
How to migrate data from old Solace VMR to the latest PubSub+ version
Problem Upgrading your Solace Virtual Message Router (VMR) to the latest Solace PubSub+ software message broker will preserve all data (topic, queues, and all other configurations). However, upgrading is not an option for you. You are not sure how to migrate the data in that case. Prerequisite Download Solace PubSub+…
How to migrate data from old Solace VMR to the latest PubSub+ version
This discussion has been moved.
SubscriberMessageReader:read Exception
Hi, I've been trying to setup Solace in Java using solace-java-spring-boot-starter. Was able to publish and subscribe to and from a remote server however, IOException is being thrown a lot of times and it won't stop. I'm not really sure how to trace the issue. Has anyone encountered the same issue?
Error while running the VMR using docker on Ubuntu 18
Hi, I am facing this issue while starting up the VMR on Ubuntu 18. Has anyone faced and fixed this issue? Starting VMR Docker Container: Wed Oct 9 06:48:32 UTC 2019 SolOS Version: soltr_9.3.0.22 ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA1 RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519 ** Unable to raise event; rc(would block)**
Client certificate Authentication
Please share a simple and effective document which has steps for configuring Client Certificate Authentication for Solace pubsub standard version: Source API: REST Destination API: JMS
Is it possible to obtain the maximum message size for guaranteed messages through the API?
I'm using the Java RTO library. I would like to know if its possible to obtain the maximum message size that can be sent using guaranteed messages programmatically.
How to configure properties in Solace-Kafka-Sink-Connector
Hi, I connected a message broker to Confluent Kafka using Solace-Kafka-Sink-Connector. https://github.com/SolaceLabs/pubsubplus-connector-kafka-sink And I am testing how the matching between Kafka topic and Solace topic works. Testing is done by changing the topics, sol.topics, and sol.queue properties in the…
Internal link is not restored after disconnect and reconnect?
Here is my topology: * 3 event brokers - 2 in a LAN, 1 in the cloud - the 2 LAN brokers are on separate computers and one of them is inside a virtual box ubuntu vm. The 2 LAN brokers are also both using the docker image while the cloud is subscribed to the aws marketplace image. * Setup clustering as follows: * Create same…
Client Data Messages count is increasing though I sent just one message from source broker
I see my SolaceIOConnector as consumer in my queue now. I sent one message but my destination broker message vpn stats are something like this Why is this count increasing? - After stopping the connector, these messages stopped. Please help me understand this behavior or this is a bug in the stats. Why is the one message…
Subscribing to log messages in Solace Cloud
Hi Solace Community, I was recently working on a task which required me to look at log messages using Solace Cloud. Because Solace Cloud is a managed service, I wasn't sure whether these logs were exposed to me or not and if they were, how detailed they would be. With help from my teammates, I eventually figured out how to…