Hi Team, We are getting below mentioned alert in my solace Appliance. Alert: Solace Mssage Spool Status Down. Can you please tell me exact reason, why we are getting the alert.
Watch the replay of “Live Web Launch: Solace PubSub+ Event Portal”
Our live Web launch of Solace PubSub+ Event Portal on March 25, 2020 was a huge success. If you missed it, don’t worry. We’ve recorded it for you. Get registered to access the replay and enjoy watching it.
Alerting in Solace PubSub+
Is there any alerting mechanism which sends out email/text messages on the event of some issue? Thanks, Raghu
multiple request/reply with same replyQueue
Hi all, I am handling this situation and hoping for solution: Supposed there are two identical requestors sharing the same replyQueue to receive the replies. They will regularly send a request to a consumer. How can I ensure that the replies can be received by the correct requestor (the one who really send the request) but…
Has any body implemented Solace Rest api
I was trying to integrate solace with mule using Solace rest api option. but I am not able to find correct documentation around it. I have already gone through below links https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-rest-messaging/publish-subscribe/ https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-rest-messaging but it didn't…
Subscriber not sending ack after DirectTransport set to False in CF
Hi, Our subscriber was connected directly to topic and receiving messages. We have seen loss of messages so disabled DirectTransport in CF to create non-durable topic-endpoint. Now, we don't see message get delivered by subscriber and all spooled in non-durable. ACK window size getting reduced and it become zero. Do we…
Understanding the Concept of an Event Portal – An API Portal for Events
You’ve probably seen us talking a lot about the concept of an event portal lately and our new product PubSub+ Event Portal. But what exactly is an event portal? And if you’re reading this, you may already be familiar with API portals and developer portals, so how is an event portal different? Read this blog post to get the…
Free developer workshop and course: Building the Battleship game with TypeScript, Java, and PubSub+
Good news! Solace has just released a free Udemy course and a free Codelab developer workshop! They teach developers how to build a working online version of the game “Battleship” using TypeScript with the Aurelia framework as the front end, Java with the Spring Cloud Steam framework as the back end, and Solace PubSub+…
Announcing Early Access to the PubSub+ Event Portal!!
It’s with great excitement that we announce that development of PubSub+ Event Portal has reached Early Access (aka MVP) Readiness! A big shout out to our Development and Product Management team for achieving this significant milestone. There are a few items of note for you to find out more information around this…
Solace JCSMP API vs Java RTO API use cases/differences
Can some one Elaborate me the distinction between Solace JCSMP API and Java RTO API . Please elaborate use cases as well i.e. when to use which One as both are Java based implementation . Java RTO is wrapper over C API .
VPN Bridges and JMS request/response with direct messaging
Hello, I have problems configuring a VPN bridge such that a JMS direct request / response pattern works. The reply-to topic is temporary so I would need wildcard logic such as t/reply/* subsriptions to have them routed over the bridge. Can someone point to a working example how to set this up? Regards, Harald
Configuring PubSub+ Services for HIPAA Compliance
Hey all, I recently authored a blog post as a collaborative venture between Ippon Technologies and Solace. The post is about HIPAA compliance on PubSub+ services and how you can configure your services for this kind of compliance. I would love any feedback or thoughts on this! https://blog.ippon.tech/hipaa-compliant/
JavaScript, Solace + SSL (HTTPS, WSS)
Hi all - I have a web based JavaScript/React (no Node JS) app currently using the Solace JavaScript client successfuly. Due to company demands we are being told to convert to using secure connections (understandable). I have looked at the sample below which seems to suggest you can use basic authentication while using…
Can the SEMP – REST API work with a READ-ONLY user? If so, how do you create one?
We want to delegate monitoring capability to another team, but we don’t want to give them the ability to change the configuration. Thanks in advance!
Editing all the queues at once
Hi, I have some 40 queues in my VPN and I want to edit the max consumer count on each queue to 30.Can I do this change with just one step instead of editing each queue ?
SMF sample for Batch/Transacted Send and Receive
Hi, I have a use case in which I have to send batch of 256 messages in a single local transaction. Also, on the consumer side I should receive all 256 messages in a batch and local transaction. Is there a Java (JCSMP) sample to do that? Please help. Thanks, Raghu
Response message saving
Hi, Can i get raw response message from solace by subscribing to topic, which can be stored in flat files? Thanks, Prasoon
Storing IMessage and ITopic
Hi, Do we have any way by which we can store IMessage or ITopic in our file system? Thanks, Prasoon
Migrating solace configuration from one environment to another
I am creating a cli script using the command in Dev environment and sftp the file to target env . Then execute the script to create VPN and all other objects. To perform all these tasks I am using my admin credentials and sftp user. Is there a way we can achieve this without using admin credentials ? solace> show…
Is there a way to log message payload on Broker logs?
Hi, Is it possible to log message payload in broker logs? Could someone please know how to configure it if it is possible? Thanks, Raghu
Differences between JS and .NET sdk's?
Hello! I am currently using the JS and .NET sdk's to connect to and publish messages to a pub/sub+ instance. Initially, I was using the JS sdk and have had no problems publishing persistent messages to a topic and having a durable queue subscribed to that topic. The messages are getting properly sent and picked up by the…
View or peek messages on a queue - queue browsing
Want to see what's on a queue without consumi.ng the messages? Got a poison message that's killing your app but dont know why? Here's an example of this type of question: https://solace.community/discussion/198/possible-to-export-message-payload-in-queue-level#latest What you need is a queue browser. This reads a message…
NuGet .NET SDK missing 32-bit managed dll?
Hello! I have added SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging to my asp.net web api application via nuget. My app is running on an old version of IIS, which, as far as I can tell, requires apps to be 32-bit, as mine is/are. However, upon examination of the nuget Solace directory that was pulled down, none of the .net dll's appear…
what method should I use to return the contents of a solace.message in human readable string
Hi, I am exploring the node.js SOLACE REST API. I got the pub/sub to work with the sample code to work substituting vpn/url/credentials. The received message, however, has the payload plus a lot of other things and I couldn't isolate the payload by itself. I looked up the API…
Differences in Durable and Non durable subscriptions of a topic endpoint
Hi, I observed a difference in message delivery pattern with the below setup: 1. a topic endpoint (Non-Exclusive) 2. Two Non Durable Subscribers 3. Two Durable Subscribers (note: each subscriber was given a unique name so that there is no connection conflict) When Producer published messages, Two non-durable subscribers…
Solace Process level information and internal architecture
Hi, I would like to understand more about the internal services that ensemble Solace PubSub s/w. I found that below processes are running as child processes of SolaceDaemon process: 1000001 24106 24081 0 Feb29 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/sw/loads/soltr_9.3.1.9/bin/solacedaemon --vmr -z -f…
Serialize Message
Hi, I want to serialize MessageEventArgs.Messsage and store it in flat file, but while serializing i am getting exception that type is non serializable. Any way by which i can serialize "Message" and store in flat file?
.NET API to consume JMS?
I've been tasked with consuming messages from an established JMS. The sample code provided to me uses the Solace libraries. I'm more comfortable with C# than Java, so I'd prefer to use the .NET messaging API, if possible. Can I use the Solace .NET API to subscribe to the JMS queue and consume messages? I downloaded the…
Download Activity Logs and Audit Controls
Using PubSub+ is there a way to download system diagnostics or view router logs? SolAdmin allows this functionality for physical routers, but is there a way to access those logs from the PubSub+ console? If not, what's the best way to access something like this? Additionally, can you export service configurations from…
Role of monitoring node
In a HA group setup, primary is in subnet 1, secondary is in subnet 2, monitoring node is in subnet 3 and clients are in subnet4. At the beginning, Secondary is ACTIVE and all clients connected to it and processing messages. network access is blocked to subnet 2 and subnet 3. In this case clients could not connect to…