Durable topic subscription
Hi, In JMS world, we can have a topic and while connecting to the topic we can mention from the subscriber end to be a "durable" or "nondurable" subscriber. However, on solace side, when I created a topic from CLI by default it provisions a "durable" topic it seems. How can I control subscription type from client side…
Role of monitoring node in HA group setup
Hi, What is the role of monitoring node in a HA Group (Primary/Standby) setup? It seems that clients are able to failover back and forth even though monitoring node is down. Thanks, Raghu
Receive all unacknowledged messages using the .NET API
Are there any best practice recommendations to get all unacknowledged messages in a queue? The scenario I am thinking of is when messages are received by a client, but could not processed for what ever reason. The next time a new message is received on the queue, all the messages that are on the queue should be delivered…
Integration over Http
I am attempting to integrate our IBM mainframe reservation system with Solace as an alternative to IBM MQ hoping this will provide a secure and persistent delivery of messages to Kafka. The idea is that Solace will be deployed close to or on the mainframe (docker) and will provide guaranteed delivery between it and our AWS…
Solace Hybrid Edge
Hi Team, Can you please share the documents/tutorials for solace hybrid edge ?
Potential missing message during failover in a HA group
Hi, In a failover test that I'm doing while both producer and consumer are participating in a guaranteed message delivery, I am seeing below exception in the Producer JCSMPStreamingPublishEventHandler.handleError() callback. Exception message: Transport exception occurred when message Id not available.…
Maximum Connections per client
We are trying to replace existing activeMq with solace broker. We are trying some POC on this. Problem: We are getting error message 503: Max Client Queue and Topic Endpoint Flow Exceeded when number consumers on the client exceeds more than 100. We also tried increasing the max connection to 500 through solace yaml file…
How to create Solace HA cluster Manually
Hi Team I would like to create solace software cluster manually on my VMs. My VMs are on Azure and they are Red-Hats. (Note that I'm aware that there is a Azure template to achieve this easily but due to some reasons I cant use this automated way) As per some documents I came across I'm aware we need 3 nodes, solace1…
Initial latency observed up to 5 minutes with JCSMP clients
Hi, I have a performance test setup in which ingesting 100 messages per second from 10 threads at 100 ms interval. As per my observation, the initial Producer to Consumer latency (Producer -> Broker -> Consumer) is observed as 5 minutes. And, it keeps decreasing and reaches to nano seconds latency within 5 minutes.…
Creating an event-driven jHipster Application with Solace
Hey all, I recently wrote a blog post about creating event-driven applications using jHipster as a code-generator for a spring boot web app and Solace as a message bus. Give it a read if you're interested! Creating an event-driven jHipster Application with Solace
Spring how do I create multiple queries with different vpnMsg values
I'm relatively new to JMS and Solace. I'm trying to create a Spring application that is using JMS Solace to connect to a Solace broker that has multiple subscriptions. Each of the subscriptions has a different msgVPN and queue value. I was able to use solace-jms-spring-boot-starter to create a connection to one queue. The…
I am Trying to Lookup a distributed cache on my VPN using below snippet . I am not able to connect distributed Cache configured .Can someone provide me details to read Cached information from configured distributed Cache using Java API. // Connect, create a producer and a consumer, and start the consumer.…
Solace-JMS Dynamic Subscriptions.
What would be the best option to subscribe & unsubscribe to Topics/Queues dynamically with solace-jms with out using @JMSListener? I could see a couple of options as listed below: I) Initiating JmsListenerContainerFactory for individual endpoints. ii) Making use of Connection instance to create JMS Session and having the…
Solace SEMP command
I am using below SEMP command to query solace queue stats and details. But I see that the GET query is returning only some queues Information. I have 28 queues and I see only 10 queues in the output. https://mrred2imhn.messaging.solace.cloud:20718/SEMP/v2/monitor/msgVpns/msgvpn-red52825/queues
JMS header properties
Hi Everyone, I am sending data from Solace to Boomi using JMS connector. Can someone help me with appropriate header properties for JMS like we have for REST as shown below ?
Getting Solace broker's message receipt timestamp
Hi all - We are trying to run some performance tests on HA Group Message Broker software (Primary/Backup) with Guaranteed Messaging. We have a few clients that ingest messages to broker at a consistent rate. And, a receiver which receives messages as they put on EXCLUSIVE Queue. Is there a provision to use any message…
How to get and test information on discarded messages
Problem You see that you are having a lot of ingress discards due to No Subscription Match and are looking for more information about these messages. The information that might be pertinent is: Topic, Client Username, and Message VPN name. Solution Use the following command to get the information about the messages:…
Working at Solace
Wondering what working at Solace is like? Read the blog post "My Event-ful Internship at Solace" by Rajiv Abraham Xavier, an intern in our Singapore office. If you're interested in career opportunities at Solace, please visit our Careers page.
Client side configuration when connecting to broker in HA setup
Hi, Is there any additional configuration that we need to use besides configuring below in the Producer/Consumer code in order to make sure it fails over to other when one fails or releases activity to other. properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, "HOST1,HOST2"); Thanks, Raghu
Simple file sender / receiver over Event Broker
Simple cURL REST POST and python MQTT receiver to move a file across solace. Curl Sender 1. Create directory with files for sending: 'sender' 2. Add password to 'restpass' variable resthost=mr1nljqp0y2dox.messaging.solace.cloudrestport=9000restuser=solace-cloud-clientrestpass=passwordfilemask=./sender/*for filepath in…
Client Discunnect Automatically.
Hi Team, We are using Solace hardware Appliance, but one of my client has been automatically disconnected, when I check log it is showing permission denied.
How to transfer from one solace message broker to another
Is it possible to transfer/forward messages from one solace message broker instance to another solace message broker instance? Situation: The application will publish messages to an on-premises Solace message broker (broker 1) and from there we want to publish same messages to another Solace message broker (broker 2).…
Announcing Early Access to the PubSub+ Event Portal!!
It’s with great excitement that we announce that development of PubSub+ Event Portal has reached Early Access (aka MVP) Readiness! A big shout out to our Development and Product Management team for achieving this significant milestone. There are a few items of note for you to find out more information around this…
What is your favourite IDE?
With the wealth of available IDE's out there (IntelliJ, Atom, VS Code, etc.), what are you personal favourites and why?
Message Priority
Hi All, My Publisher using REST API pushes the data to Solace and the consumer uses JMS. I have enabled priority on Queue. But how to set priority on a message ? And how to configure message priority while consuming messages ?
Java RTO API Maven dependency
Hi ,Does anyone knows about maven dependency related to Java RTO API ? Please advise/suggest the ways to configure solclientj.jar in Maven Project .
Why the disk is full while only few messages are spooled when using internal disk?
Can anybody explain? What other stuff takes the disk space?
How can I limit (or increase) the maximum of consumer flows that may bind to a queue?
To limit or increase the number of clients that can bind to a queue, you can set the max-bind-count on the queue. By default that value is 1000. To change that value, issue the following CLI command: home > enable > configure > message-spool message-vpn VPNNAME > queue QNAME > max-bind-count <NEW-VALUE> > home NEW-VALUE…
SEMP equivallent of 'show queue<queue-name> message-vpn<vpn-name> flows'
I need help to convert this command to 'show queue message-vpn flows' SEMP format for using solace api.
unSubscribe to a solcache topic
Currently we use the following code to subscribe to a solcache topic: cacheSession.sendCacheRequest(Long.valueOf(10011l), "my/topic", true, CacheLiveDataAction.FLOW_THRU, new CacheRequestListener() { @Override public void onException(Long arg0, Topic arg1, JCSMPException arg2) { LOG.error("Consumer Received exception for…