concurrent connection
Does anyone have idea about below error while trying to enable concurrent connection ?.. am i doing wrong in format what i put in values. Config:- solace.jms.message.consumer.concurrency.value=1-2 code:- listenerFactory.setConcurrency("${solace.jms.message.consumer.concurrency.value}"); Error:-…
JMSX_GROUP_SEQ exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: JMSXGroupSeq is null
I ran into a issue where a message posted to a solace queue is not written in the logs table in the cache mode in TIBCO BE but in the normal mode am able to see logs. Attached the logs as a file. Please help me to understand the difference of them.
Spring Cloud Stream and Solace Bindings
I am trying to use Spring Cloud Stream bindings with spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace but encountering issues with the set up / configuration. I have created a durable queue Q.MYQUEUE which is mapped to a Topic /mytopic/topic1. It seems that the SolaceQueueProvisioner tries to create a new queue and gets a "Router does…
How to set Solace properties with Boomi?
I want to set properties in a Boomi process like SOLACE_JMS_PROP_DEAD_MSG_QUEUE_ELIGIBLE. I have added it as custom JMS operation property but that doesn't seem to work. Another example is TTL. Is there any documentation on how to set Solace properties in a Boomi process?
non transacted queue listener session
This would help for the new solace Bee, while enabling spring based jmsListener for the solace queue (No Txn), need to explicitly make SessionTransacted=false and then make **mandatory **TransationManager=null. :) If we make only SessionTransacted=false while enabling listener, doesn't work. :( ..................... @Bean…
Creating an event-driven jHipster Application with Solace
Hey all, I recently wrote a blog post about creating event-driven applications using jHipster as a code-generator for a spring boot web app and Solace as a message bus. Give it a read if you're interested! Creating an event-driven jHipster Application with Solace
Spring how do I create multiple queries with different vpnMsg values
I'm relatively new to JMS and Solace. I'm trying to create a Spring application that is using JMS Solace to connect to a Solace broker that has multiple subscriptions. Each of the subscriptions has a different msgVPN and queue value. I was able to use solace-jms-spring-boot-starter to create a connection to one queue. The…
JMS header properties
Hi Everyone, I am sending data from Solace to Boomi using JMS connector. Can someone help me with appropriate header properties for JMS like we have for REST as shown below ?
Message Priority
Hi All, My Publisher using REST API pushes the data to Solace and the consumer uses JMS. I have enabled priority on Queue. But how to set priority on a message ? And how to configure message priority while consuming messages ?
Solace with Couchbase
Hi, I'm looking forward to developing a Solace - Couchbase connector for both Source/Sink types. My primary goal to post here is to have some guide/ideas on how do we monitor/configure the connector from Solace Console? Current Solace - Kafka connect is exposed at Kafka's side (uses Kafka Config) and ELK is looking at…
PubSub+ is on start.spring.io
I wanted to share some exciting news - Solace PubSub+ is now an option on the Spring Initializr hosted at https://start.spring.io/! Spring Initializr allows developers to generate Spring Boot projects pre-populated with the dependencies they need to get started quickly. Projects can be generated directly on the site, and…
Kafka Solace Sink Connector - Received record that had no data....discarded
Hello, I'm configuring a Solace Sink connector for Kafka with the following properties - "connector.class": "com.solace.sink.connector.SolaceSinkConnector","tasks.max": "2","topics": "nt_pop_fxrt_002_001","sol.host": "xx.xx.xxx.xxx","sol.username": "syskaf","sol.password": "","sol.vpn_name": "sysvpn16","sol.queue":…
Spring Cloud Stream Binder and Kerberos
I am looking to utilize the Spring Cloud Stream Binder for Solace PubSub and looking for examples of how to enable kerberos for the Solace binder connections. The examples all use username + password combinations. Any samples on how to initialize using kerberos configs?
Scripts to create/delete destinations/bridges , VPN etc.. via Jenkins pipeline
Dear All, Please help to provide some sample scripts to create/delete destinations/bridges , VPN... via jenkins pipeline. Thanks, Surya |
Unable to Map Topic to Queue using C# Client API
I need to dynamically map Topic to queue through C# client API. I have followed every step that is written in https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-dotnet/topic-to-queue-mapping/ and Github sample https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-dotnet/blob/master/src/TopicToQueueMapping/TopicToQueueMapping.cs. However…
How to configure properties in Solace-Kafka-Sink-Connector
Hi, I connected a message broker to Confluent Kafka using Solace-Kafka-Sink-Connector. https://github.com/SolaceLabs/pubsubplus-connector-kafka-sink And I am testing how the matching between Kafka topic and Solace topic works. Testing is done by changing the topics, sol.topics, and sol.queue properties in the…
Client Data Messages count is increasing though I sent just one message from source broker
I see my SolaceIOConnector as consumer in my queue now. I sent one message but my destination broker message vpn stats are something like this Why is this count increasing? - After stopping the connector, these messages stopped. Please help me understand this behavior or this is a bug in the stats. Why is the one message…
Now Available: JMS Samples Using Alibaba Cloud’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) SDK
There are two applications coded to the JMS API in a Requestor and Replier role, respectively. The requestor program collects user input from the console and submits each line for translation as a JMS request message. The replier program receives the JMS request message, calls the Machine Translation API to translate the…
Using kafka connector sink but message recieved is thrice what was sent from producer under stats
I am publishing single message to a kafka topic which is connected to solace with kafka sink connector. When I see the stats of the message vpn I notice it shows 'client data messages' received as 3 times the messages I sent. 2 messages are showing in 'Incoming Message Discards'. Under the client connections > kafka stats,…
New Tutorial Available - Spring Boot Autoconfig JMS
A new tutorial has been posted to the Solace Samples pages! Be sure to check it out. https://solace.com/samples/solace-samples-spring/spring-boot-autoconfigure/