Pull messages from Azure service bus using Solace PubSub+ Cloud
Hi, Is it possible to connect Solace Pubsub+ Cloud to an Azure service Bus by pulling messages from a topic or queue ? So something like a Azure-Solace mesh? I know you can push messages to AWS ansd Azure components using RDP. But does Solace support pull? Background: We have a use case where we must transport messages…
Error sending message - Direct buffer memory
Hello We are using ( Solace + Spring JMS + Spring Boot + Pivotal Cloud Foundry ) to read a message from a queue and post to Topic. We are facing issue when reading 1 message of size - 7MB and posting to a topic. Smaller message size are working fine. Below error when sending to topic Error Message : javax.jms.JMSException:…
Let Solace act like it is Kafka to Kafka Consumers
I would like to connect apache Druid to Solace. However, it seems Druid doesn't support any of the connection types that Solace offers: One of the solutions would be if Solace offered Kafka consumers the possibility to directly connect to Solace, where Solace acts like it is kafka to them. Is this something that's a)…
Solace PubSub+ broker / Informatica Cloud Integration over AMQP
Hi community members I created this integration to assist one of our customers with their use case to integrate to Informatica cloud to a Solace PubSub+ broker over the protocol AMQP. Overview: The steps are briefly as follows: Setup SDKPerf-jmsamq on your local computer. Setup a cloud Solace PubSub+ broker with a…
Azure datalake connector gen2
Hi, I created a Azure datalake gen2 connecter in solace using oauth 2 credentials but it is not wokring. I see that configuration completed successfully and all the assets (connector/RDP , Rest consumer, Queue and queue bindings) were created successfully. When I tried to test it, I did not see any transaction. Can you…
How to use Oauth Using Solace PubSub+ Connector in Mulesoft
We have a requirement where we want to use OAuth using Solace PubSub+ connector but I don't see any option to use the same in the connector configuration. Any leads would be appreciated.
Spring cloud stream Solace binder prevents application from running when Solace is down
Hello everyone, I am currently working on an application that consumes messages from Solace and serves users with HTTP endpoints. However, when Solace is down, the Solace binder prevents the application from running until Solace is reachable again. This behavior is problematic for our business as we want to continue…
Spring Cloud Stream Solace - Manual Acknowledgement
The batch mode is working fine as i am able to receive the msgs as batch and publish as batch. Now, i am trying to manually acknowledge the messages. If no exception, update the database with success and then accept the message. Else, update the DB with error and then requeue the message. Function<Message<List<?>>,…
Garanteed Subscriber problem: "Emitter rejects listener for no-name event: undefined"
Hello everybody, I hope I am posting this on the correct Category, correct me otherwise. I am trying to subscribe a Solace Queue in order to get it's messages and redirect them to a specific endpoint which will later process it's information. For that, i've made a NODE JS service which uses the GaranteedSubscriber example.…
How to connect to pre-provisioned queue in solace using spring cloud stream ?
I am using @StreamListner, created input binding of type SubscribableChannel & trying to connect to a pre-provisioned queue and used similar configurations as suggested in previous comment but i am not able to bind consumer with queue . Getting error - "EL1008E: Property or field 'isAnonymous' cannot be found on object of…
In Spring cloud , i would like to read data from pre-define queue.
Currently spring cloud app will create the queue "scst/an/some randome-id/plain/myConsumer-in-0" at server startup (some thing similar), Since i already have a queue and queue has some persistence message so how to command spring cloud to use existing queue for subscriptions.
Spring cloud Stream Solace Unit Test
Solace Spring Cloud BOM 2.4.0 Solace Spring Cloud Stream Starter 3.4.0 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-stream</artifactId> <type>test-jar</type> <scope>test</scope> <classifier>test-binder</classifier> </dependency> <!--…
Not able to connect the solace container with testcontainers module in java
I am trying to connect the solace container with java testcontainer 1.17.6 module but not able to connect everytime. I am getting the below error: Caused by: org.testcontainers.containers.ContainerLaunchException: Container startup failed at org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer.doStart(GenericContainer.java:349)…
Configuring Solace w/ testcontainers
Hi I'm trying to configure my Solace that runs on testcontainers and Springboot JMS. The container starts up just fine, but the container is not setup the way I need it. I need it to have some queues and I'm having a hard time finding a way to get it running. I tried to create one with testcontainers equivalent to docker…
Debezium Connector
Hi, we are currently consumer of Solace pubsub + in our organisation. I wanted to check if a version of https://solace.com/connectors/debezium-cdc-connector/ is available for us to use ?
Solace Exporter For Prometheus
Hi Team We are currently implementing Solace exporter for monitoring solace brokers through Prometheus. We got the github repo for exporter, however we are not clear whether its mandatory to install this exporter on the Solace appliance as it might be a security risk as per our infosec team. Can we install exporter on…
How to connect on-prem non SAP event subscribers to Solace PubSub
We are using Solace PubSub through SAP BTP Platform. We have got success in connecting to event subscriber application(SAAS) on public cloud. We are stuck while connecting to other on premise applications (hosted within company controlled network.) as event subscriber. I would to understand how to connect to event…
Why am I getting responses in some chinese letters from Solace back to Boomi?
Hello, I was trying to build an integration which connects to a solace broker and is subscribing to my integration process. The action I set in Boomi Solace connector is "request". Whenever I try to run the integration, solace can receive the message and as soon as I publish "Hello World" I get the response in some Chinese…
503: Too Many Connections For VPN
Hello, that's my first post on this community :) I need your help/support because my client application (Boomi application) that is listening on severals solace queues is receiving this error on some listners when i try to start the application : [com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel$ClientChannelConnect…
AWS S3 integration using Amazon Signature V4
The latest PubSub+ version added support for Amazon Signature V4, now we can integrate with AWS services without using API Gateway. But I could not find any document or guide on the configuration, so I did a test to integrate with S3 and it works. I have captured the steps and screenshots into a file for your…
Solace throwing HeuristicCompletionException when "Document Is Too Large"
Hi When the document size is larger and if the transaction is about to be committed, below Heuristic exception is thrown. Execution of JMS message listener failed. Caused by: [org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException - org.springframework.transaction.HeuristicCompletionException: Heuristic completion: outcome state is mixed;…
Salesforce Boomi Events sample code
Hello It says here that code is available from this Community - does anyone know how we can get it? https: //codelabs.solace.dev/codelabs/boomi-salesforce-codelab/ "⚙️ Boomi configuration At this point, Solace is not part of the Boomi Process Library. Reach out to us at the Solace Community and we will get the code to…
PubSub+ Connector for MuleSoft Anypoint Platform v.1.2 is now available on the Anypoint Exchange
Solace has released version 1.2 of the PubSub+ Connector for MuleSoft Anypoint Platform. This version has been certified by MuleSoft and made available on the Anypoint Exchange. Solace PubSub+ Connector - Mule 4 (mulesoft.com) This version is a recommended upgrade and can be upgraded in Anypoint Studio via regular module…
Azure Data Lake connector
This is about Azure Data Lake connector, do we need to do something special if the Azure data lake is in a private VNet or say its access is not public?
Connecting RabbitMQ to Solace
Does Solace provide some kind of connector to read (subscribe) the (AMQP) messages from a RabbitMQ broker and publish them to Solace broker? (Analogous to Kafka Connect). If I'm publishing the messages to a RabbitMQ and want these messages to be published to Solace from RabbitMQ, is there a solution from Solace or do I…
Using Spring cloud Stream, message is being sent as an attachment instead of content
hello, i am using org.springframework.cloud.stream.function.StreamBridge to send the message to a solace topic. Using the mime type as "text/plan". The message is being sent to queue. But as an attachment. The content size is zero bytes, but the attachment size is same as the message size I sent. I couldn't find any…
Connector for Solace and Redis
We have a requirement for moving messages between Solace and Redis, is there a connector available already?
MQTT Bridge Connector
Hi all, I am thinking to bridge Solace MQTT to external MQTT Broker such as Mosquitto/HiveMQ. How do I go about it? I read about the MQTT Bridge Connector (currently in preview), where can I download to try? https://solace.com/connectors/mqtt-bridge-connector/ Thanks all
i am trying to access my queue but getting error
i am getting this when tying to connect with queue Messaging Service connected? True <bound method Queues.SimpleDurableQueue.get_name of <solace.messaging.resources.queue.Queues.SimpleDurableQueue object at 0x7fc87abe7340>> 2022-12-08 09:41:41,744 [WARNING] solace.messaging.receiver: [_solace_utilities.py:363] Invalid…
I'm getting this error intermittently, the app works well for 8-15 days properly, but there is a point where I start to get this error message (SOLCLIENT_INCOMPLETE), I need to redeploy the service in order to fix it, this has been a loop for almost 3 months. Any idea why could be happening? Thanks