RDP consumer failed with Local SSL handshake failed: certificate chain too long
Hi , We were trying to configure an RDP but encountered this error "Local SSL handshake failed: Server certificate verification failed: certificate chain too long" The backend cert chain length is 5. Is it supported 9.12 version on cloud and if so are we missing some configuration. Regards, Rajesh
How to integration test Solace with Spring Boot AutoConfig / JmsListener
Hello the project I'm working on needs me to integrate a receiver for Solace PubSub+ Messages with Spring Boot. The following snippet resembles my current implementation. The controller receives a message, forwards it to my usecase which extracts some headers and the payload and creates a MyMessage POJO which in turn is…
Client Ack using Apache Beam
Hi - I am using Apache Beam (2.30) with Solace connector. I receive messages from Solace, process it, save it and then wish to ack to Solace once I am done with processing. I explicitly sets the status of my POJO to true once saved. So for such successfully processed messages, I wish to ack. However, I am facing issues as…
Getting ClassCastException when consumer consumes userdefined object from solace.
I have published message to the queue as "MessageContent". When i trying to pull messages from queue getting Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to solace.test.consumer.entity.MessageContent] @Bean public Function<Message, Message> functionUsingTargetDestHeader() { return input -> { String…
How to gracefully stop a consumer ?
looking for way to stop and resume a consumer with out losing the messages in the queue.
Library to Unsubscribe Topic from Queue
Hi Community, I am exploring Solace and its Use Cases. Using Solace Java API Library we can create a Queue and subscribe a Topic to the Queue. Using SEMP Java Client Library we can Create and Delete a Queue. Using SEMP REST API we can create and delete Queue , subscribe a Topic to Queue and can also unsubscribe a Topic…
Sample on Solace with Spring Cloud Bus
Hi everyone, I recently created a simple sample that shows the use of Spring Cloud Bus (a lightweight enterprise message bus) with Solace PubSub+. I was asked to share it here, in case some of you might find it helpful. You can find the sample here. Let me know what you think - unless you hate it... ;) Cheers!
Prometheus vs Grafana Agent for Grafana dashboard
Hi Team, Grafana is getting popular and many users prefer this for new monitoring solution. I am planning to create a Grafana dashboard for Solace monitoring but confused hot to feed the metrics from solace. Based on my initial review Option 1: Use Prometheus exporter tool to feed metrics into Prometheus data source and…
Integrating the Solace Kafka Sink Connector with Confluent Schema Registry
Avro is a common message format used for Kafka records. Large Kafka implementations leveraging Avro often use the Confluent Schema Registry to ensure uniform record schemas across publishers and subscribers. When using the Solace PubSub+ Kafka Connectors to publish Kafka records as Solace PubSub+ events, it may be…
Dynamically setting selectors in the Boomi Solace Connector
There are alot of use-cases that require setting the selector dynamically. Say for example you have your Solace shape bound to a Solace queue using Solace GET and interested in a subset of messages that you can only have access to via matching selectors. You can use selectors and set them dynamically in other shapes. To do…
Good reference on Solace PubSub+ Connector - Mule 4 demonstrating Mulesoft-Solace integration
Came across this on YouTube, a good reference. Check it out...
AMQP client from AWS lambda that works with Solace
Hi, we would like to publish to Solace topic from AWS lambda ( written in java). Is there any java AMQP client library that we can use to do that ?
Authentication using only certificate
Hi All, Is it possible to authenticate using only certificate? without clientUsername and clientPassword, i tested below setup but got 401 authentication error. Any help is appreciated, thank you. solace: java: host: tcps:// msgVpn: default connectRetries: -1 reconnectRetries: -1 apiProperties:…
SSL Configuration when using Spring cloud stream
Hello We are using Spring cloud stream solace binders. We are trying to configure SSL cert when connecting to solace queue and topic. Below is the configuration that we use in java and is working- properties.setProperty("Solace_JMS_VPN", vpn); properties.setProperty("Solace_JMS_Authentication_Scheme",…
.NET application connection issue with Solace appliance Solace PubSub+ 3560
.Net framework : 4.5 SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging_64 : 10.6.0 Windows Server : 2016 Standard the client can connect to solace and publish message but some times they get connection error. from SSL debug log it looks like some client hello issue but not conclusive as it doesnt happen always. both failure and success…
Batch processing with Spring Cloud Stream
Hi Solace Community, It's me again. So we moved from RabbitMQ to Solace and identified that Solace does not support batch mode. See: https://solace.community/discussion/811/spring-cloud-stream-batch-mode So we started to implement a manual Acknowledgement function to accomplish something similar. But we are stuck in one…
Spring cloud stream batch mode
We want to be use spring cloud stream binders to be able to read messages from the solace queue. Our use case is to read records in batch, but in case of unforeseen exceptions ( such as consumer shutdown) we want to be able to write everything back to the queue. It seems batch-mode supports that capability, but can't seem…
Solace PubSub+ Connector Consume "Selector" Feature
Hi I'm trying to use the solace "consume" operation and attempting to use the "selector" to only consume a subset of messages. When publishing a message I have passed in a userProperties: (refer to attachment publish.png) counter: 1 As per this link -…
Consuming messages a predefined solace queue using Spring Cloud Stream
Hello Solace Community, I'm brand new to solace product, but I set up a solace Kubernetes instance with a VPN relatively easy with the community documentation and publish to topics and subscribe from queues fairly quickly with the Python provided examples. (see guaranteed_publisher.py, guaranteed_subscriber.py) Now I'm…
Testing guaranteed queue based message delivery over flow in C
I have a C++ application using solace C API to read guaranteed message over a flow, with queue based message delivery. Currently I connect to broker to test my application, but I would like to add some local tests, that I can run on my machine to test the complete flow at my end. I need to have a message publisher, which…
solace_replyto header is failed to retrieve in spring cloud stream
Hi Team, We are getting the below error when get the solace_replyto header. Please help to check. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incorrect type specified for header 'scst_targetDestination'. Expected [class java.lang.String] but actual type is [class com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.TopicImpl]
Boomi Solace Connector: Send operation failed due to maximum size limit
Hi, I am using Boomi and Solace Connector. I am gtting information from Database and mapping to XML profile and trying to push xml to Solace queue (Send) operation. Just 2000 db records it was erroring as Error : [400] SEND's operation combined incoming documents exceed allowed size of [ 1048576 bytes ]. . Did we have any…
Boomi V2 Connector released 🎉
We have released our version 2 of the Boomi connector! Check out a tutorial on our codelab site here https://codelabs.solace.dev/codelabs/boomi-v2-getting-started. You can also check out other codelabs that uses our Boomi Solace connector by filtering on the 'Boomi' category. What's new? Some of the new features with this…
Trying to connect consumer to the pre-defined queue, getting error as Permission mismatch.
Hi, I am trying to connect pre-defined queue named GMMO.UCTRADE.DSLT01 it has ALL OTHER POERMISSIONS: No Access(0000) . When i try to consume frm the queue , application throws below error : org.springframework.cloud.stream.provisioning.ProvisioningException: Failed to provision durable queue GMMO.UCTRADE.DSLT01; nested…
In Spring cloud , i would like to print logs which will tell to which queue application is connected
Hi, I am working on spring-cloud-solace. In application i need logger to track which queue application is connected to. Could you pls help
How to solve :com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPTransportException: Unexpected error:Fatal reactor error
2019-12-24 07:20:46.556000+0000 [86052:Context_3_ReactorThread] INFO com.solacesystems.jcsmp.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel: (Client name: gtosp-tibco/86052/#0bb60005/5jqZ4iMrCl Local addr: Remote addr: ...:55555) - handleException(): Channel Closed Event (smfclient 12) 2019-12-24 07:20:46.563000+0000…
spring cloud stream multi api version
The problem: A single spring cloud stream application, have to send out the same data via 2 major versions of the same api. spring: stream: bindings: myApiV1-out-0: destination: api/v1/the/topic myApiV2-out-0: destination: api/v2/the/topic Question: What is the most elegant solution for this problem? Idea / what i want to:…
Consume from Durable Topic Endpoint using JCSMP
I want to subscribe to a Durable Topic endpoint. I am able to subscribe to the direct topic. But my program is not working to when I try to subscribe from DTE. Program: final JCSMPProperties properties = new JCSMPProperties(); properties.setProperty(JCSMPProperties.HOST, host); // host:port…
Integrating Solace PubSub+ with Logstash
Logging is a crucial part of your applications, especially enterprise applications. If you're still writing logs to a database, you really need to read this :) This post shows how to use Solace as the pipeline to your ELK stack, replacing your slow and heavy JDBC insert operations with a JMS send operations. Let Solace be…
Issue subscribing durable queue to topic
Hello We are using Spring Cloud Stream solace binder to connect to Solace. We are facing an issue when durable queues subscribe to topic. Case 1: When the application is creating the queue we are not facing any issue. The durable queue gets subscribed to the topic and is able to consume message successfully. Case 2: When…