📣 JAVA Folks! New upcoming PubSub+ Messaging API for Java 📣
I wanted to start this discussion to see who is using the Java implementation of the Solace Messaging Protocol API? Good news is we are releasing a Brand New Java API: "PubSub+ Messaging API for Java" so stay tuned and let me know if you want to be one of the first to try out this API and give us feedback. Early Access of…
Solace JMS transport errors.
I am using IBM IIB Java compute node using Java JMS API along with Solace jms api to send messages on Solace topics. It was working fine for few intefaces with lower volumes. A newly added interface has high volume and we are seeing few messages failing due to below JMS exception and replays are working fine. Can you…
Sleep in Solace C API
Hi I need to send multiple messages of about 5mb each. When I send a single message without any sleep, it works fine. When I try to send 10/100/... messages without putting the publisher and subscriber to sleep for about 1 second, the last message is not received. On printing the stats it says that the socket was filled…
Message throttling from a solace queue
Hi, I am running 2 instances of my applications with 3 message consumers, each consuming messages from the same queue, using solace-spring-cloud-bom version 1.1.1. ie total 6 consumers 3 from each instance. My issue is that when I publish large number of messages to this queue, the messages are not equally distributing to…
Spring Cloud Stream Binder - Sending Persistent Messages with StreamBridge
Good morning everyone, using the spring-cloud-stream-binder-solace sending Messages via the StreamBridge, is there a possibility to send persistent Messages? "show client ... stats" only reports non-persistent messages beeing sent by the application. Thank you guys for your support and have a great day! Timo
Solace Cloud REST API authentication
I have created an api token in my Solace Cloud account but when calling the below URL with postman/curl I am getting an authorization error. Am I missing something that I need to be doing? https://api.solace.cloud/api/v0/services/{service-id}?apiToken={api-token} Thanks, Pete
Reprocess messages from Dead Message Queue
Hi Team, We have developed a code which consumes messages from a Solace Queue and publishes to a weblogic JMS Queue after conerting the JSON message to XML. For the error handling part, we are publishing the failed message to a Dead message queue when the target is unreachable. Once the target is up and running, we want to…
Messaging in the C API
Hello, I am using the Solace C API for my project. The data that we want to pass between the applications is an array of a structure. The structure has around 150-200 fields of int/long/short/char. The array size will be around 1,000 - 50,000. Currently I am using a stream to pass the fields. I start a loop of array size…
PubSub+ broker
Hi. Can anyone guide me how to setup pubsub+ software in private aws cloud.
Simplest way to read a Java MapMessage in .NET
I'm replacing an old TibRv system we have where the message producer is a Java application and the message consumer is a .NET application. Using a MapMessage seemed the most natural way to go, since that had a very similar interface to the TibRv libraries we had been using. After porting the Java applications over, it came…
Browse Message Payloads in Queues
Dear Team, Could anyone please share the best possible approach to view the content of the messages queued in solace queues/topics. 1) Do we have any solace apis available to view the message payload? 2) Is it possible via CLI? Please suggest any better approaches. Thanks, Vempati
How to know total number of Endpoints are present in msgVpn via SEMP V2 ?
Is there any way to query(SEMP V2) to get: 1) Total number(count) of queues in a given msgVpn? 2) Total number of subscriptionTopics in a queue? 3) Total number of TopicEndpoints in a given msgVpn?
uOttawa Hackathon - Welcome to the Solace Developer Community!
Introduce your self! Answer the following questions * What is your name * What school and year are you in * Favourite programming language * How many hackathons have you done in the past * What is your team name * Anything else? Keep the thread going and let us know what are you most excited to do/learn during this…
Granular access for a Message-VPN user on Solace Cloud.
Hi, Two general questions: 1> Do we have any granular level access on Message-VPN ? For now I can see only these two READ and READ-WRITE. We want to have users on Message VPN but with controlled access. 2> Is there any provision (or suggestion) to have the logic (consumer business logic) and configuration (queue creation +…
Microservices - approaches to multiple container instance -> single event consumption
Hi all, I would like to ask your opinion on a microservice use-case, and what would be the best approach to tackle it. The Context Let's say you have 10 microservices, each one implementing a given bounded-context, as per DDD. Each microservice is constantly publishing its own events so that the others who subscribe to…
How to use where condition in SEMP V2 for subcripticTopics?
http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==SLOG//* --> 400 error -->Cannot query an ancestor http://xx.x.xx.x/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xxxxx-xxxx-xx/queues/xxx_xxx_xxx_Xxxx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#SLOG// -->200 but empty response…
How to create the dead message queue
How to create the #Dead_message_queue for the MQTT qos 1?
How to use where condition in SEMP V2 for subscriptionTopic
http://xx.xx.xx/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xx.xx.xx.xx/queues/xx.xx.xx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#SLOG// http://xx.xx.xx/SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/xx.xx.xx.xx/queues/xx.xx.xx/subscriptions?where=subscriptionTopic==#*…
Last Value Queues
Does a Last Value Queue store only a single message, or a single message per unique topic? What are some common use cases for them?
JMS With Proxy
I cannot seem to find a way to use the Solace Java JMS library to create a client that will connect to an existing publisher outside my company network. The documentation seems to allude to being able to set a SOCKS5 proxy in the host property, but when I try to do that, I receive an error that there are too many colons in…
Graylog Content Pack
To ease of support, I am wondering any Graylog content pack is available for Solace
Horizontal scaling of event brokers?
I am investigating creating a HA PubSub+ broker setup, but a single primary broker will not have enough capacity for my needs. Do I need to create multiple triplet clusters and connect them? If so, how is load distributed between the clusters?
Getting BeanDefinitionOverrideException: Invalid Bean definition with name 'Queue_name.Group_name
Getting BeanDefinitionOverrideException: Invalid Bean definition with name 'Queue_name.Group_name.errors.recoverer' defined in null: Can not register bean definition[ErrorMessageSendingRecoverer] Help Me solve this issue
Solace Channel Interceptors
I am trying to implement common functionality in my methods marked with @StreamListener. I tried registering a GlobalChannelInterceptor but found that the postReceive/afterReceive methods are not triggered when a message is received. Only the preSend/postSend/afterSendCompletion callbacks are executed when sending a…
Any reference on how to map RabbitMQ patterns to Solace patterns
Hi, I am looking out for any reference material which describes how to migrate a messaging solution from RabbitMQ to Solace? For example, RabbitMQ describes certain messaging patterns @ https://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html , what I am looking for is a short guide which helps map these patterns and how to realize them…
How to put a timeout on receiving messages in asynchronous mode in C Solace API?
Can anyone please share any idea. I want to pass a timeout value within which the message must be received in C Solace Api. receive(timeout) is there for Java Api. Is there anything similar in Solace C api.
"Request reply guaranteed messaging using Solace C Api" along with Timeout.
Hi Team, I went through this link "https://docs.solace.com/API-Developer-Online-Ref-Documentation/c/ex_2_r_r_guaranteed_requester_8c-example.html" . The link shows a way of doing it but is there any other way? I came to know about "RRGuaranteedRequestor" and "RRGuaranteedReplier". I want to create a functionality which…
GARBAGE CHARACTER getting added in messages received in Request/Reply messaging method.
Hi Team, I am using request and reply mechanism to send and receive messages. After I have sent the message, in the receiving Callback method i found that a garbage character is getting added at the end of the message. So on receiving the message, i am getting the garbage character, Following is the way i am sending…
solace running in docker not able to connect to ws port
I am running solace using docker with the below command. But I am not able to connect to websocket from TryMe!.... ws://localhost:8080 docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 55555:55555 --shm-size=1g --env username_admin_globalaccesslevel=admin --env username_admin_password=admin --name=solace solace/solace-pubsub-standard
Which IOT Edge gateway product did you mention during the Solace EMEA community event?
This is a question for @TomF