Config-Sync not successful after failover to backup node
Hello All Recently we have issue on config-sync in Solace HA setup. solace usual setup with primary / backup / Monitor. there is no issue with Redundancy, when we move primary to backup. The same time Config-sync show down one of the environment. same setup with 5 set of solace HA was up and running no issue. except the…
SolAdmin releases
Version This maintenance release of SolAdmin includes: * The Commons Collections component was updated to address CVE-2015-6420 and CVE-2017-15708 and internal test code that included a hard-coded secret was removed. (reference # SOL-38177) * SolAdmin now uses Pre-emptive Basic Negotiation when sending requests to…
[Weekly Quizzicles] How many days can a message be left unconsumed in a Solace queue?
Solace Topic Endpoint - Non exclusive, Guaranteed delivery
Hi , I want to create a topic endpoint which will allow message persistence in the topic endpoint , allow multiple consumers and assures guaranteed delivery of messages. Topic endpoint will be subscribed only to one topic I am planning to create durable topic endpoint for the same. Is this the right approach? As per the…
Not getting data from Queue while consumed using Spring Boot ,But Solace end its showing data sent
I am facing while consume(""q-51685-stavi-pymt-rtgs-outward") the data from Solace queue not getting any data , but in Solace its showing data consumed , its happening in System integration Testing. While publishing we are able to publish the data in 2 different topics to Solace. Already 2 days gone our solace team also…
Automating configuration with cli scripts
Hi, Is there an option to automate configuration scripts written with cli commands. For example: enableconfiguremessage-pool message-vpn defaultcreate queue <MYQUEUE>no shutdownexitexitexit Having a file create_queue.sh with above statements and execute a command something like: solacectl cli create_queue.sh. Is there any…
Logstash input and output plugins for Solace
Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that I've started writing some dedicated/native plugins for Logstash using JCSMP, both an input plugin (reads messages off Solace and injects into Logstash), and output plugin (takes Logstash events and publishes as Solace messages). Logstash has been around forever, and integrates…
Levels for naming topic/queue names
Is it always required to provide pattern of all 4 levels when we create a solace topic?
Slow producer - Facing delay in JMS producer over solace queue
In my application I am facing delay in JCSMPXMLMessageProducer close to ~12ms and I have close to 500K messages to be produced which is causing over all delay in my publisher module ,Below are my publisher logs , Highlighted lines clearly shows producer got response after 12 MS which is huge 2021-07-17 03:20:58.846 [main]…
[Weekly Quizzicles] Which supports guaranteed messaging: DMR or MNR?
Changing size of a solace kubernetes deployment
Hi all, I'm relatively new to Solace on Kubernetes. We currently have a standalone deployment running in an Azure kubernetes cluster. Its the default prod100 size and uses persisted volumes. Its deployed via helm. Recently we hit the size limit of 100 as the number of users connecting increased. I figured out that we need…
PubSub+ Insights is available now!
PubSub+ Insights allows you to monitor and manage the behavior and performance of your deployed PubSub+ Event Broker services. In particular, it offers * hundreds of metrics for monitoring the health and performance of your event broker services * pre-built, best-practices dashboards and monitors to cover most of your…
Kafka Summit APAC July 27/28 - come watch our LIVE demos!!!
https://youtu.be/xPuPKBsMEHQ Hi Community! As mentioned last week on my Office Hours, next week is the Kafka Summit in APAC, July 27th and 28th. Solace is a gold sponsor, and so we have a booth and everything. And it's free to attend the conference, so you should definitely show up! REGISTER HERE: Kafka Summit 2021 APAC…
How to access services running on your machine from your broker running in Docker
Do you need to access your local machine's network from inside your broker running on Docker? For instance, I wanted to create a REST endpoint so I could send some data from an RDP in a broker running in Docker. The problem is that you can't use localhost or For example, if I start my REST endpoint at port 9010…
Integration testing without a broker
Hi, I am using solace java jcsmp and want to do some integration tests across gradle modules. The main issue is that we can't use a solace broker in this particular case, so using a local container with the broker isn't an option. Is there an alternative such as mocking the broker somehow?
Dynamic Queues
Hi All, How to disable dynamic Queue creation feature in Solace
How frequent Solace release new features, Any Release cycle/notes dashboard link
How frequent Solace release new features, Any Release cycle/notes dashboard link
Special characters (/, *,>,!) in SEMPv2
We have queue subscription topics that contain special characters like (/, asterick, !, >). We to want use SEMP V2 to delete particular subscriptions for a queue. I found the below SEMP v2 call to delete. /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/queues/{queueName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionTopic} But, since my subcriptionTopic…
[Weekly Quizzicles] Currently, in how many ways can you initiate Message Replay on a queue?
Connection attempt failed to host '' ConnectException com.solacesystems.jcsmp
I was following the below page to use solace using docker. https://solace.com/products/event-broker/software/getting-started/ It installed and I can see solace is running as well but I am not able to connect it. I tried using the browser (localhost:8080) as mentioned on the page. Nothing running. I tried with JAVA API on…
Tips to clear the EDA practitioner exam!
First of all, I'm happy to share that I've got my second solace certification, which is the EDA practitioner one. It's a great way to validate the skills and build some confidence as well. So, I would like to add some tips here that might help y'all in achieving this: * The training required for this cert is 'Event Driven…
[Weekly Quizzicles] The process of exposing APIs in a legacy application makes it event driven.
SEMP script required for Enabling/Disabling VPN
I am trying to write powershell/BASH script to enable/disable VPN. Can anyone give me a sample script (BASH or powershell) Assume My VPN URL is this: let's assume user name is admin. Password is ADMpwd1
Choosing a broker version > 9.6 on Solace PubSub+ Cloud on Developer service type (eval)
By default the version 9.6 is selected - and there are no other versions of Broker available to choose from the list. How do we get access to latest versions?
Taking Solace Essentials course. Attempting to do the Introduction section, but it doesn't work.
Taking Solace Essentials course. Attempting to do the Introduction section, but it doesn't work. Tried with both IE and Chrome.
Propagation of messages in a DMR cluster(external link)
Hi there, I have 4 nodes, solacesingle1primary and solaceha1primary form a DMR: Cluster-Test (internal link), singleevaluation2primary and solaceha2primary form another DMR: Cluster-Another (internal link). I connect the two DMR clusters Cluster-Test and Cluster-Another with an external link, and solacesingle1primary and…
[Weekly Quizzicles] What does Solace compression compress?
How to trigger a solace supplier
I have a supplier function that will produce messages to a solace broker. By default, the supplier is called every second to generate messages. But in my case, I want to explicitly call the supplier based on an internal event. How do I do that?
Spring cloud stream | Scaling
I just wanted to understand couple of things here.. * If i have 10 consumer configured then for each queue i see 10 consumer/subscription, that's going to be a lot no doubt because i have 50 queue and there will be like 50 *10 = 500 consumers and there are certain infra limitation within the organisation so i will reduce…
spring cloud stream
cloud: stream: bindings: inbound: destination: TestQueue group: perf concurrency: 2 I get 403 Permission Not allowed whenever i add a group name what is causing issue ? TcpClientChannel : Error Response (403) - Permission Not Allowed - Queue