Solace Developer Spotlight: D Rajesh Kumar (aka rajeshdns)
Hometown: Dhone (a small town in Andhra Pradesh), India Live in: Helsinki, Finland (recently moved from Bangalore, India because of work) Years of being a developer/architect: 16 Technical competencies: MuleSoft, Java/J2ee, Cloud Computing (Azure , AWS). How did you start as a developer? I started my career with Jamcracker…
EBAY: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World
I found this article pretty exciting and figured I'd share: AsyncAPI 2.0: Enabling the Event-Driven World Shekhar Banerjee, a principal architect at Ebay, talks about how they're adopting the use of AsyncAPI for their event-driven initiatives, how they're applying it to their microservices evolution, and even had a few…
How can we publish Blog in Solace Community
How can we publish Blog in Solace Community
History shapes the Future – but EVENTS stitches the two
Source: Gartner “Stream Processing: The New Data Processing Paradigm” 9 April 2019, Sumit Pal A real-time data (aka event) would eventually become stale, historical data. Is there more to gain from Events than the historical data? I think so! My thought on Events and the influence they wield in the modern systems' design –…
Books on Solace (Pubsub+)
Is there any book reelased on Solace (Pubsub+) ? Or any online Tutorals for Architect and Developers ?
Queue: It's a Noun... It's a Verb... It's Both (2 of 2)
Queue as a noun, represents a list of objects, commands, etc., stored in a retrievable, definite order in the order of insertion. Queue as a verb, represents an operation to (re)arrange items from the set of operations such as dequeue, browse, replicate, empty, etc available on a queue. Solace Queues are created and…
spring cloud stream, queue provisioning
@marc HI Mark I am setting so many properties repeatedly can you please help me how can i set most of them default testQueue: producer: provisionDurableQueue: false queueNamePrefix: null useFamiliarityInQueueName: false useDestinationEncodingInQueueName: false autoBindErrorQueue: true consumer: provisionErrorQueue: false…
[Weekly Quizzicles] An event broker is the only thing you need to implement EDA.
Batch Mode Support on Spring Cloud Stream Solace Binder
We have an use case where in we need the consumer to receive a batch of messages and process them together as a unit and post it to an outbound topic. We want the batch to be acknowledged as a whole once the processing of batch is completed by the consumer. In spring cloud kafka binder we have a "batch-mode" functionality…
Spring cloud stream
Hi Guys Can you please let me know what is causing the issue, Commenting the logs, also what are the dependency required spring boot, spring cloud, gradle to use solace 2 and above version.
Span a DMR mesh across nodes running different PubSub+ Event Broker versions
For those of you who are asking, “Can I span a DMR mesh across nodes running different PubSub+ Event Broker versions?", the answer is Yes! You just need to make sure that all nodes in the mesh are running 9.6 or later.
Maximum node limit for a DMR cluster
Hi there, I want to know what is the limit of the maximum number of nodes in a DMR cluster (software event brokers)? I vaguely remember that the maximum is 15, but I'm not sure, and I can't find the documentation now, could anyone help me to find the answer?
Code sample to push data from solace to GCS bucket on GCP
Code sample to push data from solace to GCS bucket on GCP. Also does it support Outh 2.0 for authentication
Do we have dataflow batch connector for solace
Do we have dataflow batch connector for solace on GCP which can be scheduled .
[Weekly Quizzicles] What new features does Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for Python 1.1.0 include?
Release notes for versions before
I saw the release notes here and found only the release notes after I would like to know the release notes before this version, where should I go them, thanks. :)
Solace Platform for Practice
I am a new learner. I like to practice Solace Integration from Java and Python. Do I need to download Solace and install ? Or any Docker available ? Or is there Solace in Cloud that I can connect form My Java and Python for the practice ? I like to have 5 clients and 1 server and exchange the messages or events among them.…
How to disable TTL (Time to live) using solace-pubsubplus python library
I am following the sample programs present on this official repo of Solace. https://github.com/SolaceSamples/solace-samples-python/tree/master/samples The publication and subscription of messages are working, its just that I want the messages to be published with TTL set to False. I am not able to find any documentation or…
PubSub+ connection with NATS
Hello I need to get messages from a NATS (nats.io) plateform and publish them into PubSub+ where all our systems are connected I tried to find on nats.io a connector to PubSub+ (https://nats.io/download/#connectors-and-utilities) with no success. I tried to dig the forum with no success either. Is there already a connector…
[Poll] How do you start your day?
Async API Error in Event Portal + AsyncAPI Code Generation Codelab
When I run the command "ag -o RideDropoffProcessor -p binder=solace -p reactive=true -p artifactId=RideDropoffProcessor -p groupId=org.taxi.nyc -p javaPackage=org.taxi.nyc -p host=taxi.messaging.solace.cloud:55555 -p username=public-taxi-user -p password=iliketaxis -p msgVpn=nyc-modern-taxi…
[New Video] Event Topics: Kafka vs Solace Implementations
https://video.solace.com/watch/DeMUHktSKDKCbf5kXh4YJZ When you build operational and distributed applications and microservices using event-driven architecture and the pub/sub pattern, it is important to consider how you define your event topics. Do you want to use the flat topic structure by Kafka or an advanced event…
Solace Developer Spotlight: Nagaraju Kshathriya (aka NaGG)
Hometown: Chittoor, Awesome place in Andhra Pradesh, India Born and brought up in: Chittoor, India Years of being a developer: 4 Primary programming language(s): Little bit Python but most of the time, I’m into integration platforms and currently exploring MuleSoft as a developer/architect. How did you start as a…
Early Access is Now Available for the New Java API 🎉
Early Access is Now Available for the brand new "PubSub+ Messaging API for Java" 🎉 Solace Community members can find out more about the API in the "Early Access API" category here: https://solace.community/discussion/643/early-access-now-available-for-the-new-java-messaging-api
EDA Myths! What claims have you come across?
Howdy ya'll! EDA is one of the many topics I am passionate about and I am regularly involved with topics and conversations about it in the community. Just like any other domain, there are some claims and myths in EDA that people exchange every now and then. I wanted to start this conversation here to hear from you all:…
Solace spring cloud stream support
Couple of questions i have * Does solace has compress support for producer ? producer: compress: true * Does autoBindError Queue is supported only in consumer or producer ? * if i enable error-channel-enabled: true, is there a way to listen to all the error together in one channel, and i would be able to drop them back to…
ALERT : Mate Link Port x/x/x: Is Down
Hi Team, This is for active /standby setup. getting error on both side. Getting this error in both solace boxes. Redundancy is up in primary node (local Active) and AD-active. In Secondary Node - Mate Active and AD-Standby. What can we check for the given error? In Primary node ALERT : Mate Link Port x/x/1: Is Down In…
Difference between the Boomi Generic JMS Connector and Boomi Solace JMS Connector
Hi, we're evaluating Solace in combination with Boomi. What are the differences between the Boomi Generic JMS Connector or the Boomi Solace JMS Connector?
Solace message compression
How can i check if the message is compressed?? Q1. if i connect solace session with the compressed port , then all messages send out would be compressed ?? Q2. if i connect solace session with normal port (no compression), can i manually set the compression level in solace session property instead ?? So that all messages…
Getting Connection object when using JMSListener
Hi, Is there any way to get the handle of Connection object when using @jmslistener? @Bean(name = "FeeBillConnectionFactory") public JmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory){ DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory = new…