SSL/TLS connection rejected by remote host
Below error is triggered and fills the log file event and system log files. Please assist what could be the issue. 2021-08-25T09:46:47.432+00:00 <local3.info> **** SOLACEINFO: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTION_REJECTED: - - SSL Connection rejected: reason (Connection closed by remote host); connection to from…
(403) - Publish ACL Denied
Team, I am using Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter for sending a message to a topic and getting the following error(403) - Publish ACL Denied solace.jms.host=tcps://hostname:30969solace.jms.msgVpn=integrationsolace.jms.clientUsername=usernamesolace.jms.clientPassword=passwordspring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true…
Spring Boot JMS Retry Connect configuration
I am using SpringBoot Solace JMS AutoConfig and i would like to know how can we add connect retires and reconnect-retries to the JMSTemplate and JMSListener. We are using the Solace Java client Library and we can handle this configuration through the below properties . solace.java.connect-retries…
Message Priorities using REST Messaging
Hi all, Is there any way to set the message priority (https://docs.solace.com/PubSub-Basics/Message-Priority.htm) when publishing messages via REST? I have seen a note in the Solace REST documentation that REST does not support JMS message priorities - is this the same concept as the one linked before or are these…
Hello is it possible to create subdomains in the portal designer? As in Accounting (Domain) / Receivables (subdomain) or do you just name the Domain Accounting_Receivables? and of course Accounting_Payables....
Receiving Event Logs via the Message Broker
When receiving event logs with a consumer, there doesn't seem to be any message text/body. Does the message topic contain all of the available information, or am I missing something?
[Weekly Quizzicles] In JCSMP, does message.ackMessage() acknowledge all messages or only one?
Solace Spring JMSListner
Team, I am new to the Solace and i am currently using in the Solace SpringBoot JMS. I have created a Queue and Published 500 Message to it. I want to implement a Multithreading behavior to my consumer which will consume the message parallelly and process instead of one by one. I have added the minimum concurrency as 5 and…
Consumer Application Server going down
We are seeing below error in JVM Heap Dump and our Consumer Application servers going down everytime: "Context_115_jms_1868_ConsumerDispatcher" #6387 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=0.21ms elapsed=70319.77s tid=0x00007fda7031d800 nid=0x1e08 waiting on condition [0x00007fda26f16000] java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking) at…
JMS API connection factory route to different VPN
I don't see a set target VPN name, while creating the connection factory, so after the connection factory lookup the messages are going to the same VPN where the lookup is done, but I want to redirect the messages to different VPN. is it possible? It is like routing to different VPN for the actual data, and all the clients…
Dealing with messages in Dead message Queue
Hi Team, How to process the messages in Dead msg queue and how long messages remain on solace queue?
[Weekly Quizzicles] When are the messages in a queue moved from the original queue to the DMQ?
Azure Event Bus, RabbitMQ and PUBSUB
Hello still very new to Solace and PUBSUB. I have a Azure Microservice project using RabbitMQ as my event bus. Does Solace have its own preferred event bus?
Integration Testing with Solace
All, I have a java based spring cloud stream application that publishes messages to solace topics based on an internal trigger. I am using StreamBridge to publish messages. I want to write integration test cases for it for which I need to bring up a solace server. Any idea on the best ways to do it? Thanks in advance!
Local ( docker to Local solace connection failure.
Kindly help. @marc @JamilAhmed @Neha I am getting the connection failure error when i tried to connect from Local Docker ( simple application Spring cloud - Function Processor) to solace Localhost. I checked the /etc/hosts in my Mac and see that it is correctly mapped for localhost. Please note that before deploying to…
Solace Community Lightning Talk 2.0 is here! 🎉
Back at it again Hey Solace Community! We are back again with round ✌️ of our Solace Community Lightning Talks. Back by popular demand, this time we will be hosting our lightning talks event in August 2021 (stay tuned for more details) and we'll be highlighting members of our community and their cool projects What is it?…
Cross Domain events and topics
Hello. New to Solace development. Can you map an event/topic from one domain to another? Invoice (Domain) microservice sends to a Payables Domain microservice subscriber? Therefore on the Designer graph you would see the flow arrows connecting the Domains then as you drill down into a Domain you see the internal…
Domain in Solace versus the DDD or Domain Driven Design
Hello, I see in your RideShare sample domain you include the client apps as in driver app in the domain. In microservices design normally client apps are not included in domains or sub domains only backends. Is the Solace model for domain different? if so why?
Solace Developer Spotlight: Heiko Henning
Hometown: Thun, Switzerland Years of being a developer: 18 years as a professional developer Primary programming language(s): Java, Typescript How did you start as a developer? I started as a classical web developer and turned more and more to enterprise software. What is your typical day like? As a messaging architect, I…
[Blog post for developers] Designing the flow of events at an asset management firm
If you are an architect or a developer at an asset management firm, I want to make your job a bit easier by showing you a system and a platform that can help you understand the flow of event-driven information throughout your organization. For starters, imagine being asked to explain your entire workflow to an…
Getting started with Solace - Developers and Architects
I put this quick start together for a partner training session. Sharing here in case it's of use to anyone looking for a guided hands on pathway to learning about Solace And Event Driven. Developer Pathway 1 – Getting started: get-started-basics 2 – Build A real world application in Spring -…
TaskCompletionSource as CorrelationKey for guaranteed messages - safe async?
Suppose I wish to publish guaranteed messages, but I want to wrap the solace callback guts inside a library which is a little more modern - for example, using the TAP. Is there any reason why something like the following would be unsafe? For this example, assume send blocking is enabled (although I think this could be…
Queue to Topic Mapping List For Solace VPN
We use Solace queue to topic subscription mapping extensively in our Solace Ecosystem and most of time Application is not aware about underling queue and whenever application face any issue they provide VPN name and topic to administration team to check ! Now from here main pain point begin, because we have multiple…
Secure Connection on LocalHost (C API)
Hi, I am using the solace localhost to connect to my applications. I am able to do a default connection, but the secure connection is giving me an issue. I am running my localhost as: ./farePub tcps://localhost:55443 default admin admin topic ../ssl The error I am getting is: SDK NOTICE Thu Aug 19 18:47:26.741 2021…
Welcome to the Community!
Here are some tips and tricks for using this forum: * Use the reactions. These let you share how you feel about other’s comments. The most liked content shows up on the Best Of page. * Mention others. Put an @ symbol before the username to mention someone. They’ll get notified when you do. * Update your notification…
How does .Net(C#) Consumer obtain MessageID value? Tks.
No "MessageID" properties in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.IMessage. According to the documentation: This field is generated by the Solace platform and cannot be changed by the sending application I can saw messageID on the Solace message management site , messageID value is "18943221297" But I don’t know how to get…
Latency test between 2 appliances in 2 Diff DC
Hi Team, Looking of suggestion to do a latency test across DC **solace connectivity **connected via Bridge component. Solace (DC 1) <> BRIDGE bi directional <> Solace (DC2) How can we use sdkperf in this case , where publisher and consumer not connected to same DC ? Any suggestion is very much appreciated!
Tibco BusinessWorks 6.x integration with Solace
Hi, I learnt from the link (https://docs.solace.com/Developer-Tools/Integration-Guides/Solace-JMS-Integration-TIBCO-ActiveMatrix-BusinessWorks.pdf) that Solace can be integrated with Tibco BusinessWorks 5.x. But not able to find any materials on how to integrate Solace with Tibco BusinessWorks 6.x. Is there a way to…
[Blog post for developers] PubSub+ Message Handling Features: Reject-Message-to-Sender-on-Discard
In this blog post, Leah Robert covers the persistent messaging feature Reject Message to Sender on Discard, a long name, and an important endpoint property for defining certain scenarios when publishers should receive negative acknowledgements. This blog post explains: * What is the Reject-to-Sender endpoint property? *…
Secure connection on Local Host
Hi, I am using the Solace Software as a Docker container. I am able to establish a default connection (localhost:55555) and compressed connection (localhost:55003) with the broker. For the secured connection, I enabled the port 55443 while running the container, but when I try to establish a secure connection it gives me…