PubSub+ Connector for Kafka Connect 2.1.0 is available now!
PubSub+ Connector for Kafka Connect 2.1.0 has been released and is available for download now. Release Summary: * (Sink) Added the capability for record processor implementations to be configurable through the connector configuration. * (Sink) Added the sol.emit.kafka.record.headers.enabled connector configuration option…
Selecting queues from SEMP monitor api where message count > 0 ?
Is there any way to query queues from SEMP and filter based on the message count? If I try to add a where clause to the URL with msgs.count I get the following error: "where query error: Collection 'msgs' not allowed". If not, I'll just load all queues and filter in my application. Thanks, Pete
PubSub+ Connector for MuleSoft Anypoint Platform 1.0.0 is live now!
PubSub+ Connector for MuleSoft Anypoint Platform 1.0.0 has been released and is available for download! Release Summary: * Use the PubSub+ Connector to leverage PubSub+ Event Broker (event streaming) and PubSub+ Event Portal (event management) within the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform to make your MuleSoft integrations more…
Prevent Queue subscribing application to receive another message until ACK is sent
Hi there, I have a consuming application using the solace .NET client API which binds to an exclusive queue. May aim is to process messages in order without any loss. Suppose I have the following messages on the Queue: msg1, msg2, and msg3. Let's say I have received msg1 and am processing it on the FlowMessageHandler in my…
[New blog post for developers] New Java Messaging API Now Available
Last month Solace released version 1.0 of a new messaging API for Java. Why is it version 1.0 when we already have a Java API, you might ask? This blog post breaks that down first, then introduces the new one and explain why it’s such a big deal. This blog post covers the following: * A Tale of Two Java APIs * Why a Second…
solace_replyto header is failed to retrieve in spring cloud stream
Hi Team, We are getting the below error when get the solace_replyto header. Please help to check. Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incorrect type specified for header 'scst_targetDestination'. Expected [class java.lang.String] but actual type is [class com.solacesystems.jcsmp.impl.TopicImpl]
Sample code for request/reply design by using Spring Cloud Stream
Hi, I am new to solace and my application is using solace request/reply by using old approach. I have planned to use spring cloud stream in my project for the below scenarios. please refer the below use case and help me with samples: I have three microservice services in my application ServiceA -- > Request the message to…
How to keep message listener up and running to asynchronously keep receiving messages
Hi, I am using JCSMP API. For listening to messages. I am using asynchronous receiving by implementing XMLMessageListener. Once I started FlowReceiver, it starts listening to messages, my program terminates after some time. I want my listener to be up and running until I terminate my program. Is it possible keep the…
Detect which services are alive
Hi, we have several services which use Solace to communicate. We also want to notify users if some service is not running. To do that every service publishes a heartbeat to a topic service-name/heartbeat and when the heartbeat stops we assume that the service is not running. This is working, but I'm wondering if there is a…
downgrade of software brokers?
Hi Experts, I have a quick quesiton. Is it possible to "downgrade" software brokers? I found procedures for "appliance" but not "software". Many thanks in advance, Kia
JMS Message Handling Scenarios
I am coming through the Solace docs trying to figure out the differences between various JMS pub/sub configurations and how the message and acks would be handled. Here are my scenarios. What I am trying to identify is when an ack is sent, when a message is spooled to disk vs retained in memory, and when/how a message may…
Boomi Solace Connector: Send operation failed due to maximum size limit
Hi, I am using Boomi and Solace Connector. I am gtting information from Database and mapping to XML profile and trying to push xml to Solace queue (Send) operation. Just 2000 db records it was erroring as Error : [400] SEND's operation combined incoming documents exceed allowed size of [ 1048576 bytes ]. . Did we have any…
cli to legacy semp for session-idle-timeout
Hello Solace-Community, new Solace user here :smile: We are currently developing our own terraform solace provider and are now at a point where we want to be able to configure some broker settings through terraform. For that we are using the semp v2 api whenever possible but have to fall back to the legacy semp from time…
spring cloud stream
compile("com.solace.spring.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-stream-solace:3.1.0") when i add this dependency to my project using spring boot 2.3.12. Its downloading 2.4.3 jar also ( when removed it doesn't ) where as i tried 2 other project its not the case over there they still use 2.3.12 and does not download 2.4.3 and use it…
Publish / Subscribe - REST Way
I have been following article https://tutorials.solace.dev/rest-messaging/publish-subscribe/ for long time but not really able to get it 100% working. Below are some of the issue I am confused with 1. Operational state of my RDP, Rest Consumer and Q is down but they are enabled. 2. Node Server is up and running and below…
Spring Cloud Stream publishing messages
I have heard that SCS should no longer be used together with flux (flux destroys that: retry handling, error handling, transmission confirmation). With StreamBridge messages can be published. But in my opinion the StreamBridge is not quite consistent with the other declarative and functional handling of SCS. Are there…
Pull message from a queue on an adhoc basis
Hi, I have a requirement to use spring cloud stream binder for solace to connect and pull messages from a queue. The application should not listen to that queue continuously instead it should try to pull the message based on a scheduled time interval. Could you pls help me how to achieve this with minimal java code? Thanks
Use LVQ to run in Master/Slave mode
Hi, I wanted to run my service in 2 regions in master/slave mode. Is it possible to use an LVQ to achieve this? What I am thinking is that whenever the service starts it will try to connect to an LVQ and as per my understanding only one can have access to it. (Is it correct assumption?) If so, that process will act as a…
Quick-and-dirty REST server for RDP testing
Hi there! I thought I'd share a (possibly!) useful snippet of code that you can use to receive REST requests, and respond with a canned body. It's in Node. I don't know Node, so apologies if it's not glamourous code. I was inspired by the "Simple REST Consumer" on this tutorial:…
Trying to understand Consumer Ack Window
I think that I have totally misunderstood the consumer flow ack window, and am trying to figure this out. Does the consumer ack window dictate the max number of messages unacked by the JCSMP API, or by the application? I have client acknowledgement enabled, and want to throttle the application so that the broker does not…
upgrade procedure of monitoring node
Hi experts, I have a redundancy env including two msg-routing nodes and one monitoring node as Active/Standby, and want to confirm upgrade procedure(s) of the monitoring node, which is not mentioned in the doc below. https://docs.solace.com/Solace-Appliance-Upgrade/Upgrade-Redundant-Appliances.htm#With Could anyone help me…
Do I need to close my JCSMP consumer/session on application shutdown?
I generally like to close resources gracefully when shutting down an application, and ran into a scenario where my queue consumer still had an outstanding message that it tried to ack() after the consumer had been closed, so I got the message "Attempted an operation on a closed message consumer." If upon shutdown I instead…
Unable to create a Polling Consumer
I want to create a polling consumer which is written in myFunction the queue is : Test and topic is abc/test **I have also autowired PollableMessageSource source and used this polling source in my function however, it is not fetching values from topic, is my configuration incorrect? *** spring: cloud: function: definition:…
Spring cloud stream with solace
Couple of question i have for solace binder, 1. I tried an example for DLQ functionality where i could throw exception from the listener and it was published to error queue, does solace has any mechanism to reprocess them, except that we add a listener and reprocess manually/code. Even same for DMQ.
@StreamListener(target = Sink.INPUT, condition = "headers['eventType']=='EmployeeTransferredEvent'"
I am using latest version of solace streaming and want to filter messages based on header but I see @StreamListener is deprecated and how to achieve this with properties file i have seen queueAdditionalSubscriptions but its filtering based on topic and not on header properties. solace: #The solace bindings section allows…
Open APIs - streaming : which to use??
Hi all, Looking for some opinions here!! When exposing a request/reply style interface, REST-over-HTTP is the defacto standard for applications, especially web and cloud apps. GraphQL and gRPC are gaining ground. But if you wanted to expose an asynchronous / streaming service (e.g. to publish temperature updates, bus…
Boomi V2 Connector released 🎉
We have released our version 2 of the Boomi connector! Check out a tutorial on our codelab site here https://codelabs.solace.dev/codelabs/boomi-v2-getting-started. You can also check out other codelabs that uses our Boomi Solace connector by filtering on the 'Boomi' category. What's new? Some of the new features with this…
Solace PubSub+ Event Broker (Software & Appliance) new versions are released
The following Solace PubSub+ Platform products have been released and are available for download: * Solace PubSub+ Event Broker: Software version * Solace PubSub+ Event Broker: Appliance version Please refer to the product release notes for information on new features, changed functionality, resolved…
SEMPv2 - Your Solace Broker comes with the OpenAPI docs!
Beyond getting the SEMPv2 OpenAPI specs from our downloads page, did you know the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker allows you to access the openapi spec for the SEMPv2 API directly from it? You can access human readable docs at: * Config API - http://<HOST:PORT>/SEMP/v2/config/help * Action API -…
When we create new consumer then it is creating queue in fomart scst/wk/exclusive/plain/*
How to avoid creating this queue because it creates extra queue. I want to listen on queue which is already created and just map to it