solace broker WSS connection issue
WSS connection is not getting established for solace. Neither with/out corporate vpn.
[Weekly Quizzicles] When Message Replay is enabled, what can you request?
Applying backpressure to a flow by blocking in the MessageEventHandler
I have a few days of free time and so I am developing a new branch of my Solace subscriber wrapper library. I thought I'd play with exposing the message stream as an IAsyncEnumerable. I decided to use a System.Threading.Channels.Channel with a bounded capacity for this. The idea is to (usually) quickly let the message…
Hi there Solace Community, My next device that will try to use has OPC-UA, but from what I read until now about this topic, the only way to connect to this to the broker will be through MQTT PubSub. Is there or do You know if it will in a future, a way to connect directly a device that uses the OPC-UA to the Solace Broker,…
Try-Me seems to send message as byte[] array and not text
Hi, Using the the try-me functionality of the Solace Cloud Console to publish a message. The problem is that it seems to sends the message as byte array while my consumer code expects it to be a string. I don't want to change the consumer code but rather instruct Try-Me to send message as text and receive it as is. Is it…
Client username (sender id?)
Is there a way to get username of a sender of a message? As a consumer I want to know the name used to authenticate (basic or gss auth scheme) sender session. Obviously I dont want sender application to attach this as client can't be trusted so maybe VPN can attach this? I need this ID for further-more granular application…
Solace & Dapr
Has anyone integrated Solace with DAPR? (dapr.io) MQTT is supported, so should be possible : https://docs.dapr.io/reference/components-reference/supported-pubsub/ Interested to hear if anyone has tested it.
Python - Additional properties for with_missing_resources_creation_strategy()
Hi, As a python subscriber to an external broker, we are only limited to create Durable Exclusive queue via SMF Api. Since there's an existing method prior to starting the receiver, with_missing_resources_creation_strategy(), by default its endpoint created on a permission for that queue is Delete. However, it is required…
Using Selectors in Solace PHP SMF
Hello all, is there a way to use Message selectors in the PHP SMF library similar to the other Solace interfaces ( https://tutorials.solace.dev/jcsmp/message-selectors/ ) ? If not, do you have any other idea how we can easily receive messages via PHP using message selectors? Thanks a lot and best regards from Mannheim,…
Working Principle For Solace Loopback Bridge
Hi, I have question around Solace loopback Message VPN Bridge which is used for link two Message VPNs on same event broker. Let's say we have Appliance Name “Router_DC_1” and there are 2 VPN i.e. VPN_A & VPN_C, Now both VPN is linked together via bridge (VPN_A_to_VPN_C) on same appliance. There is DR for this setup on…
Gaps and direct vs guaranteed messaging
Assume I disabled reconnect on Solace session - so once the session is down it will stay down. Now I have a publisher which is publishing messages A, B, C (in order and all messages have the same priority). (1) Suppose the publisher is publishing to topic T and uses direct messaging. Can it happen that only messages A and…
Hi, I am encountering an error when trying to establish a connection to the broker. I'm using TLS with certificate in the transport security strategy. Here is my code: transport_security = TLS.create() \ .with_certificate_validation(True, validate_server_name=True, trust_store_file_path=trust_store_path)messaging_service =…
XMLMessageProducer - java.io.NotSerializableException
Hi I am new to Solace. I have been trying to use Solace with Spark cluster with DStream. My sample code for producer looks like this private XMLMessageProducer managerProducer; // In my init method, I am creating the instance of managerProducer like shown below managerProducer = session.getMessageProducer(new…
Basic Configuration Defaults
Hey, What are basic Configuration Defaults required for software event broker?? Read good stuff here, https://docs.solace.com/Solace-SW-Broker-Set-Up/Starting-SW-Brokers-for-the-First-Time/Set-Up-KVM.htm#VMR. Can you brief more on it??
How to get SDTMap properties in Spring Cloud Stream
We are using SDTMap to set custom application properties in one service which produce message..which uses normal springboot service. We access solace message api and create SDTMap. In Consumer we use spring cloud stream to receive and process. How to get SDTMap properties in Spring Cloud Stream?
[Weekly Quizzicles] What level of logs are the logs from over-the-message-bus?
Not able to access any of those solace specific headers,
@StreamListener("solace-test") public void onMessage(Message<String> message){ Destination destination = message.getHeaders().get(SolaceHeaders.DESTINATION, Destination.class); System.out.println("DESTINATION :: " + destination.getName()); System.out.println("MESSAGE " + message.getPayload());…
Python - publish and subscribe message with message in the Content and not in the Attachment
In our current use case we will be expecting published messages to be stored in the Attachment or in Content from our external broker. Our python subscriber currently can read published messages via get_payload_as_string() or get_payload_as_bytes().decode("utf-8"). 1. How can we publish a message via python and stored as a…
Transactional applications in event driven approach
I understand the benefits of event driven approach which is like decoupling the applications and making the integration seamless with more reliability but there is a bit of delay in as well with event driven more on the side for the call backs and so in case of an ecommerce application which has payment transaction…
How to set ssl validate certificate to false in python
I am Implementing Solace pubsub solution in python and trying to disable ssl_validate_vertificate . It is working fine in Java but not how to set same in python I tried this way: "solace.messaging.ssl_validate_certificate":False"solace.messaging.ssl_validate_certificate_date":False But it's not working. getting error…
OAuth2 Missing or invalid "expires_in" error with Azure Event Hubs connector
Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to Solace and I've been trying to setup the Azure Event Hubs connector. We are running Standard edition in a docker container. After following the wizard to configure the connector I'm getting an error back for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Authentication; Last Failure Reason: Missing or…
SSL/TLS connection rejected by remote host
Below error is triggered and fills the log file event and system log files. Please assist what could be the issue. 2021-08-25T09:46:47.432+00:00 <local3.info> **** SOLACEINFO: SYSTEM: SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTION_REJECTED: - - SSL Connection rejected: reason (Connection closed by remote host); connection to from…
(403) - Publish ACL Denied
Team, I am using Solace JMS Spring Boot Starter for sending a message to a topic and getting the following error(403) - Publish ACL Denied solace.jms.host=tcps://hostname:30969solace.jms.msgVpn=integrationsolace.jms.clientUsername=usernamesolace.jms.clientPassword=passwordspring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true…
Spring Boot JMS Retry Connect configuration
I am using SpringBoot Solace JMS AutoConfig and i would like to know how can we add connect retires and reconnect-retries to the JMSTemplate and JMSListener. We are using the Solace Java client Library and we can handle this configuration through the below properties . solace.java.connect-retries…
Message Priorities using REST Messaging
Hi all, Is there any way to set the message priority (https://docs.solace.com/PubSub-Basics/Message-Priority.htm) when publishing messages via REST? I have seen a note in the Solace REST documentation that REST does not support JMS message priorities - is this the same concept as the one linked before or are these…
Hello is it possible to create subdomains in the portal designer? As in Accounting (Domain) / Receivables (subdomain) or do you just name the Domain Accounting_Receivables? and of course Accounting_Payables....
Receiving Event Logs via the Message Broker
When receiving event logs with a consumer, there doesn't seem to be any message text/body. Does the message topic contain all of the available information, or am I missing something?
[Weekly Quizzicles] In JCSMP, does message.ackMessage() acknowledge all messages or only one?
Solace Spring JMSListner
Team, I am new to the Solace and i am currently using in the Solace SpringBoot JMS. I have created a Queue and Published 500 Message to it. I want to implement a Multithreading behavior to my consumer which will consume the message parallelly and process instead of one by one. I have added the minimum concurrency as 5 and…
Consumer Application Server going down
We are seeing below error in JVM Heap Dump and our Consumer Application servers going down everytime: "Context_115_jms_1868_ConsumerDispatcher" #6387 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=0.21ms elapsed=70319.77s tid=0x00007fda7031d800 nid=0x1e08 waiting on condition [0x00007fda26f16000] java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking) at…