How to delete a subscription using Solace CLI
Hello, I created a subscription using 6f09e644721e(configure/message-spool/queue)# subscription topic entity/created How do I delete this subscription? Thanks.
Complete this short survey to help us know the community better. You may also win a $100 voucher!
We’re constantly thinking about how we can make this community a better place for you to discuss Solace PubSub+ and engage with other developers. In order to do that, we have prepared a short survey so that we better understand your needs. Please fill in the survey. It takes only 4 minutes. You will be entered for a chance…
Spring Cloud Stream - Solace JMS Client Passwords configuration
Hi All, Let me share steps we use for us, 1. We have autoconfiguration for queues and topics, (using solace binders(Sink, Source, StreamBinders)) 2. We have solace auto configurations 3. Solace clients( random generated clients) connects to queues 4. I have to decrypt the password and inject the same password in runtime by…
Is there a way to run Solace without a container?
Hello, I'm looking for a way to run Solace standalone on a server without any sort of container and not on any cloud platform. I can't see any executables provided on the developer site, are there any available?
Tutorial: Teaching How to Use the Solace MuleSoft Connector
Late October, Solace released the PubSub+ Connector for MuleSoft Anypoint Platform 1.0.0. You can see the release notes here and download it from MuleSoft Exchange. To help developers to learn how to use the connector, community member @citurria has written the tutorial (Thank you, Carlos!). The following is an excerpt of…
Spring cloud stream support solace
Give the autogenerated binding a friendlier name spring.cloud.stream.function.bindings.supplyLoan-out-0=output what would be the equivalent of this in solace configuration ? =================================================== Supplier loanSupplier = () -> { Loan loan = new Loan(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), names.get(new…
How can I use JMS Priority on a message? The priority isn’t applied by message.setJMSPriority().
Referring to JMS documentation here, you can see that client applications cannot use this method. To set the priority of the message to be published, you can either configure a default priority value for the Producer: producer.setPriority(priorityLevel), or with producer.send(message, deliveryMode, priorityLevel) to set it…
What username will Bridge use if no username is mentioned?
Hi, I created two bridges on the same appliance for two different VPN's from two different software brokers for two different VPN's, I haven't mentioned client username in both the bridges. And I observed that one of the bridge is using #client-username and the other is using default. There are no configuration changes as…
Request/Reply with dynamic topics after authenticating with Oauth2
Hye guys, I' ve set up a request/reply in using the message gateway. Everything runs fine. Now I want my user first to authenticate on my keycloak server and then make the request/reply just for his user. But there are 2 things not completely clear to me. Do I have to do this with a dynamic queue or topic that includes for…
JCSMP send timeout?
With the JCSMP api, the XMLMessageProducer.send(...) method blocks while the client is reconnecting to the broker. In a situation where the broker is unavailable for a while and the client is continually reconnecting, is there any way (or common practice) to implement a timeout on the send? I'd like to be able to fail or…
Default vs Compressed Connection
Hello everyone! While using the solace pubsub+ broker on docker as a localhost, I noticed a very strange observation. The default connection performs better than the compressed connection: Whereas, while using the cloud broker, the observation is opposite: Since the compressed connection compresses messages before sending,…
Is it allowed to include C libs in a public Git repository?
Hi, I'm creating a tool that reads messages from Solace and saves them to a database. I'm using Solace C SDK from Rust. I manually downloaded Solace libraries from https://solace.com/downloads/?fwp_downloads=solace-apis Now I would like to publish my tool to a public Git repository. But since it won't compile without the…
Purge or Delete Queue message via C#.net
We have few application services currently using Message Queue and currently transitioning to use Solace Messaging. In .Net Message Queue, it has a feature the Purge all the Messages. These application services require to Purge all messages when it is starting. I do aware Solace Application do have this in Queues -> Queue…
Production level Use Case of using Solace Event portal
@marc I am currently working on design and solutioning of event driven platform and we have done couple of POC on solace pub sub portal. I would like to know more on solace event driven portal designer tool . Like 1) How designer tool can be used to design E2E solution like on-boarding of application in event driven portal…
SolAdmin worked fine for years but after an upgrade I’m getting the error “cannot find javaw”.
As of version 8.17, SolAdmin no longer comes bundled with a Java Runtime Environment. Please ensure Java 8 (1.8) or later is installed on the platform where SolAdmin will run. The specific error indicates that "javaw.exe" is not in the system PATH environment variable. Please follow below steps to add the path to java to…
TTL - Message Expiry check on the queue..
If TTL on a message is set to 180secs (say), wondering when the expiry is checked and removal of expired events occur? Just curious how the following scenarios are handled: a) If DMQ is enabled, the dequeue from current queue and enqueue on the DMQ has to occur at the exact time when the message expired, right? b) If no…
Best Practices Gems here folks
I'm not sure if this has been shared before, but I don't see any harm of popping this up to the surface for all of us. This is where we put a compilation of best practices for different areas around designing an event driven architecture with Solace. Enjoy! https://docs.solace.com/best-practices.htm
C++, Max clients exceeded for queue
Hi, I would like to send Guaranteed messages to a queue and then read them back within a C++ project. I have managed to create a session (solClient_session_create), then I created a transacted session (solClient_session_createTransactedSession). When creating a flow (solClient_transactedSession_createFlow), I get the…
Test REST Consumers against a Mock
Hello, I am trying to test the following scenario: I publish a mesage to a topic called rest, and then A rest Consumer picks that mesasge up and sends it to the mock server. Is this scenario possible? If so, i'll be running a postman mock and Solace will be running localy on Docker(I think i might run into some ssl…
How to get ReplicationGroupMessageId for message replay with Spring cloud stream
Hi , I was trying to find replayMsgId in message header using spring cloud stream , i printed all header which i received but not able to find any values as "rmid1:0117b-75462900ca8-00000000-00135082" Headers which i got as below: * solace_senderTimestamp --1628606024803 * solace_expiration -- 0 * deliveryAttempt -- 1 *…
Why are all of my message-VPNs appearing as down on the backup appliance after an upgrade?
Starting in SolOS 9.1, a Message VPN state will appear as Down with the reason Not Active if the broker is not in the Redundancy Local Active state. Previously, the VPN would show as Up regardless of the redundancy state. This will apply to all VPNs on the standby broker. After a failover the VPNs will transition to Up.
MQTT connection to PubSub+ cloud
I have a working Solace instance running in Docker and I can connect using MQTT. Recently I configured a cloud service and I get NOT_AUTHORIZED when I try to connect to the MQTT service. The host, username and password are OK. I tried with wrong ones and then I get different errors (BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD and "Name or…
Possible to track message ids ??
Hi solace support team, We are using solace hardware Appliance 3560, is it possible to track each and every message ids in solace?? If yes please let me know..
Proxy Solace Connection
Hi, Can we create proxy solace in our local to store the messages/data? Thanks, Prasoon
synchronizing onComplete event for a solcache subscribe request
Happy new year all, I want to find a way to synchronize the onComplete callback for a solcache sub request. cacheSession.sendCacheRequest(reqId, solaceTopic, true, CacheLiveDataAction.FLOW_THRU, new CacheRequestListener() { @Override public void onException(Long arg0, Topic arg1, JCSMPException arg2) { LOG.error("Consumer…
show debug commands
Hi, show debugCOMMAND:debug [process-name <process-name>] [process-instance <process-instance>] [timeout <seconds>] <command> [<parameter-list>]DESCRIPTION:Show internal debug informationMINIMUM REQUIRED SCOPE/ACCESS LEVEL:global/read-onlyPARAMETERS:<command> [string] - Debug command to execute.<parameter-list> [string] -…
SDK Warning while using Solace C API
Hello everyone, I am new to using Solace. I am trying to execute the sample HelloWorldPub and HelloWorldSub applications as downloaded from the Solace C API. When I try to run them, I get the following output: HelloWorldPub: HelloWorldPub initializing... SDK WARNING Fri Jan 29 16:47:17.960 2021 solClientSSL.c:2264…
Solace Developer Spotlight: Dunith Dhanushka
Hometown: Galle, Sri Lanka (2 hours of driving from Colombo, the capital.) Years of being a developer: 12 Primary programming language(s): Java and Python How did you start as a developer? I started my programming career back in 2005 with Visual Basic 6. I was playing around with the GUI-based applications first. Then I…
how retries works in RDP
When message delivery got failure due to 503/504 does redelivery count will decrease or it will ignore that attempt? Ex: we have set 5 redelivery attempt and 3 times we got 503 for same message then does this means now it will do 2 attempts only.
How to check the publisher of a TOPIC?
Hi All, Can you please share a command or SEMP query to get the publisher client details for a particular topic? We can view the sender of a queue using ingress flow on the client but I don't see any option for a topic publisher in soladmin/pubsub+ manager.