Missing implementation in MessagingServiceClientBuilder
I wanted to use a PersistentMessageReceiver receiver for my client as it can connect to a queue (instead of a topic) and messages can be acknowledged. I'm using solace-messaging-client-0.0.5-dev.584.jar where MessagingServiceClientBuilder class is returning null for the method createPersistentMessageReceiverBuilder (). Is…
Solace/Boomi moves all messages to DMQ if a single message fails after x retries
It appears that our Solace test instance moves all messages to the DMQ if a single message fails after x retries. Example: Queue X contains 100 messages Queue X settings: retries = 3 Boomi listener retrieves 1 message from the queue, which fails. Then Boomi retries the messages 3 times (OK), but then Solace moves all 100…
Unable to connect with Solace Rest API with springboot
I have given host as "https://mrkly8kq4hu2y.messaging.solace.cloud:9443" along with Msg-VPN, username and password but when i start the springboot application i am getting error "Invalid scheme "https" in host "https://mrkly8kq4hu2y.messaging.solace.cloud:9443"
Subscription concurrency to speed up data consumption
Hi, In solace I pre-configured a Non-exclusive queue and now trying to consume data in spring cloud steam app , by providing spring.cloud.stream.bindings.fn-name.consumer.concurrency=4 , In logs i can see it's trying to start four subscriber but all four are getting timed out. If we make this number as 1 or remove this…
FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received)
Hi All, When I try to configure Solace for multiple VPN connections, I am getting below exception while publishing message to ConsumerFlow. Please help. "FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received), ignoring. Could not reply for correlationId: 3926add4-4aab-4472-b7ab-4d460e0ecf30","exception"
Why won’t my Solace Enterprise application reconnect after an HA failover?
Make sure that your reconnect retry value is not set too low or too high. It is recommended that you have your application attempt to reconnect for at least 5 minutes as follows: * connect retries: 1 * reconnect retries: 20 * reconnect retry wait: 3,000 ms * connect retries per host: 5 Be careful with JMS! These settings…
webmethods JMS - Solace Integration
This document give basic Integration steps on Integrating webmethods with Solace Event broker for Pub-sub
BOOMI : Publish Events to PubSub+ with custom headers & Listen to events and get headers
I write this post to share how to do the following things in Boomi : * Publish a message to Solace with custom headers * Listen for message and get the headers, parsing the custom headers stored in "userProperties" header Boomi is an iPaaS solution (other well known iPaaS : TIBCO Cloud Integration, Mulesoft) You can read…
Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for OpenMAMA releases
The following has been released and is available for download: * Solace PubSub+ Messaging API for OpenMAMA Please refer to the product release notes for information on new features, changed functionality, resolved issues, known issues and upgrade considerations. Release Summary The following fix has been introduced…
FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received)
Hi All, When I try to configure Solace for multiple VPN connections, I am getting below exception while publishing message to ConsumerFlow. Please help. "FlowHandle received incoming message (flow stopped or duplicate received), ignoring. Could not reply for correlationId: 3926add4-4aab-4472-b7ab-4d460e0ecf30","exception"
Info log entry pollutinq application logs
I am in the process of evaluating Solace as an alternative to Kafka. Reason for this is that Kafka does not support XA transactions and in some scenarios we lost messages. I installed downloaded and managed to successfully start Solace message broker locally in aa docker container. One of our applications successfully…
How to realise the application and event created in event portal?
Hi All, I have created application domain with various applications and event in solace portal. But I am not sure how to deploy and make these applications workable. Do we need deploy it somewhere.
[Blog post for developers] Using Delayed Delivery Queues in Your Event Mesh to Implement Timers
When building an application using a microservices architecture, it is much easier to horizontally scale those microservices – i.e, adding more service instances on demand – when those microservices are stateless. However, implementing timers can be a challenge. How can you “set aside” an event to be processed later,…
Correct handling of keepalive with go-amqp
Hi Solace Community, as long as the SMF API for golang is not available, we would like to create a reference implementation using golang with AMQP and PubSub+. Instead of QPID, we want to use https://github.com/Azure/go-amqp, because it does not require C bindings and looks way more easy to handle. The example on github…
How to use Solace-Kafka-Connectors in a Kubernetes distributed environment
Hi, I'm trying to connect my solace broker, running in a kubernetes cluster on a cloud provider, with my kafka pods also running in kubernetes on another cloud provider. In order to do so (using the solace-kafka-connectors) do i need to create my own kafka image with the connectors already inside and configured? or is…
Solace Developer Spotlight: Naman Mathur
Hometown: Rajasthan, India Live in: Pune, Maharashtra, India Primary programming language(s): Little bit of Java, but mostly its integration platforms. I discovered MuleSoft 2 years ago and currently am working with Solace PubSub+ as well. How did you start as a developer? It started when I was in my college doing small…
Configuring Solace with Ansible : ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'solace_client_username'
Hi there, I am trying to use Ansible to configure solace (create client usernames and acl-profles) however i get an Error (at least one right now). The error says: ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'solace_client_username'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.The error…
[Weekly Quizzicles] When Replay is initiated on a queue, what happens?
Unable to get connection from spring boot application
I am in the process of evaluating solace as an alternative to Kafka which we use as an integration bus at the moment to connect our spring boot micro services. Reason Kafka does not support XA and we had situations when we were losing messages. I am running a solace docker container on port 8283 and I am able to connect to…
measure size of queued messages - how identify how many messages >10k shipped ?
measure size of queued messages. How identify how many messages >10k shipped ? i only see the queue but not the size of message. show queue ...
Subscribing to EVENTS published by Broker
Under the reserved topics section of docs - have a question This is pretty close to tracking lifecycle changes of Broker managed objects as events at runtime, really great. However, I did not receive any events even with a wild-card subscription '#LOG/>' in 'try-me' tab on the PS+ manager tool. The doc says - "Subscribed…
New Tutorial Available - Spring Cloud Streams
A new tutorial has been posted to the Solace Samples pages! Be sure to check it out. https://tutorials.solace.dev/spring/spring-cloud-stream/
Not able to connect with cloud API from cloud Event Broker
I have one Spring Boot API deployed in Heroku which I am trying to connect from Solace Cloud PubSub Broker.. I am trying to create one REST Consumers and putting HOST and PORT of my Heroku Deployed Application. But the Operation State is Down. But when I run event broker on my local, docker way, its connecting properly.…
Config-Sync not successful after failover to backup node
Hello All Recently we have issue on config-sync in Solace HA setup. solace usual setup with primary / backup / Monitor. there is no issue with Redundancy, when we move primary to backup. The same time Config-sync show down one of the environment. same setup with 5 set of solace HA was up and running no issue. except the…
SolAdmin releases
Version This maintenance release of SolAdmin includes: * The Commons Collections component was updated to address CVE-2015-6420 and CVE-2017-15708 and internal test code that included a hard-coded secret was removed. (reference # SOL-38177) * SolAdmin now uses Pre-emptive Basic Negotiation when sending requests to…
[Weekly Quizzicles] How many days can a message be left unconsumed in a Solace queue?
Solace Topic Endpoint - Non exclusive, Guaranteed delivery
Hi , I want to create a topic endpoint which will allow message persistence in the topic endpoint , allow multiple consumers and assures guaranteed delivery of messages. Topic endpoint will be subscribed only to one topic I am planning to create durable topic endpoint for the same. Is this the right approach? As per the…
Not getting data from Queue while consumed using Spring Boot ,But Solace end its showing data sent
I am facing while consume(""q-51685-stavi-pymt-rtgs-outward") the data from Solace queue not getting any data , but in Solace its showing data consumed , its happening in System integration Testing. While publishing we are able to publish the data in 2 different topics to Solace. Already 2 days gone our solace team also…
Automating configuration with cli scripts
Hi, Is there an option to automate configuration scripts written with cli commands. For example: enableconfiguremessage-pool message-vpn defaultcreate queue <MYQUEUE>no shutdownexitexitexit Having a file create_queue.sh with above statements and execute a command something like: solacectl cli create_queue.sh. Is there any…
Logstash input and output plugins for Solace
Hi everyone! Just a quick note to say that I've started writing some dedicated/native plugins for Logstash using JCSMP, both an input plugin (reads messages off Solace and injects into Logstash), and output plugin (takes Logstash events and publishes as Solace messages). Logstash has been around forever, and integrates…